TAI Faculty Named Judge for Ethics Awards Program

Dr. Carrie La Ferle, Professor of Advertising for the Temerlin Advertising Institute, has been selected as a judge for the upcoming Greater Dallas Business Ethics Awards Program 2016. The selection of judges is based on demonstration and commitment to ethical practices, and include accomplished professionals representing the business, academic, public service, and consulting communities. Read her thoughts on being selected as a judge below:


“I am honored to participate as a judge in the Greater Dallas Business Ethics Awards. It is very rewarding to see businesses wanting to be more and do more for their employees, business associates, customers and the community at large. The companies that compete for this award are working to put integrity in business first, treating people as having value and not as a means to an end while also growing their businesses through trust and long term relationships. It is exciting to be a member of a city where ethics and integrity are on the hearts and minds of many of the businesses working to shape our economy and our communities.”


The Greater Dallas Business Ethics Award was founded in 2000 and honors Dallas-based companies that demonstrate a measurable commitment to ethical business practices in everyday operations, management philosophies and responses to crises or challenges.   The purpose of the GDBEA is to hold those businesses up as examples and provide guidance and support to companies that wish to improve their ability to operate ethically and ensure ethics are an integral part of their culture.

Learning Centuries-Old Techniques with Digital Technology

by Cheryl Mendenhall MendenhallCheryl

In all of my classes you will hear me talking about the invention of the movable-type printing press by Johannes Gutenberg back in the 15th century. Movable type had been used in Asia hundreds of years earlier but Gutenberg’s methods made production much easier. His invention revolutionized printing, distribution of printed materials and influenced the development of typography. Printing methods did not change, albeit a few improvements, for hundreds of years. But as new printing methods finally came about, letterpress began to fade and all but disappeared in the 1980s with the rise of the computer. It has now seen a revival as the look of handcrafted pieces has become popular again – especially for invitations, stationery and posters.


We are so used to instant printing now that I wanted students to get a feel for what the letterpress printing process entailed. A field trip to a letterpress shop would be ideal but hard to accomplish with an 80 minute class in the middle of the day. I have however been able to bring a little bit of the experience to class by using of all things the iPad. I think it’s interesting to be able to use digital technology to experience something from centuries ago. We do miss the tactile aspect of the printing, but students are able to get a sense of how to compose a piece for the press. Imagine having to place each letter individually on the press bed. And add on top of that it needs to be upside down and read left to right. Not an easy task. Even with its complications, the students create some really fun pieces in a short amount of time. Working with Meadows to supply iPads for the activity, I’ve been able to use a new technology to help students experience a very old technology.

Below are some examples from my classes


Executive Internships 2016: Marin Berardi

In the final semester of the Temerlin Advertising Institute’s MA in Advertising program, students work in an executive internship with a Dallas agency. Read Marin’s story below:

Marin Berardi: TM Advertising

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Instead of writing a few paragraphs about what I’ve been up to at my internship this semester, I wanted to explain what a day in the life of a TM Account Management Intern is really like. Since TM is located in the same building as the WFAA News Channel 8, just in front of American Airlines Center, I am usually greeted every morning by something unexpected as I walk up the Victory Plaza stairs to 3030 Olive St. Some days it’s the Dallas Stars mascot getting fans hyped for a game and some days there are five dogs being filmed in hopes of getting adopted. Once I make my way to the fourth floor and get to my desk, I check my calendar to get ready for any meetings I have that day. If it’s a Tuesday, I will be attending weekly status conference calls between the agency and the client, such as American Airlines Credit Union or Captain D’s, so we can recap the current status of all projects and also go over the next steps for both the client and agency teams.

At any given time, each client has multiple projects in the works, which require our account management team to ensure creative briefs are executed on time and feedback is provided from the client so the creative team can craft their revisions until both teams are satisfied with the piece. Once a project has gone through multiple rounds of revisions and has been approved by each person involved internally (account manager, project manager, art director, print producer, and proof reader), we schedule a mechanical release meeting that ensures everything is double-checked and is ready to be printed.

While these day-to-day tasks consume most of my day, I have also been given the opportunity to sit in on media meetings, food photo shoots, agency training sessions, and have been introduced to the very complex world of T&R (talent and residuals). My internship at TM has not only been immensely helpful in putting what I have learned in the classroom to use, but also in teaching me aspects of the advertising industry that simply cannot be taught in a classroom. The occasional surprise breakfast tacos, Friday morning putt-putt tournaments, and the beautiful office all collectively create a culture at TM that makes coming to work everyday extremely easy. But without a doubt, it is the employees and the people I have had the opportunity to work with who make TM a remarkable place to work and who have made my time here invaluable. It is no wonder they have been on Ad Age’s Best Places to Work from 2012 to 2015.

Dr. Hye Jin Yoon Speaks at Pre-Conference Panel and Presents Paper at the 2016 American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference in Seattle

by Hye Jin Yoon

AAA Seattle Logo

American Academy of Advertising is the flagship organization in the field of advertising and its conference attracts the most prominent advertising scholars, professionals, and students in the U.S. They held the conference in Seattle at the coveted Marriott Waterfront Hotel this year. The hotel was at a walking distance from the Pike Place Market and the official conference tour was at the Chihuly Garden and Glass and the Space Needle. The location thrilled the attendees and it set the bar high for the Boston and New York AAA conferences that was announced to be held in the upcoming years.

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This year, one of the pre-conference sessions was “Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know About All Aspects of the academic Publication Process, but Never Asked.” I was fortunate enough to be invited as a speaker on one of the panels. I remember attending a similar session at the conference many years ago when I was a doctoral student and was able to get some great tips on how to conduct research and publish papers. So it felt good to be able to give back to the community by presenting some information on “How to Write Publishable Papers.” The sessions were filled with speakers who are prominent and reputable researchers and educators in the field of advertising and marketing. The editors from the major advertising publications, Journal of Advertising (Shintaro Okazaki), International Journal of Advertising (Ray Taylor), Journal of Advertising Research (John Ford), and Journal of Interactive Advertising (Terry Daugherty), opened the pre- conference, discussing the aims of their journals as well as what distinguishes successful and unsuccessful manuscripts.

March Blog Posting Pic 2I also presented my paper titled “Creating the Mood for Humor: The Effects of Arousal Mood States in Humor Advertising.” As a humor advertising researcher, this project took many years in the making as it was a topic I wanted to pursue during my doctoral student years. Years went by and I was never able to get back to it, until I realized that it looks at one of the most fundamental features of the humor process and had to be revisited. Humor can be an effective advertising tool in increasing attention, ad liking, brand liking, and purchase intention. Arousal (by way of surprise) generation has been recognized as a key process in creating humor. Past studies have yet to test factors that could increase the felt arousal, subsequently increasing perceived humor and reactions to the ad. This study tested the idea of increasing humor ad arousal by changing the initial arousal baseline. I was able to find that lower arousal mood primes (vs. higher arousal mood primes) lead to greater humor ad evaluations across three experiments. The theoretical implications for humor theory and advertising and practical implications for placement and design of humor ads were given.

March Blog Posting Pic 1All in all, it was a successful conference to me personally that provided lots of education, inspiration, and opportunity for growth. Conferences are as meaningful and fruitful as the attendee makes it. Taking on new challenges and responsibilities, actively networking with new people, serving on new committees, and learning from others’ work will surely be an energizing experience for students and new scholars. And of course, it doesn’t hurt if the locations are at awesome places such as Seattle!


Executive Internships 2016: Jing Jin

In the final semester of the Temerlin Advertising Institute’s MA in Advertising program, students work in an executive internship with a Dallas agency. Read Jing’s story below:

Jing Jin: Swimming Duck


I’ve been feeling truly fortunate for the opportunity to work at Swimming Duck from my first day. This is a place that’s all about efficiency, mutual respect, doing the right thing and having a great time together. I started as an account management intern in February, and so far it’s been a great experience. Up to this point, I’ve worked on multiple research projects, which has helped me understand the importance and application of research; I’ve also sourced content ideas for clients’ social accounts, which enabled me to see the actual difficulty in managing social media.

I look forward to the days ahead because I know I will get to learn something new about the advertising business every day. Even better, I am working with wonderful people!

Executive Internships 2016: Erica Chiarello

In the final semester of the Temerlin Advertising Institute’s MA in Advertising program, students work in an executive internship with a Dallas agency. Read Erica’s story below:

Erica Chiarello: Commerce House

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My executive internships have allotted me the opportunity to work with clients like the Nature Conservancy, National Basketball Referee Association, and Mariano’s Hacienda. My first executive internship, taught me the value of direct marketing and how important it is within advertising to create personal relationships with your target audience.  As I begin my second executive internship at the Commerce House as a social media intern, I am learning how to properly engage with consumers.  My internship entails writing blog posts, social media entries, and working on video content to promote Mariano’s Hacienda and draw attention and humanize the NBA referees. I chose TAI because of their executive internship program and it has far exceeded my expectations.  My executive internships have allowed me to take the information that I have learned in class and apply it in a real world setting.  I am fortunate to have this opportunity and to work with such amazing people and clients.

TAI Faculty nominated for the 2016 Emerging Leaders Seminar Series

by Sidharth Muralidharan 


This Spring, I was nominated by Dr. Sam Holland, Dean of the Meadows School of the Arts, to attend the 2016 Emerging Leaders Weekly Seminar Series. Each Friday, leaders from the SMU Community present and hold group discussions with the goal of providing an overview about the challenges of running a large university. The program provides selected faculty, such as myself, the opportunity to supplement our disciplinary knowledge by learning from our campus leaders about their careers and perspectives within an informal group setting that is very much unique. The goals of the seminar are two-fold: participating faculty will develop and refine our own interests pursuing intellectual and administrative leadership positions and SMU will benefit from the ongoing contributions of engaged, informed faculty thought leaders.