Microsoft Office Certifications Add Valuable Benefits to CCPA Course

Piyawan (Pui) Charoensap-Kelly, PhD
Dr. Piyawan (Pui) Charoensap-Kelly

Last summer, I had the opportunity to meet with Dr.  Piyawan Charoensap-Kelly, also known as Dr. Kelly, assistant professor of organizational communication for Meadows’ Corporate Communication and Public Affairs division.

We met to discuss onboarding Dr. Kelly’s students of CCPA 3360: Business and Professional Communication to the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification program. Dr. Kelly explained that this course examines both written and oral communications and also focuses on professional development. In our discussion, she mentioned that she was interested in having her students pursue both the Microsoft Word and PowerPoint certifications, which would complement designated learning outcomes.

This semester, Dr. Kelly reached out to me to earn her own certifications alongside her students. I took a moment to follow up and see how things went both for her and her class. Continue reading Microsoft Office Certifications Add Valuable Benefits to CCPA Course

Adobe Test Fest a Success!

Adobe Digital Badges

Our recent Adobe Test Fest has concluded, with several Adobe certifications issued during the weekend event. Also, we have a winner in our highest score contest! Samantha Navarro, a master’s student in Design and Innovation, scored an excellent score of 950 on her Visual design using Photoshop exam to earn the $100 Amazon gift card! Samantha was excited to take advantage of our availability of Adobe exams. Continue reading Adobe Test Fest a Success!

Interactive Tips for Zoom with Diane Gifford

Diane GiffordDr. Diane Gifford is a clinical assistant professor in the Simmons School of Education and Human Development. On May 12, 2020, Diane participated in SMU’s Remote Learning: From Survival to Exceptional series with a session on Interactive Synchronous Tips. During the action-packed workshop, Diane provided attendees with tips and tricks for faculty to help keep students highly engaged and connected when presenting remotely with Zoom. Continue reading Interactive Tips for Zoom with Diane Gifford

Organizing Your Online Canvas Course with Christina Churchill

Christina ChurchillAs part of the Remote Learning: From Survival to Exceptional series, Christina Churchill, Academic Technology Directory for the Cox School of Business, shared her insights on Organizing Your Online Course. This workshop introduced SMU’s expectations for minimal requirements in Canvas as well as learning theories and best practices for presenting online course content.

“The goal of designing a course is Continue reading Organizing Your Online Canvas Course with Christina Churchill

Zoombombing in the Classroom? Not On Our Watch

Zoom Update: In response to the issues concerning privacy and security, Zoom has automatically defaulted the as screen sharing settings for Education customers to “Only Host” as of March 26, 2020. To enable participant sharing, please visit the following link:

Yesterday, we discussed the trend of bad actors taking advantage of publicly shared Zoom meetings to take over with unwanted and disruptive screen-shares, called Zoombombing. While it is a trend in with publicly open Zoom meetings, we are in a new age of online learning and students are also testing the waters of these new platforms. Things like limiting your Zoom meeting video to Host Only will not work in an educational setting as we want to encourage student engagement and sharing. Let us look at some ways to limit the disruption of students in our live online learning environments. Continue reading Zoombombing in the Classroom? Not On Our Watch