From Policy to Practice: Navigating Web Accessibility at SMU with Beth Andresen

Universal Access (accessibility)Accessibility on the web is not just a desirable feature; it is a necessity. For institutions like SMU, ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their abilities, can access and navigate their web content is paramount. Behind this crucial endeavor stands Beth Andresen, the Associate Director of Web Development in Web Application Services at SMU. Continue reading From Policy to Practice: Navigating Web Accessibility at SMU with Beth Andresen

Championing ‘3X3X3 Digital Accessibility’: SMU Academic Tech Leaders’ EDUCAUSE Focus

Jennifer Culver and Jason Warner presenting at EDUCAUSE.In higher education, where all of us benefit from a dizzying array of always new and changing technologies, two leaders from Southern Methodist University (SMU) are working to encourage all of us to, at the very least, use tools we already have available to advance the cause of digital accessibility. At this year’s international EDUCAUSE conference, held in Chicago, Associate CIO for Academic Technology Jason Warner and Senior Academic Technology Services Director and Online Education Manager Jennifer Culver took the stage to call our community to action on this pivotal issue in their session: “3x3x3 for Digital Technology Accessibility.” Continue reading Championing ‘3X3X3 Digital Accessibility’: SMU Academic Tech Leaders’ EDUCAUSE Focus

Name That Image: 7 Examples for Raising Awareness of Accessibility

Growing up with a blind grandfather, the importance of equity for individuals with visual disabilities was constantly reinforced. During my recent interview with Dr. Jennifer Culver, Director of Academic Technology Services for Simmons School of Education and Human Development, reminded me of that significance as she shared her experience of presenting at the Peralta Equity Conference.

Hosted by the Peralta Online Equity Initiative, the 3-day conference encompassed increasing learning equity for all learners. The first day focused on Continue reading Name That Image: 7 Examples for Raising Awareness of Accessibility

OIT’s Accessibility Checks Spur Panopto Improvements

DUBBOT LogoWith the recent introduction of the DubBot service, SMU websites have already seen marked improvements in accessibility, content quality, and content accuracy. Not only that, DubBot also helped OIT notify a major vendor of an accessibility issue with one of their products that was quickly resolved for customers worldwide! Continue reading OIT’s Accessibility Checks Spur Panopto Improvements