O365 and “Clutter”

o365-720pLast summer, Microsoft introduced a new feature for email accounts hosted in Office 365.  The feature, known as Clutter, helps manage your inbox by filtering out the low-priority email.  The email server keeps track of the messages you read and the ones you don’t.  It then begins routing emails you are most likely to ignore to a “clutter” folder.  While this seems like a nice feature to have, many important SMU emails for students are being overlooked since they are not in the inbox.

As a result, OIT will disable the clutter feature for all SMU accounts in Office 365 on April 27 at noon.  Students who want this feature enabled can turn it back on. However, they should also make a habit of reviewing items in their clutter folder daily.  To re-enable this feature, do the following:

  1. Login to Outlook via webmail (office.smu.edu)
  2. Click on the Application launcher and select Mail
  3. On the navigation bar, go to
    Settings > Options > Mail > Automatic processing > Clutter
  4. Select “Separate items identified as Clutter.”
  5. Click Save

If you enable Clutter, there are ways to help Microsoft learn what is important to you and what is not.  Similar to using the Junk Mail rules in the Outlook client, simply right-click on the message in your inbox that is junk and click “Move to Clutter“.  If a message is sent to your Clutter folder incorrectly, right-click and choose “Move to Inbox.”  A review of the clutter folder should be conducted on a daily basis, however, to ensure you aren’t missing important messages.


“Clutter” Is Coming to the Office 365 Mailbox

Office 365In June, Microsoft Clutter, a new mailbox management feature, will be activated for all SMU mailboxes hosted by Office 365 (primarily student mailboxes).

Clutter learns from your actions the messages you are likely to ignore. As less important messages arrive, they are automatically moved to the Clutter folder. It gets smarter over time, learning from your prior actions with similar messages and assessing things like the type of content and even how you are addressed in the message. To keep users informed on actions taken, Clutter will send summary notifications once per week, and will alert up to once per day when new types of emails are moved to Clutter for the first time.

The personalized Clutter experience adapts to your actions and preferences without you having to do anything. The information Clutter learns from each user’s actions are only applied to that user’s experience and are not shared with anyone else.

You can enable Clutter now from within the Outlook Web App by navigating to Settings (the “gear” icon in the upper right corner of Outlook Web App), OptionsMailAutomatic ProcessingClutter. You can also navigate to the same space if you wish to opt-out once Clutter is enabled globally.


Using Clutter in Office 365 tutorial after the break. Continue reading “Clutter” Is Coming to the Office 365 Mailbox