Introducing the LinkedIn Learning LTI Tool!

LinkedIn Learning logoSMU has offered LinkedIn Learning as a valuable tool for students, faculty, and staff for several years now. Thousands have utilized this service to better themselves in technical and professional skills. Now, we have a BIG announcement for faculty that would like to use LinkedIn Learning content in their courses. LinkedIn Learning now has a Learning Tool Interoperability (LTI) tool integrated into Canvas!

This new tool allows Continue reading Introducing the LinkedIn Learning LTI Tool!

Your New Spam Filter: What to Expect

No SPAM or phishing emailEarlier this summer we told you about our upcoming switch to a new spam filter for SMU email accounts. Well, the time is here to make the switch! As we move to the new Microsoft Defender-based filtering platform in the coming weeks, here’s a summary of how to report spam and view your Junk E-Mail folders. Continue reading Your New Spam Filter: What to Expect

Microsoft Teams: Don’t Forget to Renew!

Microsoft Teams logoAdoption of Microsoft Teams across campus has accelerated over the past few years, and with that comes routine upkeep to make sure your team stays active. OIT policy sets Microsoft Teams and Groups to expire after one year. Make sure you pay attention to your email for the 30, 15, and one-day expiration reminders to renew your team(s) and keep them active. Continue reading Microsoft Teams: Don’t Forget to Renew!

Gear Up for Fall with Faculty Technology Workshops FTW!

Whether you’re a faculty member totally new to Canvas or other SMU academic technology, or you want a refresher before the next term, our upcoming Faculty Technology Workshops have all you need to hit the ground running and make your courses the best they can be. Faculty members, various SMU departments, OIT Canvas Admins and ATSDs, as well as experts from multiple technology vendors, come together to show you the latest developments and best practices for using your technology. Check out our upcoming sessions! Continue reading Gear Up for Fall with Faculty Technology Workshops FTW!

Microsoft Defender to Begin Filtering Spam This Summer

Microsoft Defender logo.As one of the final steps in our cloud email migration project, OIT will soon retire our legacy Cisco IronPort spam filtering and replace it with Microsoft’s Defender spam filtering service. While providing better real-time spam filtering and detection using artificial intelligence, this transition also means new ways of managing your spam quarantine. Keep reading to find out more! Continue reading Microsoft Defender to Begin Filtering Spam This Summer