Tech Tips for Windows 11: What You Need to Know

Windows 11 logoIf you haven’t already upgraded to Windows 11, now is the time to do so. Windows 10 is reaching its end of life, and computers will be automatically upgraded starting in June. To ensure a smooth transition, we recommend upgrading ahead of time. Instructions were sent to users who haven’t yet upgraded on March 19 (Subject: Action Required: Upgrade Your SMU Computer to Windows 11). Continue reading Tech Tips for Windows 11: What You Need to Know

Missed Our GMetrix Clinic? Excel Associate Testers – Don’t Skip This Tip!

Didn’t make it to our GMetrix clinic? No worries—we’ve got you covered!

If you’re launching your GMetrix Excel Associate practice test for the first time, you might feel overwhelmed when it throws you straight into a complex question. Don’t panic! Watch this short video to see how to navigate the test and tackle GMetrix with confidence. Continue reading Missed Our GMetrix Clinic? Excel Associate Testers – Don’t Skip This Tip!

Windows 10 End of Life Set for October. Get Ready!

Windows 10In my years here at SMU, I’ve kind of become the defacto obituary writer for all kinds of systems and services that have been retired. Thankfully, seeing off one service usually means welcoming something new! In this case, Windows 10 Enterprise and Education versions will be officially retired by Microsoft on October 14, 2025, wrapping up a ten-year service life. We recommend upgrading your SMU device to Windows 11 at your earliest convenience, and here’s how. Continue reading Windows 10 End of Life Set for October. Get Ready!

Safe Links Add Enhanced Security to Your Email

Checked Email iconLast week, OIT enabled Safe Links to emails inbound to campus. This security features has been in use for some time in Microsoft Teams. We’ve now extended the service to protect  SMU email accounts, adding an additional layer of security to inspect embedded URLs in emails for possible phishing/malware sites in real-time. Continue reading Safe Links Add Enhanced Security to Your Email

Get Certified with Ease: GMetrix Clinics Coming in February!

GMetrixNeeding to prep for a Microsoft Office certification? If it is required for a course, all the details for GMetrix, our test prep platform, are in your course’s Canvas page. If you are needing a little more help, we have something for you. Continue reading Get Certified with Ease: GMetrix Clinics Coming in February!