The Hidden Dangers of Web Browser Extensions: What You Need to Know

icon of a web browser with an icon of a puzzleWeb browser extensions have become indispensable tools for enhancing productivity, simplifying tasks, and customizing our online experience. From ad blockers and grammar checkers to password managers and note-taking apps, these small software add-ons offer immense utility. However, as beneficial as they are, web browser extensions also pose significant safety and security risks, which university staff, faculty, and students should be aware of. Continue reading The Hidden Dangers of Web Browser Extensions: What You Need to Know

Abnormal Email Security to Replace Armorblox

Email warning iconAs the Armorblox email security application has been discontinued, OIT will be replacing it with Abnormal Email Security to supplement our Microsoft Defender spam filter. Abnormal utilizes artificial intelligence to find and eliminate emails that contain threats to data security. We intend to turn on Abnormal Security on Thursday, January 18.

What does this switch mean to you? Thankfully, reporting spam still works exactly the same! You can still use the Report Message button in Outlook, move messages to your Junk E-Mail folder, or forward messages to

As always, while our filtering eliminates the vast majority of spam and malicious e-mails, it’s always important to stay vigilant when opening messages that may be suspicious. When in doubt, let us know!

Winter 2024 Security Report Now Available

Security Awareness ribbonFrom opening a presidential library to building a supercomputer, the last 10 years, in particular, have dramatically changed the face of SMU. This latest edition of the OIT Quarterly Security Updates focuses on the evolution of cybersecurity over the last decade, from the improvements the campus has made for physical security to SMU’s cybersecurity and how OIT has adapted. Hopefully, this retrospective will help to shed light on the challenges we face as a community so that we can work together even more effectively in the next 10 years.

We couldn’t have done all of this without your help because Security Starts With You!

Security Reports shown as a magazine layout

To access the report, click the button below or go to

Halcyon Anti-Ransomware to Protect Campus Devices

no ransomware iconOver the past decade, the threat of ransomware has affected institutions ranging from hospitals to commercial businesses to K-12 and higher education. Ransomware consists of nefarious software installed on devices clandestinely to eventually encrypt your data to prevent access. The criminal then requests a ransom in order to decrypt your data. OIT will begin implementing a new software, Halcyon Anti-Ransomware, starting Tuesday, December 19, 2023, to help find and prevent ransomware, further protecting SMU’s sensitive data and business processes. Continue reading Halcyon Anti-Ransomware to Protect Campus Devices

Duo Verified Push Starts Today

Starting today, SMU requires a Verified Push from Duo Security when accessing the majority of SMU services protected with Duo multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Cisco Duo Logo (2 color)Malicious actors have taken advantage of push harassment and fatigue to exploit weaknesses in security features. To combat this nuisance, the new Verified Push requires you to enter a six-digit numeric code with any push notification. By using a verification code, we ensure only verified users can log in and reduce the chances of someone absent-mindedly accepting a push they did not request. The Verified Push will increase the protection of our MFA solution and help protect your accounts from unauthorized access. Continue reading Duo Verified Push Starts Today