Academic Devleopment of Student-Athletes (ADSA) Student Academic Engagement & Success Student Academic Success Programs

Thank you ADSA Tutors!

The Academic Development of Student-Athletes (ADSA) wants to take a moment to express our sincere gratitude to the incredible team of ADSA tutors, this academic year (2023-2024). These dedicated individuals go above and beyond, offering their free time to help SMU student-athletes succeed, and their hard work and passion to help truly make a difference. 

Supportive and Knowledgeable 

Our ADSA tutors aren’t just there to explain concepts. They take the time to understand each student’s unique individual needs and learning styles. They provide a supportive and encouraging environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and making mistakes. Their deep understanding of the subjects they tutor, allows them to break down complex topics into manageable pieces, making learning more accessible and engaging for our athletes. 

Dedication that Shines Through 

The dedication of ADSA tutors is truly inspiring. They devote countless hours to helping students, on top of their own personal responsibilities, like classes, work, or clubs. They are always willing to go the extra mile to ensure that students grasp the material and feel confident in their abilities. This dedication is evident in the positive feedback student-athletes consistently share about their tutoring experiences. 

Making a Lasting Impact 

The impact of ADSA tutors extends far beyond grades and test scores. They help students develop important study skills, critical thinking abilities, and a love of learning. These skills will benefit students not only in their academic careers but also throughout their lives, and the competition field. Our Tutors enforce SMU ‘s mission of becoming “World Changers Shaped Here”.  

Endless Thanks

To all the ADSA tutors, we extend our appreciation to you, especially our seniors that are graduating this semester! Your hard work, dedication, and passion for helping students succeed are truly appreciated. You are an invaluable asset to our SMU community, and you make a real difference in the lives of our athletes!  

Graduating ADSA Tutors- Congratulations to you and this accomplishment that you’ve worked hard for! We wish you the best in all your future endeavors!  

  • David Helsley– B.A. in Philosophy 
  • Erica Yurvati – BBA in Accounting  
  • Isis Kazadi – B.A. in Human Rights, with Public Policy Track & Political Science 
  • Sarah Mende – B.A. in Anthropology & History 
  • Tia Taylor – B.S. in Biological Sciences and Health & Society, Minor in Spanish 
  • Victoria Romanczyk—B.S. in Educational Studies with a focus on 7-12 

#ADSATutors #ThankYou #MakingADifference #ShapingWorldChangersHere 

Academic Devleopment of Student-Athletes (ADSA) Student Academic Engagement & Success

January Mustang Champions Announced

Champions of the month is a new initiative by SMU Athletics to recognize the achievements of various SMU student-athletes. Every month, 2 female and 2 male student- athletes will be nominated and selected for their embodiment of excellence in one or more of the following areas: Academic Achievement, Athletic Success, and Student-Athletes Success Initiatives. The goal of this is to honor and recognize the effort of our student-athletes to achieve their personal best in these areas; on and off the competition field. For the month of January, the four athletes selected are: Key’Shawn Smith, Chantae Embry, Martin Dominguez, and Gabby Ayiteyflo!

 Key’Shawn Smith (Football):
Key transferred to SMU in the Spring of 2023 and he has consistently worked hard athletically and academically. Over the last year, Key has made huge strides both on and off the field and his positive outlook impacts all those around him. Key took a January term class that took up his entire winter break; during this time, he stayed on task, communicated when he needed support, and took pride in getting a grade reflective of his hard work and dedication.

Chantae Embry (Women’s Basketball):
Chantae has been a steady presence at Black Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (BSAAC) and has even gotten involved in some SAAC meetings/opportunities as well. She has gone out of her way to seek out community engagement and career development opportunities; as well as sharing/motivating her teammates to attend and get involved too!

Martin Dominguez (Men’s Soccer):
Martin is someone who from day one has been a welcoming and warm personality. He takes the time to support other teammates, classmates, and even staff. He has been training relentlessly to prepare for the Goalkeeper competition that will be underway this season. He was a part of the Unity Video Campaign and has continuously searched for a way he could give back, especially to the South Dallas Community he came from. Lastly, he has been doing all of this while balancing school and work; all while having a smile on his face!

Gabriella Ayiteyflo (Track & Field) :
Gabby transferred to SMU in the Fall 2023 semester as a junior. She has persevered during her time as a Mustang, during this difficult transition. Gabby has demonstrated dedication all with a positive attitude, even when things don’t go her way. She has been able to find her stride this semester, and works extremely hard in both her academic and athletic commitments!