SMU Moves to Entra ID for Accessing Services

Microsoft Entra ID logoOIT implemented a Single Sign-On (SSO) service in 2012 using the Shibboleth Identity Provider (IdP). Since then, SSO has made accessing SMU services more efficient by reducing the need to log in separately to every online SMU service. Since that introduction, many significant improvements to user authentication technologies have been made. OIT plans to stay ahead of these advancements and introduce new features as they become available.

As part of this commitment, SMU will soon transition to Microsoft Entra ID as our primary SSO service. This change will allow us to Continue reading SMU Moves to Entra ID for Accessing Services

Empowering Connections: Inside SMU360’s CampusGroups Integration

SMU360 App iconIn the bustling of university life, connectivity and organizations are important. Behind the scenes, dedicated individuals like Curt Herridge, Associate CIO for OIT Applications, Lane Duncan, Director for Integration Services, and Mike Rossi, Applications Administrator, have been working to establish and fine-tune SMU360, powered by CampusGroups, a revolutionary platform aimed at enhancing the connectivity and experience of the SMU community.  Much goes into standing up a new platform and the Extract, Load, Transform (ELT) process associated with it. Continue reading Empowering Connections: Inside SMU360’s CampusGroups Integration

Migration to XWiki Starts February 23

Wiki.SMU logo with icon

As you may have heard, OIT is transitioning from Atlassian Confluence to power our campus Wiki solution to a new product, XWiki. Our main goal is to provide a seamless migration for all spaces on Wiki.SMU. OIT is planning to migrate to XWiki on the weekend of February 23, 2024, with the new Wiki.SMU coming online on the morning of February 26, 2024.

Starting at 6 p.m. on Friday, February 23 Continue reading Migration to XWiki Starts February 23

Streamlining Communication: SMU’s Journey to Microsoft Teams

The mono version of the Jabra Evolve2 40.In the fall, we announced that this year, SMU employees will receive Microsoft Teams headsets to replace their phones unless specifically requested. This transition is essential as Microsoft Teams will replace Skype for Business.

Why is it critical that we transition from Skype to Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft has Continue reading Streamlining Communication: SMU’s Journey to Microsoft Teams

Collaborative Efforts to Implement New Veteran Status Self-Identification Page in my.SMU

Veteran saluting in silhouetteDuring the latest enrollment process, students gained the ability to self-report their veteran status, thanks to a recent update implemented in my.SMU. Previously, SMU only collected data for students who requested to use VA benefits, resulting in an inability to capture veteran data accurately for those not using their benefits. Continue reading Collaborative Efforts to Implement New Veteran Status Self-Identification Page in my.SMU