Empowering Connections: Inside SMU360’s CampusGroups Integration

SMU360 App iconIn the bustling of university life, connectivity and organizations are important. Behind the scenes, dedicated individuals like Curt Herridge, Associate CIO for OIT Applications, Lane Duncan, Director for Integration Services, and Mike Rossi, Applications Administrator, have been working to establish and fine-tune SMU360, powered by CampusGroups, a revolutionary platform aimed at enhancing the connectivity and experience of the SMU community.  Much goes into standing up a new platform and the Extract, Load, Transform (ELT) process associated with it. Continue reading Empowering Connections: Inside SMU360’s CampusGroups Integration

From Policy to Practice: Navigating Web Accessibility at SMU with Beth Andresen

Universal Access (accessibility)Accessibility on the web is not just a desirable feature; it is a necessity. For institutions like SMU, ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their abilities, can access and navigate their web content is paramount. Behind this crucial endeavor stands Beth Andresen, the Associate Director of Web Development in Web Application Services at SMU. Continue reading From Policy to Practice: Navigating Web Accessibility at SMU with Beth Andresen

Driving Change: Priyanka Nigam’s Role in the Transition to a New HSA Vendor

a circle with an HSA form in the cutout.In the dynamic landscape of university benefits administration, behind-the-scenes heroes like Priyanka Nigam often go unnoticed, yet their contributions are pivotal in ensuring smooth transitions and efficient operations. A fitting example of this is the recent change of Health Savings Account vendors at SMU. BenefitWallet resigned as custodian over the HSA accounts and HealthEquity became the new vendor. As a result, Priyanka was entrusted with this project, and to work with others in the HR Benefits team in February to begin the transition, which was complete in May. Continue reading Driving Change: Priyanka Nigam’s Role in the Transition to a New HSA Vendor