Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences English Graduate News

Recent Article Publication by PhD Student Vincent Mennella

Vincent Mennella’s article, “Vexed Relationships with Rome: Arthur’s Dragon Crest and Spenser’s Representations of Conquest, Empire, and Christendom in The Faerie Queene,” was recently published by Explorations in Renaissance Culture, a multidisciplinary journal of early modern studies. An earlier version of this project was presented at the Renaissance Society of America’s 2023 meeting in San […]

Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences English Graduate News SW Center UHP

Dr. Katie Condon Receives National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowship

Dr. Katie Condon received the prestigious 2025 National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowship. This fellowship enables the recipients to set aside time for writing, research, travel, and general career development. Dr. Condon was chosen as one of 35 recipients out of over 2000 eligible applications. Katie Condon is the author of Praying Naked, […]

Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences English Graduate News

PhD Student Lindsey McClure Participates in MLA Public Humanities Incubator Program

Lindsey McClure is a member of the 2024 MLA Public Humanities Incubator Program. This competitive program places twelve graduate students who are interested in public humanities scholarship with mentors who aid them with their projects. Lindsey will be presenting her work, titled “Victorian Ghosts and Me,” this January at MLA.

Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences English Graduate News

Recent Publication and Presentations from PhD Student Ally Barber

Ally Barber published a review of Jose O. Fernandez’s Against Marginalization with MELUS. Her article “‘I’m leaving evidence’: Traumatic Rememory, Identity, and the Body in Gayl Jones’s Corregidora” is forthcoming in MELUS. She also presented “‘Vendido sanavabiche!’: La Malinche in Jovita González and Eve Raleigh’s Caballero and Américo Paredes’s George Washington Gómez” at MELUS 2024 […]

DCII Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences Dedman College Research English Graduate News

Two PhD Students, Lindsey McClure and Ally Barber, Awarded DCII Research Cluster Grant

Through their work with the ERAH Graduate Student Conference, PhD students Ally Barber and Lindsey McClure were awarded a DCII Research Cluster Grant. This grant is awarded to SMU faculty and PhD students seeking collaborative research initiatives at SMU. Congrats Ally and Lindsey!

Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences English Graduate News

PhD Student Kendall Dinniene Attended Duke University’s Summer Institute

This summer, Kendall Dinniene attended Duke University’s Black Feminist Theory Summer Institute. Duke hosts this summer institute for graduate students to engage with faculty and their peers on similar intellectual interests. The theme for this institute was ‘Home.’

Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences English Graduate News

PhD Student Philip Bax Presents at MELUS Conference

Philip Bax presented a paper entitled “Portrait of the Artist as a ‘Root Man’: Depictions of Conjure and the Rhetoric of Romantic Racialism in the Autobiographies of Frederick Douglass” at MELUS’s annual conference in Dallas this past April. MELUS, the Society for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literature in the United States, aims to expand the […]

Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences English Graduate News

PhD Student Elijah Hook Awarded Pueppke Prize

Elijah Hook was awarded the 2024 Pueppke Prize for outstanding graduate student writing with his essay “Gutting the Sonnet: Jericho Brown’s Duplex and the Poetics of Renovation.” Congrats Elijah!

Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences Dedman College Research Earth Sciences Faculty News Graduate News

Announcing the SMU Climate Science Research Fund

The SMU Earth Hazards and National Security Research Cluster is pleased to announce a call for applications for the Climate Science Research Fund. This fund will provide support to graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and faculty to collect primary data relevant to climate science and/or conduct research focused on modern environmental and climate change.

Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences English Graduate News

Academic Writing for the Public: A Workshop for Humanities Ph.D. Students

At the end of the spring semester, the Moody School of Graduate and Advanced Studies, in conjunction with the SMU English department, hosted the inaugural Academic Writing for the Public Workshop. From May 20th to May 23rd, PhD students in the humanities learned how to frame their scholarly pursuits for the public and received focused […]