Special Message to SMU Camp Operators and SMU Program Coordinators regarding the SMU Program for the Protection of Minors

childrenSummer Camp Season is Almost Here…

Make sure you are aware of the SMU and Texas State requirements for Protection of Minors training for yourself, your department, your camp, and your employees!

 Overview of the SMU Program and Training Requirements

SMU rolled out the Program for the Protection of Minors in June 2012 in response to Texas Senate Bill 1414.  This Bill requires employees working for a camp program that offers recreational, religious, athletic, or educational activities to complete training on preventing sexual abuse and molestation, when the camp/program is hosted on the grounds of or hosted by an institution of higher education.  To ensure a safe environment for all visitors and employees, SMU’s goal is to exceed state standards by requiring that every administrator, faculty, and staff member, and student employees complete the Program for the Protection of Minors training course.   To date, we have achieved very high percentages of completion and SMU thanks you for your cooperation with this initiative.

Please be aware that more may be required of you depending on your role at the University or with a camp program.

State Requirement to Update Training Every Two (2) Years for Camp Operators, Employees, and SMU Program Coordinators

UntitledSMU employees who will be either working or volunteering at camps or coordinating with others who will host camps are required by the State of Texas to re-train every two (2) years.  SMU partners with the Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center to host their state approved training program on SMU Blackboard.

To facilitate compliance with the State, anyone who completed the training in 2012 has had their record cleared in SMU Blackboard and may now re-access the training course in Blackboard to complete the updated training program.

Within 24 hours of your completion of the Blackboard course, results will be uploaded into Access.SMU.

Camp Operators must send the Texas State form to the State of Texas indicating training completion for employees and volunteers.

Program Coordinators should request a copy of the form to keep in their departmental files.

Proof of Training Completion

SMU Blackboard is not configured to provide a certificate of completion after finishing the training.  You may log into Access.SMU>Self Service>Learning and Development>Request Training Summary to generate a list of all workshops completed.  Print this summary and present it as proof of completion or take a screen shot and email to the person requesting proof of completion (the Camp Operator or SMU Program Coordinator).  The DCAC program code for the state form is YCO8-0043.

If you are unsure about your role and whether or not you need to re-train, please speak with your supervisor or contact one of the resources listed below.


SMU Website for the Program for Protection of Minors:  Additional information and resources are available on the SMU HR webpage: http://www.smu.edu/BusinessFinance/HR/LearningAndDevelopment/SMUProgramforProtectionofMinors

OIT Help Desk:  for issues with Blackboard or technical concerns with the course itself email Help@smu.edu or call 8-4357.

Office of Police and Risk Management – Compliance: to determine who needs to be trained and additional opportunities for SMU Camp Operators/Program Coordinators to learn about best practices for camps, contact Linda Oliver at loliver@smu.edu or 8-2807.

SMU Human Resources – Training and Access Upload:  for questions regarding Blackboard course completion, results in Access.SMU, and your Training Summary, email DevelopU@smu.edu or call 8-3311.

Request Enrollment in the Blackboard Training:  Users must have an SMU ID to access the Blackboard training.  If you do and you cannot view the course in Blackboard, you may not be currently enrolled.  Read the instructions on how to request enrollment or email DevelopU@smu.edu and include your SMU ID # in the email.  Please allow 24-48 hours for your enrollment to be completed.

About Mary Stall

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