Campus Irrigation System Doubles as Research Data Source

With special reporting from Brad Floyd and Tabitha Motley.

Example of the weather station

The Rainbird Irrigation System on campus – operated by longtime SMU employee and current Southern Botanical employee Brian Martin – has a weather station that provides weather data to control irrigation schedules across The Hilltop. The weather station was originally installed at Ford Stadium, but due to the construction of the new Weber End Zone, OIT Infrastructure Engineer Scott Rice had the station temporarily moved to an area just outside of the northwest corner of the Tennis Complex. Its final (and current) location is in an open area just to the South of the Fondren Science Building. This is where it caught the attention of Chris Hayward and Cathy Chickering from the SMU Earth Sciences Department. Continue reading Campus Irrigation System Doubles as Research Data Source

GoDaddy Customer Email Addresses Compromised in Recent Breach

Phishing WarningThe Verge is reporting this week that the web host and domain registrar GoDaddy is dealing with the fallout of a recent security breach that resulted in the exposure of over one million customer email addresses. This breach primarily affected customers of GoDaddy’s WordPress blog hosting services. GoDaddy has stated that the hackers utilized a compromised password to gain access, which is all too common with the proliferation of phishing scams and other nefarious methods. Continue reading GoDaddy Customer Email Addresses Compromised in Recent Breach

3G Radio Sunset Could Spell Disaster for Home Alarm Systems

This post originally appeared in the Summer 2021 OIT Security Report.

3GTelecom companies are moving closer to shutting down their 3G wireless networks, and this shutdown is creating some unforeseen consequences when it comes to safety and security. Most news sources have focused on cell phone users being forced to upgrade their phones, but another service, the home security alarm, will also need to be addressed by customers, as well as medical devices like pacemakers monitors. Continue reading 3G Radio Sunset Could Spell Disaster for Home Alarm Systems

Adobe MAX: Seeing the Future of Adobe Products

MAX 2020 LogoLast week, Adobe presented its annual Adobe MAX conference. Of course, with this year being unlike any other, MAX was delivered entirely online for the very first time. The live announcements and sneak peeks of new and upcoming features along with the breakout sessions and workshops made for a fun and informative three days! Continue reading Adobe MAX: Seeing the Future of Adobe Products

On Track for Fall 2020: Unprecedented Faculty Response to Fully Online & SMUFlex Instruction & Technology Readiness

Dear SMU Faculty,

Into this second week of July, we recognize the unprecedented effort and long hours that you are contributing toward Fall 2020 instructional readiness.  I’m pleased to report high levels of enrollments and participation in the Online Teaching and Canvas technology courses which are being expertly facilitated by SMU’s Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) and Office of Information Technology (OIT).  Over 120 faculty have already completed at least one of these two online courses in this first week!  Nicely done!  In addition to those making online preparations, some faculty are right now successfully teaching again on campus in classrooms equipped with new “SMUFlex” remote technology and their experiences are helping shape and improve support resources as we re-open our classrooms just next month. Continue reading On Track for Fall 2020: Unprecedented Faculty Response to Fully Online & SMUFlex Instruction & Technology Readiness