Championing ‘3X3X3 Digital Accessibility’: SMU Academic Tech Leaders’ EDUCAUSE Focus

Jennifer Culver and Jason Warner presenting at EDUCAUSE.In higher education, where all of us benefit from a dizzying array of always new and changing technologies, two leaders from Southern Methodist University (SMU) are working to encourage all of us to, at the very least, use tools we already have available to advance the cause of digital accessibility. At this year’s international EDUCAUSE conference, held in Chicago, Associate CIO for Academic Technology Jason Warner and Senior Academic Technology Services Director and Online Education Manager Jennifer Culver took the stage to call our community to action on this pivotal issue in their session: “3x3x3 for Digital Technology Accessibility.” Continue reading Championing ‘3X3X3 Digital Accessibility’: SMU Academic Tech Leaders’ EDUCAUSE Focus

SMU DataArts: Streamlining Data into a Unified Solution

SMU DataArts logoAt the core of SMU DataArts’ operations lies a wealth of information from various sources, notably the “Cultural Data Profile,” a historical repository that is available on the SMU DataArts website. This invaluable dataset is meticulously curated to support grantmakers and cultural leaders, encompassing a comprehensive spectrum of data from organizations. Ranging from ticket sales, financial records, performance analytics, leadership insights, to venue specifics, this amalgamation of diverse data serves as a valuable resource for decision-makers. Continue reading SMU DataArts: Streamlining Data into a Unified Solution

Teams-Certified Headsets Chosen for Campus Use

The Jabra Evolve2 40As part of our transition from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams in 2024, OIT has been working on selecting a new standard headset for the SMU community. We’re pleased to announce that we have selected the Jabra Evolve2 40 as our primary headset! Continue reading Teams-Certified Headsets Chosen for Campus Use

The OIT 2023 Progress Report is Now Available

Print sample of the OIT Progress Report

The 2023 Progress Report for the Office of Information Technology is now available. To view the report, please visit
or click the link below.

View Report

A PDF version is available on our website at

Campus Irrigation System Doubles as Research Data Source

With special reporting from Brad Floyd and Tabitha Motley.

Example of the weather station

The Rainbird Irrigation System on campus – operated by longtime SMU employee and current Southern Botanical employee Brian Martin – has a weather station that provides weather data to control irrigation schedules across The Hilltop. The weather station was originally installed at Ford Stadium, but due to the construction of the new Weber End Zone, OIT Infrastructure Engineer Scott Rice had the station temporarily moved to an area just outside of the northwest corner of the Tennis Complex. Its final (and current) location is in an open area just to the South of the Fondren Science Building. This is where it caught the attention of Chris Hayward and Cathy Chickering from the SMU Earth Sciences Department. Continue reading Campus Irrigation System Doubles as Research Data Source