Protect Yourself: Fighting MFA Fatigue

MFA FatigueLast week, OIT notified the campus of a successful phishing campaign targeting the SMU community. In this campaign, we noted that cybercriminals had begun using a new technique where they repeatedly send Duo requests to users who have shared their username and password to annoy users into approving the two-factor request.

This technique, referred to as “MFA fatigue,” has become increasingly common, and over the next several weeks, OIT will begin implementing measures to combat this trend. In the meantime, we recommend you take the following actions if you notice something suspicious: Continue reading Protect Yourself: Fighting MFA Fatigue

OIT’s ’22-’25 Strategic Plan Status Update

Preview of page 4 of the 2022 OIT Progress Report discussing the OIT Strategic Plan.2022 brought forth OIT’s new Strategic Plan for serving the SMU community through 2025 and beyond. This comprehensive plan provides a framework of goals and aspirations that will lead us toward future success and innovation in SMU’s journey to R1 status. We would like to update you on the progress already made in our primary areas of planning: Research, Teaching and Learning, Excellence, and Innovation. Continue reading OIT’s ’22-’25 Strategic Plan Status Update

Mac Wireless Issues: Resolution

SMU Wireless LogoOn January 13, the security certificate for PerunaNet was renewed.  Typically, computers will prompt to accept the new certificate and reconnect without issue. However, multiple Macs and iOS devices were failing to present the “accept certificate” window, and were therefore not updating the wireless certificate.  The following solutions have been identified and should be performed on any device that is having difficulty connecting to PerunaNet. Continue reading Mac Wireless Issues: Resolution