Office of General Education Student Academic Engagement & Success

The Office of General Education begins recruiting students for the Common Curriculum Reading

The Office of General Education has begun recruiting undergraduate students for this Fall’s Common Curriculum Reading – a revised version of the Common Reading.

The Common Curriculum Reading is open to all SMU undergraduate students, but will target juniors and seniors who have not completed their Civics & Individual Ethics Proficiency and Experience. Students who opt-in to the program will engage in 8 reading group meetings and discussions with their peers and program facilitators. The facilitators represent various areas across campus, including:

The book selection for Fall 2024 is “Artificial Unintelligence” by Meredith Broussard. Broussard discusses the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in modern society, and the public’s belief that AI can solve all the world’s problems. However, Broussard argues that there are social and ethical issues that AI can’t resolve.

Staff and faculty are encouraged to promote the program to their undergraduate students. Students who are interested in this co-curricular activity should complete the Qualtrics sign-up survey.

The Office of General Education is excited about this unique reading experience, and looks forward to the program’s first meeting on September 10th, 2024.


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