Culture, Society & Family Mind & Brain

Gut reaction of marital partners could foretell their marriage satisfaction

Data for the study was gathered from 135 newlywed couples recruited within the first six months of marriage, completing measures of their attitudes

Unconscious gut reactions may predict happy, and not-so-happy, marriages, a new study suggests.

Results of research published Nov. 29 found that spouses’ implicit attitudes toward their partners predicted changes in their marital satisfaction over four years. The study was published in the scholarly journal Science, “Though they may be unaware, newlyweds implicitly know whether their marriage will be satisfying.”

Andrea Meltzer, SMU, marital satisfaction

Data for the study was gathered from 135 newlywed couples, who were recruited within the first six months of marriage and completed measures of implicit attitudes toward their partners and explicit attitudes toward their relationship.

Researchers flashed the faces of participants’ spouses and asked the newlyweds to quickly, and unconsciously, determine if words such as awesome or horrible were positive or negative.

Individuals who responded the quickest to positive words after seeing a picture of their spouse were happier over the 4-year-study period.

Conscious attitudes were not accurate predictors of happiness
Questionnaires asking about couples’ conscious attitudes were not accurate predictors of the happiness of the pairs, but people’s automatic responses could foretell the course of the couple’s relationship, the researchers found.

Andrea L. Meltzer, an assistant professor in the SMU Department of Psychology, is one of four co-authors on the study on newlywed marital satisfaction.

The study, one of the first to apply implicit attitudes to relationships, found that spouses’ implicit attitudes toward their partners predicted changes in their marital satisfaction over four years.

Spouse was exposed to partner’s image, then responded to positive, negative words
To measure their implicit attitudes, spouses were briefly exposed to an image of their partner and then asked to indicate as quickly as possible whether a word was either positive (e.g., “wonderful”) or negative (e.g., “horrible”). The difference between the time it took them to respond to the positive and negative words was an index of their implicit satisfaction. Spouses who responded quicker to the positive words and slower to the negative words indicated higher satisfaction with their partner.

To measure their explicit attitudes, couples reported the extent to which various adjectives described their marriage. Following this initial assessment, couples reported their marital satisfaction every six months for four years.

The study found that newlyweds’ automatic, implicit attitudes were an accurate indicator of changes in marital satisfaction across the first four years of marriage whereas their explicit attitudes were not an indicator of changes in marital satisfaction. Consistent with other studies of newlywed couples, this study found that marital satisfaction decreased over time.

Findings demonstrate implicit positive attitudes predict less decline in satisfaction
But the findings demonstrated that those partners with more positive implicit attitudes toward their spouse experienced less-steep declines in marital satisfaction across the four-year course of the study.

Notably, many factors predict marital satisfaction; this study covers just one component. Therefore, it likely would not be ideal to use implicit attitudes as a compatibility indicator or as a way to predict a long and happy marriage, the researchers cautioned. — SMU, Science

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Culture, Society & Family Mind & Brain Researcher news SMU In The News

CBS Houston: Study: Men With Attractive Wives More Satisfied In Marriage

Journalist Benjamin Fearnow reports on CBS Houston about the research of SMU psychologist Andrea L. Meltzer, who found in a four-year longitudinal study of 450 newlywed couples that men with physically attractive wives remained much more satisfied in their marriage than men without physically attractive wives.

The article, “Study: Men With Attractive Wives More Satisfied In Marriage,” was published Nov. 20.

Meltzer, lead researcher on the study, is an assistant professor in the SMU Department of Psychology.

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By Benjamin Fearnow
CBS Houston

The physical attractiveness of one’s spouse plays a major role in marital satisfaction for men, while women’s happiness in their marriage was not affected by their husband’s looks.

A study of more than 450 newlywed couples over the course of four years found that men with physically attractive wives remained much more satisfied in their marriage than men who did not. However, the attractiveness of a woman’s husband played no part in the satisfaction that women felt from their marriage.

The study, recently published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, first rated each member of the couples by “objective,” independent researchers, and then asked up to eight times over the first four years of marriage to rate their satisfaction.

The study strengthened support that there is a gender gap for how much physical attractiveness corresponds to (self-reported) marriage happiness.

Husbands with attractive wives in all four independent, longitudinal studies analyzed were more satisfied than their wives at the beginning of each marriage. As the marriage progressed, the husbands with the attractive wives remained more satisfied, and the attractive wives in these couples also reported being more satisfied.

“Whereas husbands were more satisfied at the beginning of the marriage and remained more satisfied over the next 4 years to the extent that they had an attractive wife, wives were no more or less satisfied initially or over the next 4 years to the extent that they had an attractive husband,” wrote researcher Andrea Meltzer, of Southern Methodist University’s Dedman College of Humanities & Sciences.

“Most importantly, a direct test indicated that partner physical attractiveness played a larger role in predicting husbands’ satisfaction than predicting wives’ satisfaction,” reported the researchers.

The researchers attributed this to the concept that the self-reported happier husbands led to a happier marriage as a whole.

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SMU is a nationally ranked private university in Dallas founded 100 years ago. Today, SMU enrolls nearly 11,000 students who benefit from the academic opportunities and international reach of seven degree-granting schools. For more information see

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Culture, Society & Family Health & Medicine Learning & Education Mind & Brain

Study finds that some depressed adolescents are at higher risk for developing anxiety

Findings suggest mental health providers could target adolescents who are most at risk, providing treatment aimed at early intervention

Kouros, SMU, depression, anxiety

Some adolescents who suffer with symptoms of depression also may be at risk for developing anxiety, according to a new study of children’s mental health.

The study found that among youth who have symptoms of depression, the risk is most severe for those who have one or more of three risk factors, said psychologist Chrystyna D. Kouros, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, who led the study.

Specifically, those who are most vulnerable are those who have a pessimistic outlook toward events and circumstances in their lives; those who have mothers with a history of an anxiety disorder; or those who report that the quality of their family relationships is poor, Kouros said.

A depressed adolescent with any one of those circumstances is more at risk for developing anxiety, the researchers found.

Adolescents with one or more risk factors can be targeted for intervention
The findings suggest that mental health professionals could target adolescents with those risk factors. Early intervention might prevent anxiety from developing, Kouros said.

“Depression or anxiety can be debilitating in itself,” said Kouros, an assistant professor in the SMU Department of Psychology. “Combined, however, they are an even bigger threat to a child’s well-being. That’s particularly the case during adolescence, when pre-teens and teens are concerned about fitting in with their peers. Anxiety can manifest as social phobia, in which kids are afraid to interact with friends and teachers, or in school refusal, in which children try to avoid going to school.”

The findings are reported in Development and Psychopathology. The study, “Dynamic temporal relations between anxious and depressive symptoms across adolescence,” appears on the journal’s web site at

Kouros co-authored the research with psychiatrist Susanna Quasem and psychologist Judy Garber, both of Vanderbilt University. Data for the study were collected by Garber, a Vanderbilt professor of psychology and human development.

Study confirms previous link of anxiety elevating to depression, finds new link of depression elevating to anxiety
The finding was based on data from 240 children from metropolitan public schools and their mothers, all of whom were assessed annually for six years. The children were followed during the important developmental period from sixth grade through 12th grade. The study was evenly divided between boys and girls.

Consistent with previous research, the authors found also that “symptoms of anxiety were a robust predictor of subsequent elevations in depressive symptoms over time in adolescents.” That link has been known for some time, Kouros said, and the current study confirmed it.

Less well understood by researchers, however, has been the link between depressive symptoms developing further into elevated anxiety, she said.

“The current study showed that depressive symptoms were followed by elevations in anxious symptoms for a subset of youth who had mothers with a history of anxiety, reported low family relationship quality, or had a more negative attributional style,” the authors reported.

Moreover, at-risk youth are likely to have more than one of these vulnerability factors. More research is needed to examine how the various risk factors work together in either a cumulative or interactive way, the authors said.

The authors suggested that early prevention efforts could be effective for depressed children when the risk factors are present.

“Age 10 to age 16 is a key developmental period, because around puberty is when we tend to see depression rates in children rise, especially among girls,” Kouros said. “The findings from this study can help adults who work with depressed youth to target those who are most at risk for developing anxiety too.” — Margaret Allen

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Culture, Society & Family Mind & Brain Researcher news

The Undying Radio: Familiarity breeds content when it comes to listeners and music

Study shows that when offered the choice, listeners opt for familiar tunes, despite belief people prefer constant novelty

Are you tired of hearing Taylor Swift’s familiar “You Belong with Me” played over and over again? Or are you part of the cool set of music listeners, identifying the next great hit or indie band on the rise? Many music listeners, especially the younger generations, want to perceive themselves as listening to cool music. But new research says otherwise when it comes to real choices, says SMU’s Morgan Ward, an assistant professor of marketing in the Cox School of Business.

The tension between the novel and the familiar leads to interesting insights for marketers. The research offers lessons about how actual behavior trumps media portrayals of consumers’ perennial desire for the novel.

Many have this intuition that people are driven toward novelty, says Ward, a co-author of the study. “We believe we want to listen to new music, or anything that is novel, but when we observe what people actually choose, they tend to choose what is familiar.” There is a persistent tension in music choice between the opposing forces of the known and familiar versus the novel and new, write the authors. People do exhibit both tendencies in their consumption choices. But there is little research examining which force will dominate.

The research indicates that our behavior trumps what the media portrays.

“In life we have many day-to-day decisions and responsibilities,” Ward says. “We are sorting through so much information; and at the end of the day, we are ‘cognitive misers.’ That is, we do not want to spend so much time on making choices, which is very depleting. Research backs this up. Choosing something familiar is easy to process and comfortable. The desire to not expend so much energy on choices is what I believe drives these findings.”

Ward co-authored “The Same Old Song: The Power of Familiarity in Music Choice” with Joseph Goodman of Washington University, and Julie Irwin of University of Texas, Austin. It appears in Marketing Letters, including online.

Play on
The music industry is over $30 billion dollars strong. Web radio now exceeds 57 million consumers each week. Traditional radio formats continue to endure, despite cries that radio is dead. According to Radio Advertising Bureau, in 2011 radio reached nearly 95 percent of the U.S. population, and U.S. radio advertising netted $17.4 billion in revenues. The authors suggest offering and emphasizing songs consumers want is good marketing strategy, as is choosing to advertise in venues that play preferred music.

“People were under the impression that radio was no longer relevant,” notes Ward. “Radio is very relevant. We now have new forms of music on popular websites like Pandora and Spotify, where these brands are already maximizing insights such as ours. They present the consumer with music they already like but it is presented in new ways that allow for an easy transition. These sites are successful because they are using the idea of familiarity.”

Across four studies, findings indicate that familiarity is a stronger predictor of music choice than other prevalent measures such as liking and satiation. Consumers pick music that they are familiar with even when they believe they would prefer less familiar music. This research is a first to quantify the effect of familiarity versus other forces — including liking — on consumer choice and to determine the power of these variables on actual market behavior. The authors note that an extensive body of psychology literature “does not provide much actionable managerial guidance for marketers as to which stimulus a consumer will actually choose in a particular product category.”

The authors’ second test shows that people are likely to choose music based on familiarity, even when they will have to actually listen to the music versus an intent. In fact, familiarity predicts choice above and beyond liking, and it has a stronger direct effect on choice. “Liking” is a commonly used variable in marketing research. Especially in the music domain, perceived coolness is a factor. Ward mentions, “We measure this by having respondents make choices individually; if they had their peers observing their choices, they might have chosen differently, trying to make cool choices in front of their peers.”

A heavy load?
Also factored into the study is one’s stimulation levels and cognitive load. For example, the authors predict and prove that when a person is engaged in an activity requiring more stimulation, they prefer more familiar music. Imagine someone jogging or driving in rush-hour traffic, two tasks which already consume some of the listener’s bandwidth. The opposite is also true: in a less stimulating environment, the novel can be better handled. Blaring some new tune while outdoors playing Frisbee with your black Lab is perfectly doable. One’s “cognitive load” is particularly relevant to music choice because listening to music often involves other activities such as driving, exercising or working with “audio wallpaper” playing softly in the background.

A general finding is that consumers do not want to be over-stimulated, says Ward. Optimal stimulation has been researched since the 1980s. “People typically operate at a low level of desire for stimulation in their everyday surroundings or they seek it at certain times. There are people who like jumping out of airplanes and scaling cliffs in Nepal, but this is more of a chronic state of being versus a consumption choice.”

Familiarity however is a major driver of actual music choice and market share, according to results. They note that emphasis on novelty in the music domain, by consumers and people protesting the current state of the music business, is misplaced. While consumers indicate that they want more novelty, in fact their choices suggest that they do not.

Impact on the playlist
When testing consumers about a particular music choice or a particular playlist, marketers would do well to bypass consumers’ notions of what they want, and instead ask how familiar consumers are with the music, the research indicates. Familiarity is as powerful, and sometimes more powerful, than any other measure of music preference in the studies. “Satiation measures,” how tired of a song one is, at least for predicting reduced preference for music, is counterproductive.

For music outlets with playlists, findings suggest the best strategy is to concentrate on familiar songs, even if consumers say they want more novelty. When a new song is introduced, the authors suggest it should be played often and be offered to consumers through promotions. For music platforms allowing users to create a playlist, such as iTunes, marketers should heavily promote and make familiar music, easy to find for purchase, and should not emphasize unfamiliar music. The researchers predict the success of Apps such as Spotify and Pandora, which offer newly released music that has many familiar elements, such as familiar artists, styles, and melodies.

The authors believe that this familiarity story would play a powerful role in other artistic categories other than music, such as the entertainment, food and the visual arts. Many popular movies include familiar actors and plots, and same goes for popular restaurants seeming to serve essentially the same food. The researchers point to people not needing stimulation in these types of product categories, as in music.

The Eagles, Rolling Stones, Cold Play and Taylor Swift may yet live on another century. — Jennifer Warren

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Culture, Society & Family Learning & Education Mind & Brain

Kids’ reading success is boosted by long-term individualized instruction, finds 3-year study

Assessment-to-instruction software helped teachers track student reading success and intervene more effectively

Students who consistently receive individualized reading instruction from first through third grade become better readers than those who don’t, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

These findings come after a three-year study that followed several hundred Floridian students, who received varying amounts of individualized instruction, from first to third grade.

“Our results show that children need sustained, effective instruction from first through third grade if they are going to become proficient readers,” said psychological scientist Carol McDonald Connor of Arizona State University, who led the research team.

Co-authors on the research include Frederick Morrison and Barry Fishman of the University of Michigan, Elizabeth Crowe and Christopher Schatschneider of Florida State University, and Stephanie Al Otaiba of Southern Methodist University.

Teachers involved in the longitudinal, randomized study used Assessment-to-instruction (A2i) software to make informed decisions about how to tailor reading instruction to meet their students’ needs. Using algorithms, the A2i software recommended specific amounts and types of reading instruction based on the skills of each student.

Data from the study showed that students who received individualized student instruction (ISI) in all three grades showed the strongest reading skills by the end of third grade, compared to those who received fewer years of individualized instruction.

“Another way to think about this is that 94 percent of the students in ISI classrooms from first through third grade were reading proficiently, compared to only 78 percent of the children who didn’t participate all three years,” said Connor.

In fact, students who were in ISI classrooms for all three years often achieved reading skills that were well above grade level expectations by the end of third grade, when measured by nationally-normed reading achievement tests.

The data are particularly promising given that they demonstrate improvement in reading scores for children from an economically and ethnically diverse school district that included urban, suburban, and rural communities.

The findings suggest that, with a little help from software programs such as A2i, teachers may be able to track student reading success and intervene more effectively.

“The individualized instruction was provided by regular classroom teachers,” added Connor. “So, I think the findings demonstrate that we can help teachers become more effective through professional development, supported by technology.”

The scientific article, “A Longitudinal Cluster-Randomized Controlled Study on the Accumulating Effects of Individualized Literacy Instruction on Students’ Reading From First Through Third Grade,” was published online ahead of print.

This research was supported by the U.S. Department of Education Institute of Educational Sciences and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. — Association for Psychological Science

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