SMU Macs Can Now Update to macOS Sequoia

macOS Sequoia iconWhen macOS Sequoia was released earlier this fall, we recommended that users of SMU Macs hold off on upgrading while OIT investigated and tested to ensure compatibility with all of our major platforms and software. Today, we are happy to report that you can now upgrade to Sequoia at your convenience! Continue reading SMU Macs Can Now Update to macOS Sequoia

Major Updates Coming to Course Catalog & Schedule of Classes Training

Two of the most critical parts of the university’s enrollment and scheduling infrastructure are the official Course Catalog and Schedule of Classes (CC/SOCL). A large number of people and many hours of labor go into compiling and displaying class data each term in preparation for scheduling classrooms, ensuring accuracy in information and prerequisites, and creating a straightforward registration experience for students. The intensive training courses for working both in the Course Catalog and the Schedule of Classes are important milestones in preparing staff to work in these systems. The team recently revamped training for Course Catalog, and currently, we are undergoing major updates needed to the Schedule of Classes end-user training.
Continue reading Major Updates Coming to Course Catalog & Schedule of Classes Training

Microsoft Teams Phone Migration Update

AudioCodes 445HD TelephoneWe have completed the migration of all users, departments and call queues from Skype to Microsoft Teams. We are now migrating the final batch of accounts, which includes common area phones. Since these phones are not associated with a specific individual, we have published the migration schedule on the project website. The migrations will occur daily for the next two weeks from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. During the migration window, Continue reading Microsoft Teams Phone Migration Update

Streamlining Call Transfers with Microsoft Teams’ New Transfer Button

phone transfer iconMicrosoft has recently streamlined the call transfer process by introducing a new transfer button in Microsoft Teams that will display on your phone later this fall. This new feature will eliminate the confirmation of transfer and improve the overall user experience when transferring calls, making it more intuitive and user-friendly. Continue reading Streamlining Call Transfers with Microsoft Teams’ New Transfer Button