Rethinking Pink: TAI Students Place Fourth Overall, Win Best Promotional Strategy for Client Mary Kay at District National Student Advertising Competition

2014 SMU NSAC AwardThe National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC) team from SMU competed in the American Advertising Federation (AAF) District 10 regional competition in Austin, Texas on April 17. They placed fourth overall and took home the Best Promotional Strategy trophy in what turned out to be a pressure filled, highly competitive event. The SMU NASC team, taught by Brice Campbell, Executive-in-Residence, and Willie Baronet, Visiting Executive-in-Residence, has been hard at work since the beginning of the Spring 2014 semester when they began doing preliminary research and strategy development for Mary Kay, this year’s national client. Using the tagline #RETHINKPINK, the team created a cohesive and memorable campaign designed to change the perception of Mary Kay among young women 18-25 years old. Students focused their efforts in Account Management, Account Planning, Traditional and Social Media, Research, Promotions, Public, and Creative (including casting and photographing the women featured in the ads), producing a comprehensive campaign executed solely by them.

2014 RethinkPink Ad designed by NSAC Creative Team
2014 RethinkPink Ad designed by NSAC Creative Team

Willie Baronet reflected on the experience, stating, “as a first time faculty in this competition I was overwhelmed by the amount of work required of the students. And impressed by the opportunities they had to present in front of industry leaders, as well as members of the Mary Kay marketing team.” All members of the 2014 SMU NSAC team are pursuing a BA in Advertising from the Temerlin Advertising Institute (TAI). Advertising majors are required to complete ADV 4399 Advertising Campaigns as part of their curriculum. This class combines major advertising theories with practice, allowing students to develop and present an advertising campaign to a real client based on current advertising challenges that the client is facing. Students that take Advertising Campaigns during the Spring semester have the opportunity to participate in the National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC). Recent NSAC clients include Glidden Paint (2013) and JCPenney (2012).

Please join the Temerlin Advertising Institute (TAI) in congratulating this year’s SMU NSAC team on their outstanding work and accomplishments!

2014 SMU NSAC Team Members and Faculty
2014 SMU NSAC Team Members and Faculty

Members of the 2014 SMU NSAC team are: (Students) Amelia Ambrose, Katie Bernet, Anne-Marie Clegg, Rachel Delesk, Andrew Fennessy, Kelly Gilliland, Elizabeth Glander, Lauren Goddard, John Ross Gramentine, Ashley Gross, Emily Jedlicka, Hillary Johnson, Jaimmy Koroma, Bernabe Maldonado, Alexandra Nowlin, Margot O’Daniel, Morgan O’Hare, Mary Olson, Ari Passy, Morgan Saxer, Dustin Weil, (and Faculty) Brice Campbell, Executive-in-Residence, and Willie Baronet, Visiting Executive-in-Residence.

TAI Student Awarded Sam Bloom Memorial Scholarship from AAF Dallas

Vince Wagliardo receives Sam Bloom Memorial Scholarship

Vince Wagliardo, a senior Temerlin Advertising Institute major, was this year’s recipient of the Sam Bloom Memorial Scholarship which is awarded each Spring by the AAF Dallas Foundation. The Sam Bloom Memorial Scholarship is designed to recognize, promote and encourage academically talented students of advertising and related disciplines, helping them to complete their college studies. Reflective of the competitive world of business, the $2,000 award was granted on a comprehensive basis rather than solely by recommendation of the attending college or university of the recipient. Vince was evaluated based on work samples, application essay, recommendations, and academic record. Please join TAI in congratulating Vince on receiving this exciting award!

Creative Students Invited to Participate in National “Bus” Tour at the Dallas Art Fair

Custom Art Work on the bus by SMU Students

Leah Foster, a friend of TAI Visiting Executive-in-Residence Willie Baronet, started a National Bus Tour this past weekend at the Dallas Art Fair and several students in Baronet’s Introduction to Creativity class showed up to participate. Using paint, glitter, paper and all the many materials that Willie brought, the students got to work in redecorating the bus.

Leah Foster is an artist and currently a graduate student at School of Visual Arts (SVA) in New York, NY. She views art as a tool to bring positive change in the world. She launched this bus tour with a doctor from Botswana in an effort to raise money to start a children’s hospital. This tour is a way for the Leah and her collaborative partner Una Mulale to meet people and begin a conversation about their  approach to healthcare, collaborative process, and the children’s conference they are planning in Botswana in November of 2014. They also see the bus as a space to open authentic conversation about race, gender, and equality. To read more about her project, click here.

TAI student, Jazmin Vazquez, receives Meadows Exploration Award

vazquez 2Jazmin Vazquez wins a Meadows Exploration Award for her research study titled Distorted Beauty. Jazmin is an advertising major in the Temerlin Advertising Institute. She will travel to London this summer to engage in a 5 week study abroad program in Communication Studies. During her stay she will also work on research related to examining the manner in which women view themselves and socially construct their self-concept based on airbrushing and retouching of models in advertising. Her mentor is Dr. Carrie La Ferle of TAI who has undertaken significant research over the past few years in the area of retouching of models.

Please join TAI in congratulating Jazmin on this exciting accomplishment.