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Category: Religious Studies
Originally Posted: Aug 23, 2021 Welcome back, Mustangs! Can’t wait to see you in class!
Temporary mask requirement effective Aug 12
SMU News Effective August 12, SMU is temporarily requiring masks (two or more layers covering the nose and mouth) in indoor spaces on campus, including classrooms, event and meeting spaces, and common areas in all buildings and residential halls regardless of vaccination status. Masks are not required in private spaces such as residence hall rooms […]
SMU NEWS As SMU moves into Summer Session II (July term), it’s important to maintain a healthy campus by diligently following SMU’s current COVID-19 protocols. Here are some reminders. The Mustang Strong Dashboard recording COVID-19 cases at SMU is now updated weekly on Thursdays. SMU strongly encourages everyone to receive the COVID-19 vaccination to prevent the spread […]
Austin American Citizen Originally Posted: May 29, 2021 Jill DeTemple, religious studies professor at SMU Dallas, for a piece advocating how rituals can help individuals and communities navigate their post-pandemic worlds. Published in the Austin American-Statesman with the heading Rituals can guide us in our post-pandemic worlds: About a week ago, at the top of the stairs […]
American Academy in Berlin Posted: May 12, 2021 The American Academy in Berlin has granted twenty-two Berlin Prizes for fall 2021 and spring 2022. The Berlin Prize is awarded annually to American or US-based scholars, writers, composers, and artists who represent the highest standards of excellence in their fields, from the humanities and social sciences […]
THINK Originally Posted: April 29, 2021 Andrea Jain is an SMU Religious Studies alumna. She was interviewed on Think in April. Yoga, at its core, is a spiritual practice — and companies sell top-dollar gear so you can practice it in style. Andrea R. Jain is associate professor of religious studies at Indiana University, Indianapolis […]
Congratulations to Dr. Johan Elverskog, Dedman Family Distinguished Professor, Professor of Religious Studies, and, by courtesy, Professor of History who was awarded a grant from the James P. Geiss and Margaret Y. Hsu Foundation to support his work through the National Humanities Center (NHC) during the 2021–2022 fellowship year. Professor Everskog’s work will focus on examining the […]
SMU Giving Day is April 13
SMU Giving Day is April 13. There are over 20 different ways that you can support Dedman College. Check them out by visiting or clicking through the features list below. ALBERT SCHWEITZER FELLOWSHIP DEAN’S RESEARCH COUNCIL AT DEDMAN COLLEGE DATAFEST HACKATHON DEDMAN COLLEGE RESEARCH AND ADVANCED STUDIES FUND JEWISH STUDIES DEDMAN COLLEGE CANCER RESEARCH […]
Whitney Wolfe Herd to speak at Commencement
SMU News Originally Posted: Marche 21, 2021 DALLAS (SMU) – Whitney Wolfe Herd, founder and CEO of Bumble Inc., became the youngest woman to take a company public when she celebrated the initial offering of her dating app shares on the Nasdaq Stock Market in February. The 31-year-old entrepreneur and SMU alumna will draw lessons from […]