Safe Links Add Enhanced Security to Your Email

Checked Email iconLast week, OIT enabled Safe Links to emails inbound to campus. This security features has been in use for some time in Microsoft Teams. We’ve now extended the service to protect  SMU email accounts, adding an additional layer of security to inspect embedded URLs in emails for possible phishing/malware sites in real-time. Continue reading Safe Links Add Enhanced Security to Your Email

AI for Your Inbox? Improving Incoming Emails Being Marked as Junk

No SPAM or phishing emailOIT recently deployed Abnormal Security to supplement Microsoft Defender for Office 365, our primary email security (anti-spam) application. Utilizing artificial intelligence as part of the criteria to determine if a message is malicious, these applications help to eliminate emails that are unsolicited or contain threats to data security. With assistance from our end users, the AI learns to correctly identify suspicious messages by the act of users dragging and dropping false positive spam from Junk to Inbox, or vice versa for any unsolicited or unwanted messages. Other methods of strengthening the results include using the Report Message button in Outlook or forwarding messages to spam@smu.eduContinue reading AI for Your Inbox? Improving Incoming Emails Being Marked as Junk

 Microsoft Outlook & Teams: Exploring the Pros and Cons of New Features – To Stay or Go?

Microsoft 365 Outlook IconNot long ago, the new Outlook for Mac was introduced, causing some pain points for users. Recently, Microsoft made additional enhancements, prompting users to explore the new Outlook for Windows and Microsoft 365 Teams Iconnew Teams, which is available on both Mac and Windows. When a product is in beta status, it’s important to examine the features and assess options before making the switch. Continue reading  Microsoft Outlook & Teams: Exploring the Pros and Cons of New Features – To Stay or Go?

New Email Tags Provide Warning for Suspicious Messages

Email warning iconRecently, we updated the spam filters with the Microsoft Defender-based filtering platform. The platform now allows us to add warning labels to unverified messages. So, if you get a message from a new sender or from an email that is not verified, you will get a fair warning. Here are a few examples of the new notices in Outlook. Continue reading New Email Tags Provide Warning for Suspicious Messages

Quick Tip: Disabling Automatic Online Meeting Links in Outlook

No Automatic Online Outlook MeetingWith Zoom and Microsoft Teams very much an integral part of our workday lives nowadays, Outlook seems to have taken a liking to adding Teams meeting links automatically on all of your meetings when you create them. Of course, not every meeting requires an online component, so this feature can become fairly annoying when you are frequently scheduling meetings. If you’d like to tell Outlook to stop adding these links automatically, here’s how to do so! Continue reading Quick Tip: Disabling Automatic Online Meeting Links in Outlook