Better Advertising. Better World. Graduate Students Internships Masters in Advertising Program SMU Creative

Executive Internships 2016: Yiyang (April) Yu

In the final semester of the Temerlin Advertising Institute’s MA in Advertising program, students work in an executive internship with a Dallas agency. Read April’s story below.

Yiyang Yu: The Hall Agency


In the Hall Agency, I’ve had the opportunity to design official website pages for our agency and some logos for Shakespeare Dallas as a graphic designer. It is fun to design for the plays. I read a lot of different stories regarding to the plays and have gotten a lot of inspiration from them. I also really enjoy exchanging my ideas with all my colleagues. We come up with ideas together to build our own websites and it makes me feel like we are working as a real team.

Better Advertising. Better World. Graduate Students Internships Masters in Advertising Program TAI Students

Executive Internship 2016: Preston Barrett

In the final semester of the Temerlin Advertising Institute’s MA in Advertising program, students work in an executive internship with a Dallas agency. Read Preston’s story below.

Preston Barrett: The Richards Group


I am currently an intern at The Richards Group in the Brand Management Department. While I am predominantly working on The Home Depot account, I’m doing projects for other clients as well.

In my internship, I work with people across all different disciplines within the agency to complete my projects. I’ve been involved in various phases of the process of launching different ads across different mediums (including radio, TV, print, and online). In addition to participating in weekly status meetings and participating in competitive analysis, I also have been able to listen in on recording sessions, attend a shoot, and conduct Home Depot store audits.

While the variety of work is very engaging, working with different clients has been a great experience because not only has it given me experience looking at advertising in different industries, but it has also shown me the intricacies associated with working with different size clients.

Working at The Richards Group has been an excellent learning experience for me to learn about working with accounts within an agency. It’s a very fast-paced environment, but I feel that has helped me realize just how much I’m able to accomplish. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed how much I’ve been able to learn and experience, and am excited to continue my internship!

Better Advertising. Better World. Graduate Students Internships Masters in Advertising Program Professional Development TAI Students

Executive Internship 2016: Jingxue (Snow) Wang

In the final semester of the Temerlin Advertising Institute’s MA in Advertising program, students work in an executive internship with a Dallas agency or office. Read Snow’s story below.


I am working as a graphic designer intern in SMU Office of Student Transitions and Orientation. My office provides programs and services to support new students and families in transition to SMU. I am responsible for creating SMU AARO online magazines that everyone can download from SMU Official Website. I also design a variety of digital and print materials, such as e-blasts, posters, Keynote and PowerPoint templates, binder covers etc.

I enjoy this internship very much. It makes me feel involved with the SMU culture and community. Also, I feel I am helping hundreds of students and parents gain better experiences in SMU. Since my schedule is very organized, I am able to have my own time to learn more skills and improve my abilities.

Better Advertising. Better World. Competitions Internships TAI Students Undergraduate Students

TAI Senior Ashley Eschert Shares How Internships Have Prepared Her for a Career in Advertising

Ashley Eschert (BA Advertising ’16)

Temerlin Advertising Institute (TAI) senior Ashley Eschert shares how internships with two top Dallas-based agencies–The Richards Group and Canonball Creative–have prepared her for a career as an advertising search planner. Read about her experiences here.

Ashley is one of twenty students that has been selected to participate in Praxis, SMU’s award winning and highly selective Ad Team. Ad Team participates in the American Advertising Federation’s (AAF) National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC). Each year, 200 universities around the country complete in this competition by producing and presenting a comprehensive integrated marketing communications plan for a national client. This year the client is Snapple. Ashley and her Praxis teammates will first present their plan at the district competition in Lubbock in April 2016, and hope to later present at the national competition at Disneyland in June.

Read about last year’s Praxis success here.

AAF Awards and Projects Engaged Learning Internships Professional Development Scholarship Scholarships TAI Students Uncategorized Undergraduate Students

TAI Student Tien Dang Completes Internship at Publicis HCG in NYC

In February, SMU Advertising major (’16) Tien Dang was selected for the 2015 Multicultural Advertising Internship Program (MAIP). Read about her experience summer internship experience below. IMG_6731

“This summer, I interned at Publicis HCG. I was also a part of MAIP (Multicultural Advertising Internship Program). In simpler terms, I participated in an intensive advertising internship. From 9am-5pm, I’d work on projects at my internship. This ranged from planning social events for the office, to writing copy for clients, and even working on an unbranded depression app for the Apple Watch for our intern project. At 5pm, I’d go home to grab dinner and would continue to work from 6-10pm, sometimes even later on MAIP’s project partnering with Weiden + Kennedy on a Nike campaign.

IMG_6246My first day in New York was a scene right out of a movie. I managed to get myself to Target via subway, but had no idea how to get back home. The Uber driver who picked me up not only offered me his mixtape and a date the following weekend, but also dropped me off no where near where I needed to be. My phone died and my friends that I somehow managed to find accidentally put me on the wrong train home. When I finally made it back, I realized that between lugging my purchases from Target around town, and grabbing dinner, I had lost my ID to get into my room. I was feeling discouraged, but was hopeful for better days to come.

IMG_6698As the summer moved forward, I became more acquainted with the city and the people that came with it. The one thing that I loved most about interning in NYC and being apart of MAIP was that I had 80 other friends who were experiencing the same things I was. We made each other laugh, cooked dinner when someone was too busy to feed themselves, and always made it a point to keep everyone motivated. As interns and fellows, we learned to work hard and save some time to play as well. We filled our free days with visits to Coney Island, stuffing our faces with delicious food at Smorgasburg, and appreciating all of the art that NYC had to offer.

By August, my internship was coming to a bittersweet end. MAIP celebrated with a week long Face of Talent program. Not only was I able to network with some of advertising’s best agencies, but I was also awarded ANA’s Multicultural Excellence Scholarship, which will help me finish out my last year at SMU. I left New York with a renewed passion for advertising, as well as an appreciation for how far I had come that summer. There aren’t many things I know for certain, but I do know that this isn’t the last that New York has seen of me.”

The 4A’s Multicultural Advertising Intern Program (MAIP) connects aspiring diverse entry- level advertising professionals with prestigious advertising agencies. Since its inception in 1973, MAIP offers multicultural students a unique paid, full-time summer internship at 4A’s participating agencies nationwide, combining real-world work experience, networking opportunities within the industry, and a valuable professional credential to better position themselves in the marketplace. Simultaneously, the program offers advertising agencies the opportunity to access top talent and strengthens the 4A’s efforts to enhance the workforce diversity of our industry.

The 2016 MAIP application deadline is October 30, 2015.

Better Advertising. Better World. Internships Professional Development

TAI Student Su Hyun Han Completes Internship at McCann Detroit

In February, SMU junior and Advertising major Su Hyun Han was selected for the 2015 Multicultural Advertising Intern Program (MAIP) for the summer and has now completed her internship. Read about her experience below.

“I didn’t know whphoto-2[1]at to expect from my first agency experience let alone in Birmingham, Michigan, but I loved it! The people at McCann Detroit were so kind and welcoming and accommodating. When I realized that I didn’t want to do account management they let me help out in creative. I became close friends with the fellow interns who were in creative. We brainstormed together, ate lunch together and came up with our first ads together.  I felt truly sad to leave McCann Detroit, but I am so thankful to have my first internship there. Detroit also has so much to offer as a city. It is growing and the people there are proud of their city. Going to New York was also a great experience. I heard from so many inspiring people in the industry and was able to make connections at the career fair. Our group also won the Nike X Wieden+Kennedy campaign. We called ourselves the Elite 6, and it was so rewarding to find out our win after countless hours we spent on the project. I am so glad that I was able to do MAIP because it gave me so many experiences and opportunities I would not have otherwise.”

IMG_1464[1]The 4A’s Multicultural Advertising Intern Program (MAIP) connects aspiring diverse entry- level advertising professionals with prestigious advertising agencies. Since its inception in 1973, MAIP offers multicultural students a unique paid, full-time summer internship at 4A’s participating agencies nationwide, combining real-world work experience, networking opportunities within the industry, and a valuable professional credential to better position themselves in the marketplace. Simultaneously, the program offers advertising agencies the opportunity to access top talent and strengthens the 4A’s efforts to enhance the workforce diversity of our industry.

Better Advertising. Better World. Internships Masters in Advertising Program TAI Students

Read about an Executive Internship from our TAI Second Year MA Student, Morgan Baden

In the final semester of the Temerlin Advertising Institute’s MA in Advertising program, students work in an executive internship with a Dallas based agency. Read Morgan’s story below.

Morgan Baden: TM Advertising 


As an intern at TM Advertising, I have really been able to get my feet wet in the industry and be a part of a team that cares a lot about finding the “beautiful truth” for each  brand we work with. Working on the Account Management team, I have been able to work on accounts like American Airlines Credit Union. For this client, I develop Creative Briefs, Assignment Sheets, and Change Notices  for the TM creative department. This account  has provided me with a  lot of responsibility and has taught me a great deal about how different departments all come together to create these Direct Mail pieces.

I have also had the opportunity to work with the client  Captain D’s Seafood Restaurant, where I developed  food  shoot  plan  books.  Plus, I  was able to attend the photo shoot to see how much hard work actually goes into just  setting up a plate of seafood for TV and print!

TM has an awesome culture. It is not too small and not too big. There is a reason they were voted Ad Age’s best place to work in 2012 and 2014 and it is because they care more about what’s best for the client in the long run rather than just getting the job done.

I am so grateful to have the opportunity to work with great clients and even better people!

Check back soon for updates from other students and their MA in Advertising Executive Internships!


Graduate Students Internships Masters in Advertising Program TAI Students Uncategorized

Read about Kirk Dunlap’s Executive Internship

In the final semester of the Temerlin Advertising Institute’s MA in Advertising program, students work in an executive internship with a Dallas agency. Read Kirks’s story below.

Kirk Dunlap: The Marketing ArmKirk Dunlap

At The Marketing Arm, I’ve had the opportunity to be part of the Frito-Lay marketing team for the Lay’s Do Us A Flavor Campaign, doing data analysis on millions of flavor inspirations submitted from all across the USA. I’ve also had the opportunity to arrange promotional partnerships with global brands for the upcoming summer campaign.


Check back soon for updates from other students and their MA in Advertising Executive Internships!

Better Advertising. Better World. Internships Masters in Advertising Program TAI Students

Read all about Rachel Peng’s Executive Internship

In the final semester of the Temerlin Advertising Institute’s MA in Advertising program, students work in an executive internship with a Dallas agency. Read Rachel’s story below!

Rachel Peng: Canonball


I started my journey with Canonball at the beginning of January. I’m currently working as a social media intern where I create and manage content on clients’ social media platforms. My clients include Bolo Italian Grill, Preston Hollow Village Dallas, Christian Brothers Automotive, and Canonball (Yes, Canonball takes its own brand very seriously too). My daily work involves creative writing, research, social listening, analytics, and brand strategy. Canonball also provides interns with free access to Hubspot certificate trainings and Google Analytics. Moving forward, I’ll further sharpen my skills as a social media strategist to help clients win loyal follows and grow measurable business results.

Check back soon for updates from other students and their MA in Advertising Executive Internships!

Graduate Students Internships Masters in Advertising Program Professional Development TAI Students

Read about an Executive Internship from our TAI Second Year MA Student, David Drown

In the final semester of the Temerlin Advertising Institute’s MA in Advertising program, students work in an executive internship with a Dallas agency. Read David’s story below!

David Drown – Slingshot










Right now I’m working over at Slingshot as a copywriting intern — or as they call it, a Slingtern. My days have been pretty busy lately, but in that good “I enjoy the challenge” kind of way. I’ve been able to hop around a lot and try my hand at writing for many different accounts. Some of the accounts that I work more frequently on include Texas Tourism, Taco Bueno, American Home Shield, and Lexol Leather Cleaner. I even recently got the chance to work on location and hand model for a few upcoming Lexol spots. It’s been a great place to work so far, and the people are very in tune with one another — it’s like a big, comfortable family where you’re taught to never take yourself too seriously. I look forward to each day because I know there’s a good chance I’ll learn something entirely new about the advertising business or even myself.

Check back soon for  updates from other students and their MA in Advertising Executive Internships!