Email Calendar Availability

Here’s an easy step to send someone your Outlook calendar availability!

  • From the calendar tab, select E-mail Calendar.

email calendar

  • Select the desired Date Range.
  • In the detail section, select the desired availability options you want to share.


  • Select/deselect the working hours only options.
  • You can choose the layout you prefer by clicking the show button under the advanced section. To close, click ok.
  • An email will then populate with a screenshot of the layout you selected.

Calendar view

calendar viewList View

list view

Tips for Better Calendar Use in Office 365

CSC-SC2-Tip_3_02Simplify your scheduling

A busy day means a complicated calendar. With Office 365, students at SMU can easily set up and manage your meetings–saving you time to get more done.

CSC-SC2-Tip_3_05See other people’s calendars

Add a team member directly to your calendar view to see their availability whenever you want. Overlay their calendar with yours or hide it as needed.

Learn more

CSC-SC2-Tip_3_09Quickly set up a meeting

See the availability of all attendees and nearby conference rooms without leaving your meeting invitation.

Learn more

CSC-SC2-Tip_3_13Search your calendar

Need to find an event on your calendar but don’t know when it occurred? Whether you’re using Outlook or Outlook Web App, you can quickly search your calendar, or other people’s calendars, to find a particular event.

Learn more

For more information on Office 365 at SMU, please visit our webpage

4 easy steps to keep the leading zero in Excel!

When working on spreadsheets you might have a need to have a column that has leading zeros. For example, let’s use an ID number, if I was to input the beginning of my id “0010” Excel would automatically remove the first two zeros.  Here’s how to keep the leading zero in Excel:

  1. Right-click on the column you want the leading zero, and select Format Cells.
  2. Select Custom from the category list.
  3. In the Type field, enter how many digits you need. The SMU ID is 8 digits which we will use in our example below.  (Note: You do not need to add quotes to the string.)

Format Cells

4. Click OK. The column will now utilize the format you created!

ID number


Tech Day 2014

Tech Day is free for SMU Faculty, Staff and Students. Topics range from Adobe to LinkedIn with subject matter experts from various departments at SMU as well as special guest speakers from Adobe and Apple. As there are a limited number of seats, all sessions will be on a first come first served basis. We look forward to seeing you there!

For the full schedule, please visit our webpage.

OneDrive for Faculty, Staff, & Students

one driveIn case you haven’t heard, OneDrive is now available for all SMU faculty, staff, and students! What does that mean? OneDrive for Business is a Microsoft online service that provides resources for file storage, collaboration, and communication. Students and Employees receive unlimited space. All files that you store in OneDrive are private initially. However, you can easily change the permissions of the files to share them with other individuals (both at SMU and externally). The single-item file size upload limit is 10GB. You can also access and synchronize files easily on multiple devices.

Sounds great! How do I access my OneDrive?

  1. Visit and click Login.
  2. Enter your SMU email address using the format (
  3. You will automatically be redirected to the SMU Office365 login page.
  4. Enter your SMU email address using the format and your mySMU password.
  5. Click Sign In.
  6. Click OneDrive from the top menu bar. The first time you click on OneDrive, you may see a message that indicates your account is being activated. That process takes a few minutes to complete.
  7. You can use the OneDrive service from the browser window. Once you have initially launched one drive, it should also be a default save option without your Microsoft Office applications. You can also download the OneDrive Sync application onto your computer. This will automatically backup files saved to a specified location to your OneDrive account.