Academic Center for Excellence Academic Skill Development Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center Disability Accommodations & Success Strategies First-Generation Initiative Offices & Programs Student Academic Engagement & Success Student Academic Success Programs Student Success & Retention Tutoring University Advising Center University Foundations University Testing Center Writing Center

Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center services offered remotely on Friday, September 6

Due to the Friday, September 6th football game in Ford Stadium, the Loyd Center will require early security checks and lockdown. Therefore, all services offered in the Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center (A-LEC) will be offered as virtual options only. All staff will be remote that day. Tutoring is canceled for the day, but all other services will operate as scheduled. Please check with the individual staff member for the specific modality (ZOOM or TEAMS). Services include the Writing Center, DASS services, and academic counseling. Pony Up and beat BYU!

First-Generation Initiative Offices & Programs Student Academic Engagement & Success

SMU joins FirstGen Forward Network boosting support for first-gen students

The First-Generation Initiative (FGI) at SMU is excited to announce that the University has been accepted as a member of the FirstGen Forward Network. The FirstGen Forward Network is a program, created by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), that is “bringing together higher education leaders from around the country to share data, model innovations, and scale impact to first-generation student support.” By joining this network, SMU will be able to strengthen and enhance the value of resources that support first-generation students on campus.

SMU joined FirstGen Forward Network this summer as a Class of 2024 Network Member and commenced work at the virtual Kickoff Meeting held on June 6, 2024, that welcomed new institutions to the network. The University’s status as a Network Member is the first phase in the three-phased program. To join, SMU had to complete the Readiness and Progress Audit, an evaluation tool that collected institutional data regarding ways the University supports first-generation students, a key piece of the application process. Now accepted, SMU, championed by FGI, will form goals and strategies to complete all three program phases, ensuring that first-generation Mustangs receive the most effective support possible throughout their time on the Hilltop.

FirstGen Forward Network wordmark next to the SMU wordmark
FirstGen Forward Network X SMU

The first goal that FGI will focus on is enhancing first-generation student connections. Their strategy will address the goal in four areas:

  • Increase programmatic efforts and connection opportunities with peers, allies, faculty, campus partners, etc.
  • Increase attendance at FGI signature events.
  • Increase student contact with the FGI office through meetings with FGI staff.
  • Increase First-Generation Association student organization meetings and events.

Chris Meyers, director of the First-Generation Initiative at SMU mentioned that he was comforted by SMU’s acceptance into the FirstGen Forward Network because of the support FGI staff will receive from other professionals in similar positions across the country as they tackle these goals and scale support. “FGI has a lot of campus support at SMU, but this additional connection and resource will take us to the next level in the way we support our first-gen students,” said Meyers of SMU joining the network.

SMU faculty and staff can support the First-Generation Initiative with its goal to scale support for first-generation SMU students. Employees can become first-gen allies by filling out this survey on the FGI website. Keep an eye out for chances to participate in mentoring opportunities and join in the fun at FGI signature events.

The first FGI signature event, the annual “Welcome (Back) Reception,” was held on August 28, 2024, from 2 – 4 p.m. in the Varsity, Hughes-Trigg. This event invites supportive faculty and staff to enjoy refreshments with students as they make valuable connections with SMU employees, fellow students and campus resources.

Keep up with the work that SMU’s First-Generation Initiative is doing by following them on Instagram at @smu1stgen.

Questions? Reach out to

Academic Center for Excellence Academic Devleopment of Student-Athletes (ADSA) Academic Skill Development Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center Disability Accommodations & Success Strategies First-Generation Initiative Offices & Programs SMU in Four Student Academic Engagement & Success Student Academic Success Programs Student Success & Retention Tutoring University Advising Center University Foundations University Testing Center Writing Center

You’re invited to DASSapalooza on Thursday, August 29

The Disability Accommodations and Success Strategies (DASS) Office is inviting all DASS students, new and returning, to visit our office on the first Thursday afternoon of classes.

We’ll have great food, presentations on different topics like the benefits of coaching, a student’s perspective from our Graduate Assistant, answers to questions about how to share accommodation letters with faculty, and a demonstration for returning students on how to submit their Semester Requests.

Faculty and staff are also invited to see our physical space, ask questions about implementing accommodations, and just grab a bite to eat. All DASS staff will be available.

In addition, we need help naming our new DASS mascot. Add your suggestion on the voting board for the otter on our new “Accessibility For All” stickers.

Come see us and say hello!

Location: Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center (A-LEC) Room 202R, which is located on the 2nd floor of the Loyd All-Sports Center

Call us with any questions: 214-768-1470Cartoon otter, the mascot of DASS

Academic Skill Development Office of General Education Student Academic Engagement & Success Student Academic Success Programs Student Success & Retention

Summer Forge successfully ends their second year

Summer Forge, an academic support program at SMU, provides invited undergraduate students with financial, academic, and social support to accelerate their path to on-time graduation. This year’s cohort included 29 students, who completed courses during May Term and Summer Term to fulfill a major, minor or Common Curriculum requirement. This year’s cohort attempted over 167 credit hours during the summer, with 97% of the coursework being completed successfully. 

Summer Forge participants completed check-ins throughout the summer with Jay Guillory, Student Success & Retention, and Brittaney Wilson, Office of General Education.  Additionally, students received academic coaching in partnership with the Academic Skill Development team. Of the 29 students in the Summer 2024 cohort: 76% of students reported using the ALEC for tutoring, and 17% reported receiving support from the Writing Center. 

Here is what some students had to say about their time in the Summer Forge: 

“The Summer Forge Program allowed me to catch up on my courses without the financial worry. The program provided support to help students succeed in the accelerated course of their choice. “– Grace B. 


“Summer Forge is beneficial, as it provides students with an Academic Advisor/Counselor, access to various resources, and free treats along the way as they catch up with students.” – Muskaan B. 


“I was able to catch up on credits I lost over the past few semesters, which helped me deal with the stress of not graduating on time.” -Iyanna C. 

Summer Forge is a collaboration between the Office of Student Success and Retention, Office of Academic Skill Development, SMU in Four, Office of Student Financial Services, and Student Academic Success Programs. 

For more information, visit 

Academic Devleopment of Student-Athletes (ADSA) Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center Disability Accommodations & Success Strategies Student Academic Engagement & Success University Advising Center University Testing Center

Expanded Testing Services and Updated Policies at the University Testing Center

As we embark on our third year of operation, the UTC has news to share related to our phased opening, new policies and recertification.

Phased Opening Recap

Year three at the UTC means “phase three” of our opening that launched in August 2022.  During phase one, the center began providing accommodated testing services previously proctored by Disability Accommodations & Success Strategies (DASS). During phase two in Fall 2023, the UTC expanded testing services to student-athletes during their sport’s competition season and migrated to a new test scheduling and test management software, branded as the UTC Portal.

This summer, the UTC expanded its credit-by-exam program with new CLEP tests (College Level Examination Program) available to 2024-2025 enrollees for credit in select SMU courses.  We also partnered with Academic Advising in the delivery of non-credit placement tests in Canvas for enrollment in Chemistry, Math and Second Language courses.

This fall, our phase three services will include limited makeup testing for SMU students; revenue-based testing for non-SMU distance learners attending other institutions, professionals seeking certification and licensure; and new credit by exam testing for other institutions.

New UTC Portal Deadlines for Students and Faculty

The UTC has updated policies for student and instructor users of the UTC Portal for test registration and test submission.

Professor exam submissions must be created at least 5 business days before the testing window.  Test documents do not have to be uploaded when creating submissions but must be received at least 2 business days before the testing window.

Student test registrations must be done at least 3 business days before the testing window. Students cannot register for testing at the UTC until exam submissions are posted in the portal.  For this reason, we encourage professors to create submissions for the entire semester upon finalization of their course syllabus.  Test documents do not have to be uploaded for students to register.

User videos and step-by-step instructions for using the UTC Portal are available for both students and professors on the UTC website.  UTC staff members are available for one-on-one consultations by appointment virtually or in person during UTC operating hours, 8:00 – 4:00 p.m. weekdays.

Testing Center Recertification by the National College Testing Association (NCTA)

Finally, the UTC will apply for a 5-year recertification by the NCTA in recognition of adherence to the organization’s professional standards for exam integrity.  The UTC, due for recertification in March 2025, is one of only three institutions in the D/FW metroplex currently certified by the NCTA.

If you have questions or concerns, we are here to help.  Please email us at

Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center President’s Scholars Student Academic Success Programs Writing Center

Writing Center Lounge Adds Student Art

Our first rotating art pieces are up and running in the Writing Center.  Currently, we are displaying artwork by Nastya Shyvilka.  Not only a talented artist and President’s Scholar, Nastaya works in the A-LEC as a Russian and biology tutor.  We will have more pieces on display and a bio on Nastaya shortly.  Designed as a welcoming space for students seeking writing assistance from our faculty and staff, the Writing Center is also a lounge and we invite students to come, relax and work with other students on projects.

Office of General Education SMU in Four Student Academic Engagement & Success Student Academic Success Programs Student Success & Retention

Summer Forge returns for Summer 2024 with a 29-student cohort 

Following the successful completion of the inaugural Summer 2023 cohort, Summer Forge is back with a cohort of 29 students. Summer Forge provides invited undergraduate students with financial, academic, and social support to accelerate their path to on-time graduation.    

Invited students receive up to 8 paid semester credit hours over May, Summer, and/or August terms. To make the program more accessible, housing costs were included for non-local students. The Summer 2024 cohort consists of 29 students attempting over 167 credit hours during the summer terms. The average participant takes 6 hours to fulfill major, minor, or Common Curriculum requirements.  

Summer Forge is a collaboration between the Office of Student Success and Retention, SMU in Four, Office of Financial Aid, and Student Academic Success Programs. It reflects the university’s commitment to improving retention and graduation rates. Program Co-Directors Brittaney Wilson, General Education and Academic Appeals Coordinator, and Jay Guillory, Success Counselor in the Office of Student Success and Retention, initially identified the students based on various criteria, in addition to their commitment to complete classes in the Fall 2024 semester at SMU. They would like to thank the many advisors who recommended students and assisted with student outreach for their support.   

To kick off a successful Summer Term, Becca Umobong and Chris Meyers from Academic Skill Development led a Learning Strategies Workshop focused on: Time Management Resources and Improving Academic Success. In addition to the workshop, all students have individual academic counseling sessions. Students are also encouraged to visit the A-LEC for tutoring services across course content areas.  

Please contact Brittaney Wilson or Jay Guillory with any questions about the program.  

Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center Student Academic Engagement & Success

A-LEC is Awarded International Certification from College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA)


Southern Methodist University is pleased to announce that the Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center (A-LEC) has been awarded certification as a Level I certified tutor training program by the internationally recognized College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA).

For more than thirty years CRLA has been a leader in learning assistance, reading, and academic support programs with almost 1,300 members and over 2,000 certified training programs worldwide.

The A-LEC has worked hard to develop a tutor training program that meets CRLA’s rigorous standards and has successfully completed the International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC) peer review process. Achieving certification means that the A-LEC has met CRLA’s high standards for tutor selection, training, direct service, and evaluation as an integral part of their overall tutoring program.

Please join us in congratulating the A-LEC on a job well done.

Academic Devleopment of Student-Athletes (ADSA) Student Academic Engagement & Success Student Academic Success Programs

More than Just Game Day; its Graduation Day

SMU gathered to celebrate a remarkable group of Mustangs who have excelled not only on the field or court, but also in the classroom. These student-athletes have juggled rigorous training schedules with demanding academic pursuits, demonstrating a commitment to excellence in all areas of their lives. After hearing speeches from: Athletic Director Rick Hart, President Turner, Associate Provost Kunovich, and Raelyn Roberson (President of SAAC, and executive officer of BSAAC); we honored the 98 of student-athletes graduating this commencement year. 

SMU is renowned for its commitment to student-athlete success, and this graduating class is a testament to that. Many have achieved impressive academic feats while balancing the demands of their sports and dedicating free time to their professional or community development. Take, for example, Brooke Frazier’s internship with the Dallas Stars or Avery Bethel’s internship with Parklife. We are so proud of the accomplishments of our seniors!

The Biggest Game Day: Graduation  

As these graduating student-athletes step off the graduation stage and into the next chapter, they carry with them the invaluable lessons learned on the playing field and in the classroom.  Graduation is a public display of academic achievement, while the big game is a display of athletic prowess. Both are moments to showcase the culmination of years of hard work. Their experiences at SMU have instilled in them discipline, teamwork, and a thirst for knowledge – all qualities that will serve them well in their future endeavors. We hope that during their four years at SMU, we have prepared them for life’s challenges.  

The Academic Development of Student-Athletes (ADSA) are incredibly proud of our graduating student-athletes. They are an inspiration to all Mustangs, a testament to the well-rounded education offered at the university, and a symbol of what hard work and dedication can achieve.

Congratulations, Class of 2024! 

*Students listed multiple times have earned more than one degree 

Name Sport Major Program 
Adley,Macey Noelle Rowing Marketing – BBA UGCOX
Allen,Kameron Football Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Allen,Louis Huntley Tennis M Management – MSMGT MGTM
Ambrose-Hylton,Keon Jeremiah Basket M Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Anderson,Lily E Equestrian Operations Research – MS EMISM
Baker,Emily Victoria Rowing Management – MSMGT MGTM
Bilafer,Lauren Ann Marie Rowing Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Bryant,Marcus Dennard Football Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Butler,Lance Austin Swimming M Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Chou,Megan Megumi Golf W Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Clark,Warren Callaway Tennis M General Business – BBA UGCOX
Coffey,Tyler L Swimming M Data Science – BS UGENG
Coffey,Tyler L Swimming M Management Science – BS UGENG
Colomer Vila,Jordina Soccer W Management – BBA UGCOX
Crowley,Jessamine White Cross C-W Philosophy – BA DCII
Crowley,Jessamine White Cross C-W Economics – BS DCII
Crowley,Jessamine White Cross C-W Statistical Science – BS DCII
Crowley,Jessamine White Track O-W Statistical Science – BS DCII
Cullen,Celia Olzem Volley Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Culver,John William Swimming M Economics – BA UGCOX
Culver,John William Swimming M Finance – BBA UGCOX
Dallmann,Jelldrik Soccer M Finance – MSF FINM
Davenport,Tess Elizabeth Golf W Management – MSMGT MGTM
DeLaGarza,Katherine Elizabeth Equestrian Accounting – BBA UGCOX
Dermott,Abigail Rose Soccer W Biochemistry – BS DCII
Dickinson,Isabella Marie Swimming W Finance – BBA UGCOX
Dobson,Olivia Faye Track I-W Psychology – BA UGSIM
Dobson,Olivia Faye Track I-W Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Doyle,Hadley Shaye Tennis W Management – MSMGT MGTM
Ensley,Anne C Rowing Markets & Culture – BA DCII
Ervin,Cameron Jonathan Football Computer Science – MS CSEM
Feehery,Colin Bridgewater Swimming M Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Gearin,Kaitlyn Ann Cross C-W Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Glover,Alexandria Jean Volley Management – MSMGT MGTM
Gudmundsdottir,Johanna Elin Swimming W Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Hargrove,Prather Anne Swimming W Psychology – BA DCII
Hargrove,Prather Anne Swimming W Educational Studies – BS DCII
Hart,Alexandra Grace Rowing Management – BBA UGCOX
Head,Chalyce Dianne Equestrian Psychology – BA DCII
Hemsley,Zairyn Delanne Volley Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Hickman,Branson Lee Football Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Hilts,Micah Nathaniel Football Management – MSMGT MGTM
Hoagland,Jack Walker Swimming M Finance – MSF FINM
Huth,Winslow E Tennis W Data Science – BS UGENG
Huth,Winslow E Tennis W Management Science – BS UGENG
Johnson,Taylor Tennis W Management – MSMGT MGTM
Jolly,Jasmine Simone Track I-W Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Jones,Angel Marie Volley Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Jones,Tamia A Basket W Economics w/ Fina Appl – BS DCII
Jordan,Katherine Hannah Swimming W Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Kearns,Nya Kenlee Equestrian Management – BBA UGCOX
Koulibaly,Jefferson Bakr Basket M Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Krall,Liam Eric Tennis M Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Lanier,Emory Jaali Basket M Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Lavine,Tyler Davies Football Liberal Studies – MLS MLS
Lavine,Tyler Davies Football Organizational Dynamics – CNC MLS
Lewis,Madeleine C Swimming W Biological Sciences – BS DCII
Madden,Taylor June Equestrian Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Manganello,Alyssandra Camille Rowing Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Mavor,Lana Sharon Tennis W Management – MSMGT MGTM
McCormick,Evan Scott Swimming M Finance – BBA UGCOX
Mierswa,Leoni Cross C-W Psychology – BS DCII
Montandon,Mackenzie Jordan Cross C-W Biological Sciences – BS DCII
Montandon,Mackenzie Jordan Track O-W Biological Sciences – BS DCII
Nielson,Caroline Nicole Equestrian Business Analytics – MSBA BUSNM
Nieves,Samantha Lynn Soccer W Accounting – BBA UGCOX
Ohlinger,Lauren Elizabeth Volley Management – MSMGT MGTM
Olajide,Oluwafunminiyi Inioluwa Track I-W Economics – BS DCII
Olajide,Oluwafunminiyi Inioluwa Track O-W Statistical Science – BS DCII
Olsen,Mia Diane Cross C-W Biochemistry – BS DCII
Olsen,Mia Diane Cross C-W Health and Society – BS DCII
Olson,Madeline Layne Golf W Bus Analytics Spply Ch – BBA UGCOX
Padilla,Alexander Michael Football Liberal Studies – MLS MLS
Padilla,Alexander Michael Football Organizational Dynamics – CNC MLS
Parkinson,Maxine Mio Swimming W Biological Sciences – BS DCII
Parnell,Cole Anderson Swimming M Civil Engineering – BSCE UGENG
Parr,Logan Riley Becht Football Management – MSMGT MGTM
Perdue,Dalton Edward Football Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Roberson,Raelyn Track I-W Biological Sciences – BA UGSIM
Roberson,Raelyn Track I-W Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Schifano,John Football Economics – BA DCII
Sillman,Kyle Joshua Tennis M Finance – MSF FINM
Smith,Marcus Harrison Football Creative Computing – BA UGART
Smith,Tyreek S. Basket M Humanities – CNC MLS
Smith,Tyreek S. Basket M Liberal Studies – MLS MLS
Soderquist,Macie Lawren Equestrian General Business – BBA UGCOX
Sparks,Benjamin Adams Football Economics – BA DCII
Stambo,Nicole Taylor Swimming W Management – MSMGT MGTM
Szeryk,Eleanor Eileen Golf W Political Science – BA DCII
Valenzuela,Alexis Marc Alberto Golf M Political Science – BA DCII
Vandenbussche,Indra Swimming W Mechanical Engineering – BSME UGENG
VanderHagen,Mya Rose Swimming W Biochemistry – BS DCII
Vivier,Nicole Jade Golf W Computer Science – BS UGENG
Watson,Jenna Nicole Swimming W Spanish – BA UGCOX
Watson,Jenna Nicole Swimming W Finance – BBA UGCOX
Williams,Whitney Leeann Track I-W Psychology – BA UGSIM
Williams,Whitney Leeann Track I-W Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Williamson,Samuell Stephen Basket M Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Wood,Sarah Joan Rowing Biological Sciences – BS DCII
Yang,Alex Yu-Chen Tennis M Finance – MSF FINM
Yao,Kaichun Football Finance – BBA UGCOX
Young,Jackson Dallas Basket M Applied Phys & Sport Mgmt – BS UGSIM
Zimmerman,Taylor Anne Equestrian Management – MSMGT MGTM
Zisette,John Tennis M Finance – BBA UGCOX
Academic Devleopment of Student-Athletes (ADSA) Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center Disability Accommodations & Success Strategies Student Academic Engagement & Success University Advising Center University Testing Center

Expanded CLEP Testing now available at the University Testing Center

The University Testing Center is pleased to offer expanded CLEP (College Level Examination Program) testing beginning June 2024.

Testing is available by appointment to any SMU student or community member seeking academic credit. At SMU, course credit is awarded when a score of 60 points or above out of 80 possible points is achieved. Community members may also test at SMU and send scores to other colleges and universities for credit.

SMU gives credit for CLEP subject examinations based on the specified minimum scores below*.  American Government, Financial Accounting and History of the U.S. I and II are only available to incoming students under the 2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog and are not available to continuing students.


Score (out of 80)

Credit Hours

Course(s) Credited

Common Curriculum Requirements Satisfied

American Government



Generic Credit – TBD Social & Behavioral Science (SBS)
American Literature



ENGL 20XX None
English Literature



ENGL 20YY None
Financial Accounting



Generic Credit – TBD Quantitative Applications (QA)
History of the US I



Generic Credit – TBD Historical Contexts (HC)
History of the US II



Generic Credit – TBD Historical Contexts (HC)



ECO 1312 Quantitative Applications (QA)



ECO 1311 Quantitative Applications (QA)

*The above credit table is subject to change and applies to the 2024 Undergraduate Catalog.


  • All tests are administered on campus, in person.  Remote CLEP administrations are not conducted at the UTC.
  • Students must register and pay for a CLEP test on the College Board website, indicating SMU as the testing site and score recipient.
  • Testing seats are reserved using the UTC Portal.  The CLEP test administration fee charged by the testing center is waived for current SMU students, with a modest charge for community members.
  • Students must bring their College Board CLEP Registration Form and SMU ID card to their testing appointment at the UTC.

After Testing

When testing is complete, students will receive a preliminary score report from UTC staff.  Scores will also be available in the My CLEP Student Account portal on the CLEP website.  Final, official CLEP score reports will be sent directly from the College Board to the SMU Registrar, where course credit will be awarded with a qualifying score.

For more information, visit the University Testing Center or the College Board FAQs for CLEP.