Academic Skill Development Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center Student Academic Engagement & Success Student Academic Success Programs

Academic Skill Development: Supporting students through finals preparation tools & workshops

The Academic Skill Development team is ready to assist students in preparing to successfully finish the semester and complete finals! There are a number of ways students may receive support. Students may attend a Preparing for Finals workshop, find and use our finals preparation tools online at, and/or schedule and attend academic counseling.

We encourage students to set aside time to:

  • assess what they have left to accomplish in the semester
  • determine how to complete remaining coursework and prepare for final assessments (Not sure how to do so effectively? Ask us!)
  • plan and write down specifically what they need to do, then plan and schedule when they will do it

Remember, the Academic Skill Development team is here to help with finals preparation and many other topics!


Student Academic Engagement & Success

Help SMU Students Dress for Success with Donations to Career Closet!

The Hegi Family Career Development Center, Cox School of Business, and the Student Affairs Office of Social Change and Intercultural Engagement are thrilled to announce the upcoming Career Closet event to help serve SMU students as they prepare to enter the workforce! The Career Closet aims to provide SMU students with new and gently used professional attire for interviews, internships, and the workplace.

They are actively seeking clothing donations that are in excellent condition, whether they are brand new or gently used. Now is the perfect time to dive into that belated-spring cleaning you may have put off and declutter your closet!

For more information and specific details, please refer to the flyer below. Questions can be directed to Amanda Bobo, Associate Director for Employer Relations in the Hegi Family Career Development Center at

Academic Skill Development Student Academic Engagement & Success Student Academic Success Programs

Becca Umobong, Director of Academic Skill Development, Receives “M” Award

Student Academic Success Programs would like to send a huge “congratulations” to Becca Umobong, our Director of Academic Skill Development, for receiving the “M” Award this year at the Hilltop Excellence Awards ceremony on Friday, April 19.

“The ‘M’ Award is the highest recognition bestowed upon students, faculty, staff and administrators on the SMU Campus. The recipients’ efforts have been continuous during their years at the University and are not limited to a narrow vested interest. The ‘M’ Award honorees are an inspiration to others, giving unselfishly of their time and talents in order to make the University, and indeed the world, a better place.”

We know this to be true. Anyone who works with Becca can see her heart for serving students, and we are so proud of Becca for the work she’s accomplished (and we are thrilled to see her recognized for it).

Thank you for all you do, Becca, for students and us.


Everyone, please join us in congratulating Becca!