Office of General Education Student Academic Engagement & Success

Approved meeting minutes from the Council on General Education on October 20, 2023

The Council on General Education met on October 20, 2023. The meeting minutes for September 29, 2023 were approved at this meeting. Below is the agenda, and the meeting minutes have now been posted on the General Education website.

  1. Approval of Agenda for the October 20, 2023, Council on General Education meeting.
  2. Approval of Minutes for the September 29, 2023, Council on General Education meeting.
  3. CoGE Secretary Election
  4. Course Proposal Update
    1. Courses tabled from Spring 2023
      1. WL 3311 (Food/ Identify in the SW) – TAS
    2. Courses approved still pending assessment meeting.
      1. ASIM 1300 (Introduction to Digital/Hybrid Media) – TAS
    3. Courses approved pending assessment meeting: CC tags added.
      1. RELI 3331 (Renewal: Roman Catholicism) – PREI
      2. ARHS 3355 (Exhibiting Cultures Curating and Interpreting the Arts of the Global South) – CA
      3. UHP 3301 (STEM Communications) –PREX-W
    4. Courses tabled pending revisions.
      1. ASCE 1310 (Ceramic Technology) – TAS
      2. ENGL 1363 (The Myth of the West) – PREX-HD
      3. APSM 3360 (Nutrition and Population Health) – PREX-CIE
  5. Course Proposal Form Feedback Discussion
  6. Common Curriculum Assessment Results
    1. CC Components Assessed
    2. Presentation at December 1st CoGE Meeting
  7. CoGE Working Groups (Spring/Summer)
    1. External Test Credit Review (AP, IB, CLEP)
    2. Re-Evaluation of Transfer Credit on Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS)
  8. General Education Office Updates
    1. November 2/3 Engage Dallas Place-based Community Engagement Symposium
      1. November 2nd 4:30-7:00pm at SMU Indoor Performance Center
      2. November 3rd 9:00-1:00pm at Dallas College- West Dallas Campus

Please contact the Office of General Education for questions or proposal development support.

Office of General Education Student Academic Engagement & Success

Approved meeting minutes from the Council on General Education on September 29, 2023

The Council on General Education met on September 29, 2023. The meeting minutes for September 01, 2023 were approved at this meeting. Below is the agenda, and the meeting minutes have now been posted on the General Education website.

  1. Approval of Agenda for the September 29, 2023, Council on General Education meeting.
  2. Approval of Minutes for the September 1, 2023, Council on General Education meeting.
  3. Critical Reasoning Update
    1. Meadows, Lyle, and Dedman
    2. Phase Update
      1. Phase 4
      2. Phase 5
    3. December 1 Proposal Deadline
  4. CoGE Secretary Election
    1. Duties and Responsibilities
      1. Assists with counting and recording votes.
      2. Reviews CoGE minutes for accuracy and details.
  5. Course/Experience Proposals Administrative Review Process
  6. Course Proposal
    1. JOUR 1313 (Writing and Critical Reasoning) – CR
    2. CCPA 1313 (Writing and Critical Reasoning) – CR
    3. ASIM 1300 (Introduction to Digital/Hybrid Media) – TAS
    4. ASCE 1310 (Ceramic Technology) – TAS
    5. RELI 3331 (Renewal: Roman Catholicism) – PREI
    6. ARHS 3355 (Exhibiting Cultures Curating and Interpreting the Arts of the Global South) – CA
    7. WL 3388 (Future Worlds: French Science Fiction from the Enlightenment to the present) – LAI
    8. ENGL 1363 (The Myth of the West) – LAI/PREX-HD
    9. APSM 3360 (Nutrition and Population Health) – PREX-CIE
    10. UHP 3301 (STEM Communications) – PREX-OC/PREX-W
    11. BLI 1210 (Business Communications) – PREX/OC
  7. General Education Office Updates (Dustin)
    1. ARHS 3315 (Classical Sculpture) – CA
      1. During rollover course was approved for both CA and HC. They want this to count for CA. Gen Ed submitted catalog update effective Jan 2024.
    2. Student Outreach Schedule
      1. Workshops
      2. Zoom Hours
      3. Pop-Up Tabling
    3. Admin Imaging Update
    4. Breadth Swap Petition (students matriculated Fall 2023 or later)
    5. November 2/3 Engage Dallas Place-based Community Engagement Symposium RSVP by October 20, 2023
      1. November 2nd 4:30-7:00pm at SMU Indoor Performance Center
      2. November 3rd 9:00-1:00pm at Dallas College- West Dallas Campus
    6. Recently removed CC tags from courses
      1. Process Reminder
        1. ARHS 3338-W
        2. ECO 1311-SBS
        3. ENGL 2315-CA
        4. FILM 1304-CA
        5. HIST 1321-OC
        6. HIST 3309-W
        7. SOCI 3312-W
        8. WL 3383-OC

Please contact the Office of General Education for questions or proposal development support.

Office of General Education

Approved meeting minutes from the Council on General Education on September 01, 2023

The Council on General Education met on September 01, 2023. The meeting minutes for April 21, 2023 were approved at this meeting. Below is the agenda, and the meeting minutes have now been posted on the General Education website.

  1. Welcome & Introductions
  2. Approval of Agenda for the September 1, 2023, Council on General Education meeting.
  3. Approval of Minutes for the April 21, 2023, Council on General Education meeting.
  4. Critical Reasoning Revision Background
  5. Critical Reasoning Rubric Review
  6. Critical Reasoning Spring Course Pilots
  7. New Course Proposal Forms
  8. Council on General Education Meeting Schedule
  9. General Education Office Updates

Please contact the Office of General Education for questions or proposal development support.

Office of General Education

Updated and new admin imaging occurring in the Office of General Education 

The Office of General Education, in conjunction with the Office of Information Technology, collaborated to rename and update the drawer types used in AdminImages.SMU. Drawers store electronic records of general education and other important petitions. 

AdminImages.SMU provides an electronic document storage and retrieval system. Electronic documents can be scanned or captured in various ways, and all documents are stored in a secure, encrypted database. 

Previously, the drawer was initially named “SCH UG GEC” an abbreviation of School Undergraduate General Education Curriculum. However, the naming was changed to reflect our office’s current processes and the document types we will process moving forward. The updated drawer name is “PROV GenEd” an abbreviation of Provost General Education. The table below shows the previous drawers and types and how they have been renamed.  

Original  Drawer   Original Type  Renamed Drawer  Renamed Type 
SCH UG GEC  SCH UG Honors Petition  PROV GenEd  PROV GenEd Honors Petition 
SCH UG GEC  SCH UG Enrollment Request  PROV GenEd  PROV GenEd Enrollment Request 
SCH UG GEC  SCH UG GEC Individual Petition  PROV GenEd  PROV GenEd Individual Petition 
SCH UG GEC  SCH UG GEC Formal Exemption  PROV GenEd  PROV GenEd Formal Exemption 
SCH UG GEC  SCH UG Data Science Advising  Removed  Removed 
SCH UG GEC  Default  PROV GenEd  Default 
SCH UG GEC  SCH UG Transfer Credit Petition Reeval  PROV GenEd  PROV GenEd Transfer Credit Reeval 
SCH UG GEC  SCH UG Transfer Credit Petition Preappro  PROV GenEd  PROV GenEd Transfer Credit Preappro 

Viewing permissions and access remain the same. School records offices, the Registrar, and some advisors can access scans of completed (approved or denied) Office of General Education petitions.  However, two additional imaging drawers have been added to aid transparency and improve academic advising of students.  

New Drawer   Petitions Included 
PROV GenEd BRD Swap  New Fall 2023 catalog and forward petition tracking swaps in use of external credit 
PROV GenEd PREX  Pre-approval and fulfillment verification petitions used for graduation requirements (e.g., proficiencies and experiences) 

We share this information to increase visibility and accessibility to General Education processes and records offices. If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to Lisa Cordoba (  

Office of General Education Student Academic Engagement & Success

Common Curriculum Course Search updated along with WIM to W course-tag conversions

On September 9, 2022, the Council on General Education approved a proposal to change how the Common Curriculum’s Writing in the Major (WIM) Proficiency and Experience is tracked on the Degree Progress Report (DPR) and replace it with program-level Writing in the Major student learning outcome.

This means that the Writing in the Major Proficiency and Experience has been removed from the Degree Progress Report, and courses that conveyed the WIM tag have been removed from the undergraduate catalog.

In concert with the Writing Board, the Office of General Education has evaluated the 69 WIM-tagged courses that previously were approved for the Writing (W) Proficiency and Experience tag on the Common Curriculum before WIM. Academic departments were contacted about their willingness to convert from a WIM to a W tag.

Following an administrative evaluation based on the W criteria, 20 of the 69 courses were identified, approved by the academic department, and changed from WIM to W in the undergraduate catalog.

In addition to the above changes, the Office of General Education updated the Common Curriculum course search with approved courses approved by the Council on General Education to meet graduation or general education requirements. We also processed the removal of tags requested by academic departments.

The July 17, 2023, update reflects the following tag additions and removals.


ADV 3305- Writing (W) ANTH 3301- Writing (W) ANTH 3370 – Exploring Science (ES)
ARHS 1305- Creativity & Aesthetics (CA) ARHS 3321 – Creativity & Aesthetics (CA) ARHS 3347 – Creativity & Aesthetics (CA)
ARHS 3390- Creativity & Aesthetics (CA) ASCE 3330- Writing (W) CEE 3302- Writing (W)
DANC 3363- Exploring Science (ES) ENGL 1362 – Literary Analysis & Interpretation (LAI) ENGL 2315- Literary Analysis & Interpretation (LAI)
FILM 3305 – Oral Communication (OC); Quantitative Applications (QA) FILM 3353- Historical Contexts (HC) GERM 3311- Writing (W)
JOUR 3313- Community Engagement (CE) JOUR 3313- Writing (W) JOUR 3362- Community Engagement (CE)
JOUR 3362- Writing (W) JOUR 3382- Community Engagement (CE) JOUR 3382- Writing (W)
MATH 1340- Quantitative Reasoning (QR) MATH 3311 – Writing (W) MUHI 1305- Historical Contexts (HC)
MUTH 3350- Writing (W) OREM 2375- Technological Advances and Society (TAS); Civics and Individual Ethics (CIE) PLSC 3330- Writing (W)
PLSC 3334- Writing (W) PLSC 3340- Writing (W) PLSC 3342- Writing (W)
PLSC 3352- Writing (W) PLSC 3358- Writing (W) PLSC 3360- Writing (W)
PSYC 3301- Writing (W) RELI 3386 – Literary Analysis & Interpretation (LAI) RUSS 3341- Civics and Individual Ethics (CIE); Human Diversity (HD)
SOCI 3301- Writing (W) WL 3311- Technological Advances and Society (TAS); Human Diversity (HD) WL 3319- Human Diversity (HD)
WL 3323 – Human Diversity (HD)


ADV 3305- Writing in the Major (WIM) ANTH 3301- Writing in the Major (WIM) APSM 4305- Writing in the Major (WIM)
APSM 4315- Writing in the Major (WIM) ARHS 4310- Writing in the Major (WIM) ARHS 4399- Writing in the Major (WIM)
ASAG 3380- Writing in the Major (WIM) ASCE 3330- Writing in the Major (WIM) BIOL 3170 – Writing in the Major (WIM)
BIOL 4110- Writing in the Major (WIM) BIOL 4306- Writing in the Major (WIM) BIOL 4364- Writing in the Major (WIM)
BIOL 4380-Writing in the Major (WIM) CCPA 3328- Writing in the Major (WIM) CCPA 3355- Writing in the Major (WIM)
CCPA 3365- Writing in the Major (WIM) CEE 3302- Writing in the Major (WIM) CHEM 4110- Writing in the Major (WIM)
CHEM 4397- Writing in the Major (WIM) CISB 4397- Writing in the Major (WIM) DANC  4375- Writing in the Major (WIM)
DANC 4373- Writing in the Major (WIM) ECO 4330- Writing in the Major (WIM) ECO 4342- Writing in the Major (WIM)
ECO 4360- Writing in the Major (WIM) ECO 4365- Writing in the Major (WIM) ECO 4376- Writing in the Major (WIM)
EDU 5327- Writing in the Major (WIM) ENGL 2314- Oral Communication (OC) ENGL 2315- Creativity & Aesthetics (CA)
ENGL 3310- Writing in the Major (WIM) FILM 1304- Creativity & Aesthetics (CA) FILM 2301- Writing in the Major (WIM)
FREN 4375- Writing in the Major (WIM) GEOL 3330- Writing in the Major (WIM) GEOL 4320- Writing in the Major (WIM)
GERM 3311- Writing in the Major (WIM) HIST 3309- Writing (W) HIST 4300- Writing in the Major (WIM)
JOUR 3313- Writing in the Major (WIM) JOUR 3362- Writing in the Major (WIM) JOUR 3382- Writing in the Major (WIM)
MATH 3311- Writing in the Major (WIM) ME 4152- Writing in the Major (WIM) MUHI 4302- Writing in the Major (WIM)
MUHI 4345- Writing in the Major (WIM) MUHI 4347- Writing in the Major (WIM) MUTH 3350- Writing in the Major (WIM)
PHYS 4311- Writing in the Major (WIM) PLSC 3327- Writing in the Major (WIM) PLSC 3330- Writing in the Major (WIM)
PLSC 3334- Writing in the Major (WIM) PLSC 3340- Writing in the Major (WIM) PLSC 3342- Writing in the Major (WIM)
PLSC 3352- Writing in the Major (WIM) PLSC 3358- Writing in the Major (WIM) PLSC 3360- Writing in the Major (WIM)
PLSC 4333- Writing in the Major (WIM) PLSC 4344- Writing in the Major (WIM) PLSC 4370- Writing in the Major (WIM)
PLSC 4381- Writing in the Major (WIM) PSYC 3301- Writing in the Major (WIM) SOCI 3301- Writing in the Major (WIM)
SOCI 4313- Writing in the Major (WIM) SOCI 4314- Writing in the Major (WIM) SOCI 4376- Writing in the Major (WIM)
SOCI 4377- Writing in the Major (WIM) SOCI 4384- Writing in the Major (WIM) SPAN 4302- Writing in the Major (WIM)
STAT 3341- Writing in the Major (WIM) STAT 4385- Writing in the Major (WIM) STRA 4370- Writing in the Major (WIM)
THEA 3382- Writing in the Major (WIM) WL 3383- Oral Communication (OC)

Questions or concerns about the course search update can be directed to


Student Academic Engagement & Success

Final updates made to 46 COVID-19 cohort students for one-time exceptions for Proficiencies and Experiences

The Office of General Education communicated on Monday, February 20, to the campus community about the one-time exception to two Common Curriculum Proficiencies & Experiences for COVID-19 cohorts.

Based on feedback from School Record Offices, we completed the last of three recommended audits to ensure students who dropped classes, withdrew, or did not pass a class with an applicable tag would receive the waiver(s).

We added the final round of waivers to 46 undergraduate students on the Common Curriculum. We applied 42 Community Engagement waivers and 37 Civics and Individual Ethics waivers.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Office of General Education at