How to reset your PIN in the new voicemail system

Exchange Unified Messaging Tips & Tricks
When enabled for our new voicemail system (Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging, or UM), you received a notification email with a temporary PIN. This PIN allows you to access to the voicemail system. If you are a new user, you will need to change it when you first log in to the system.

What happens if you lose your PIN, or misplace the notification email?

There are two options for PIN recovery. 

Please note that the following options are not available for departmental accounts. Please contact the OIT Help Desk to reset a departmental account PIN.

In Microsoft Outlook:

  1. Outlook's Manage VoicemailClick File -> Manage Voice Mail and logon to the web interface.
  2. Click Reset PIN -> “Reset My Voice Mail PIN”, then click “OK”

You will receive an email with a new temporary PIN.

In Webmail:

You can get to the same screen above by logging on to

  1. Click the gear icon, then click Options.
  2. Click General, then click Reset PIN.
  3. Click “Reset My Voice Mail PIN”, then click “OK”

You will receive an email with a new temporary PIN.

When you receive your temporary 4-digit PIN, call 214-768-8673 and enter your 5-digit telephone extension. You will be prompted to create a new PIN.

Updated 07/10/2017: Include updated instructions for the new system.

Thinking of Using SMU Email for Your Marketing? Think Again.

Private Tutor Email
With over 11,000 students available to you through the Outlook address book, you might think this is a great group to market your services or product. They are SMU students. You are an SMU student. You have that natural connection and why wouldn’t they like the bag you designed on Etsy that is perfect for Boulevarding. Or maybe you speak four languages and really could help that struggling student in German – if they only knew you were available. The problem occurs when you click that send button. At that point, your email becomes a violation of SMU policy and that can cause problems for you.

As George Finney, Chief Security Officer at Southern Methodist University, explains, “This is a violation of our bulk email policy and it also uses SMU resources for a commercial venture… As a non-profit, SMU’s tax-exempt status requires us to not allow this.” If you are found in volition, OIT will prevent further email distribution by you, and block access from campus to any 3rd party email address listed in the message. You basically get marked as a spammer. Also, your account will be reviewed and if further action is warranted, it will be taken.

If you have questions about email policy, please feel free to contact the Help Desk at 214-768-HELP. For more information on University policies, please review the official University Policy Manual at

Lyris Email Lists

Have you been looking for a bulk email option that allows you to use non-SMU emails? Or maybe you want to start a conversation chain for a class? Then take a few minutes and check out this mini-webinar by Assistant Director of the IT Service Desk, Rachel Mulry. She’ll show you the in’s and out’s of requesting a Lyris list and its features.

(The video feature of the webinar comes in at about 1:09; however, the audio works from the beginning.)