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Business Insider: Your Smartphone Is Destroying Your Sleep

Business Insider Science Editor Jennifer Walsh tapped the sleep expertise of SMU Assistant Professor of Chemistry Brian D. Zoltowski to explain how artificial light from our smartphones and other digital devices causes sleep deprivation. Her article, “Your Smartphone Is Destroying Your Sleep,” published May 19.

Zoltowski’s lab at SMU studies one of the many proteins involved in an organism’s circadian clocks. Called a photoreceptor, the protein responds to light to predict time of day and season by measuring day length.

The circadian clock is an internal biological mechanism that responds to light, darkness and temperature in a natural 24-hour biological cycle. The clock synchronizes body systems with the environment to regulate everything from sleep patterns and hunger in humans to growth patterns and flowering in plants.

“Our research focuses on understanding the chemical basis for how organisms perceive their surroundings and use light as an environmental cue to regulate growth and development,” Zoltowski says.

Zoltowski and the American Chemical Society created a video explaining the light-sleep deprivation relationship.

Read the full story.


By Jennifer Welsh
Business Insider

Artificial light is one of the biggest causes of sleep deprivation in modern humans, but there’s some special witch magic in smartphone and tablet light that really messes with our sleep cycle — essentially forcing us to stay awake by convincing our bodies that it’s actually morning.

Smartphones do this because they let off bright blue light.

“One of the best biological cues we have to what time of day it is is light. And it turns out that blue light in particular is very effective at basically predicting when morning is,” chemistry researcher Brian Zoltowski says in the video below, from the American Chemical Society.

In the evenings, there’s more red light than blue light, which signals your body to prep for bed. The red light does this by interacting with the protein melanopsin in cells deep inside your eyes — ones that are specifically made to regulate circadian rhythms and don’t play a role in how we see.

When the light hits this protein, it changes, and these cells send a signal to the “master clock” of the brain, which dictates when we wake and when we get sleepy. When it sends a “wake up” signal at night, our body clock gets screwed up.

The solution to a screwed up body clock? Force yourself to do things at the right time of the day — eating at mealtimes, getting to bed at a normal time, and getting up at a good time as well. And, of course, avoid that blue light at night.

Read the full story.

Earth & Climate Health & Medicine Plants & Animals Researcher news

Circadian clock research may enable flexible designer plants; treat cancer and diabetes

Understanding of photoreceptor proteins could lead to new strains of plants tolerant to greater variety of environments, and to cancer drug therapy for humans

How does a plant know when to sprout a leaf, fold its petals or bloom? Why do humans experience jet lag after a trip abroad?

The answer is the internal circadian clocks that are present in nearly every organism and that respond to external cues such as light and temperature, says chemist Brian D. Zoltowski, Southern Methodist University.

Zoltowski’s lab at SMU studies one of the many proteins involved in an organism’s circadian clocks. Called a photoreceptor, the protein responds to light to predict time of day and season by measuring day length.

$250,000 grant will fund research studying circadian clocks in plants
The photoreceptor protein enables plants to know when spring and fall occur and to produce flowers or fruit at the appropriate time of year, says Zoltowski, an assistant professor in SMU’s Department of Chemistry. The protein also allows plants to collect energy during the day in the scientific process called photosynthesis, and then refocus energy to grow at night.

Human photoreceptors also are intricately involved in regulation of the body’s circadian clocks. They have been implicated in the development of cancer and diabetes, as well as neurological illnesses.

“If we can better understand how these proteins work, we can potentially re-engineer them or develop small molecules to regulate flowering times, plant growth and development,” Zoltowski says. “By extension, we can potentially design therapeutics for the human circadian clocks.”

The Herman Frasch Foundation for Chemical Research Grants in Agricultural Chemistry awarded Zoltowski a five-year $250,000 agricultural chemistry grant to fund the plant research. The foundation is part of the American Chemical Society.

A natural 24-hour biological mechanism for regulating the body
The circadian clock is an internal biological mechanism that responds to light, darkness and temperature in a natural 24-hour biological cycle. The clock synchronizes body systems with the environment to regulate everything from sleep patterns and hunger in humans to growth patterns and flowering in plants.

“Our research focuses on understanding the chemical basis for how organisms perceive their surroundings and use light as an environmental cue to regulate growth and development,” Zoltowski says.

Zoltowski’s research focuses on a family of proteins related to Zeitlupe, a photoreceptor protein that is sensitive to blue light and historically considered responsible for regulating the circadian clock.

Light induces chemical reaction and resulting cascade of interactions
“We isolate the protein so we can study directly how it works independent of everything else,” Zoltowski says. “So we look at the chemistry that is sensitive to blue light when the blue-light photon is absorbed by the protein. We figure out the chemistry and then how the chemistry changes the structure of the protein.”

For example, he says, for a flower to open, light induces a chemical reaction in the protein that alters the way it’s configured, which then starts a cascade of interactions that changes the plant’s physiology completely.

The researchers use a combination of X-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance and solution biophysics to identify the fundamental chemical mechanisms of photo-activation, including local chemical events, alteration in protein structure and alteration in protein:protein interactions.

Goal is for discoveries that can regulate a plant’s circadian clock
By understanding how the proteins work, scientists can ultimately create new strains of plants that are tolerant to more environments, says Zoltowski. In related research, the study of human proteins can reveal circadian clock irregularities that play a role in diseases such as diabetes by disrupting the release of glucose, for example. From that research, scientists can develop new drug therapeutics to treat the illness.

“We’re having great success. We’ve worked with these families of proteins for a long time, so we have some strategies that improve the likelihood of making it work,” Zoltowski says. — Margaret Allen

Health & Medicine Researcher news SMU In The News

CBS DFW: Is Aerial Spraying Safe?

CBS Channel 11 reporter Ginger Allen interviewed SMU chemist Brian Zoltowski for the station’s Aug. 15 report on aerial spraying over Dallas County to kill mosquitos that may be carrying West Nile Virus.

The report comes in the wake of a decision by Dallas County to address the spread of West Nile Virus with aerial spraying of a pesticide called Duet.

Zoltowski, an SMU assistant professor of chemistry, was asked about the possible impact of the pesticide on human health.

See the full report.


Reporting: Ginger Allen
CBS Channel 11 DFW

DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS) – West Nile poses a serious health risk, but now with aerial spraying, there is a new concern. What could soon rain down over Dallas County may flood doctors’ offices with questions.

Doctor Elizabeth Stevenson is an OB/GYN who says, “Unfortunately, right now, we don’t have a whole lot of information.”

Although Doctor Stevenson has delivered more than 4,000 babies, she, like the rest of us, is waiting to hear what the chemicals that kill mosquitoes could do to at risk patients like infants and pregnant women.

“We are going under the assumption that this will not be harmful to mother or unborn child,” says Doctor Stevenson.

CBS 11 has learned Dallas County will be using Clarke, an Illinois company to spray the pesticide called Duet. Duet contains sumithrin and pralletrin.

“If you ever take Raid and spray on a bug, they basically drop to the ground. That is what they are designed to do. They basically stop their ability to move,” explains Southern Methodist University Associate Professor Brian Zoltowski.

Zoltowski says these are chemicals that the pest control companies have being spraying on yards for years. He says the amounts that will be sprayed will kill mosquitoes, bees and fish. They do not have the protective enzymes to degrade the molecules that people and pets do. […]

See the full report.