Upcoming Student Technology Training

One Click Learning
Planning for this fall’s student technology workshops has been underway for several months now. This semester, our continued partnership with the Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center (A-LEC) will be expanded with several new course offerings as part of their Learning Strategies Workshop Schedule. One workshop we are particularly excited about is Digital Note-Taking & Textbook Reading. This 2-in-1 workshop will be jointly hosted by members of the A-LEC and IT Training Team. Continue reading Upcoming Student Technology Training

It’s Back-To-School: Do you know who to call?

Calling Character Shows Telephone Discussion And Communication In recent weeks, we’ve seen a number of future Mustangs on campus for AARO. As families arrive, it’s amazing to see the amount of information they have to sort through in such a short time. Do you have health insurance? Are you interested in studying abroad? Mom & Dad, have you heard about SMU’s Mothers’ and Dads’ Clubs? Do you have your computer and know what type of software your school requires? Sometimes the information can be easily found on the SMU website but many times our parents and students want to talk to someone directly.  Continue reading It’s Back-To-School: Do you know who to call?

OIT’s latest Security Report is now available.

OIT Security Report Cover

Our first edition of the newly revised OIT Security Report is now available to the SMU community. We have revamped the layout and content to allow us to go more in-depth on specific issues and provide more detailed metrics in an easy to read format. We hope you enjoy it.To access the report, click the link below.

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Authenticating to Box@SMU is required before viewing or downloading the report. This report is confidential and not intended for distribution outside the University.