Canvas Boot Camp Sessions: January 18 & 19

OIT Canvas Boot CampWith the success of our Canvas Boot Camp this summer, we will be offering them again in time for the Spring Semester on Wednesday, January 18th and Thursday, January 19th. We hope you’ll join us for these come-and-go learning opportunities to get you up and running on Canvas.  Registration for the Boot Camp is not required, but the sessions are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please see the class descriptions section below for more information on these Boot Camp workshops. Continue reading Canvas Boot Camp Sessions: January 18 & 19

Sitecore Surveys lead to New Sessions in the New Year

SitecoreOver the past two months, OIT has been busily collecting data to help us understand what is working, what needs improvement, and what kind of opportunities are possible with SMU’s web presence. We are taking a lot of different data sources to get the most comprehensive picture possible. Here are a few examples: Continue reading Sitecore Surveys lead to New Sessions in the New Year

Save the Date: Lynda’s Birthday Bash

Happy Birthday Lynda WeinmanTo kick off 2017, IT training will be promoting professional development through the month of January showcasing our learning partner  We will be celebrating Lynda Weinman’s birthday, founder of, all month long! Save the date to participate in one of our Lynda Learning Day festivities. Continue reading Save the Date: Lynda’s Birthday Bash