Canvas Tips for Students: Choosing Favorite Courses

As classes get underway, you may notice that many classes are starting to fill up your Courses list in Canvas. If a particular class will not be using Canvas or if there are still classes from the previous semester showing up, you have the option to clean up your course list for easier use. Today’s tip shows you how to do just that! Continue reading Canvas Tips for Students: Choosing Favorite Courses

Canvas at SMU: A New Era of Course Management

Canvas LMS LogoAs we begin the 2016-2017 academic year, Southern Methodist University begins a new era of course management. Consistent with the announcement and transition plan set forth in last August’s message to faculty from the Office of the Provost, Canvas has been transitioned into the sole course management system for university courses of record. If you haven’t heard by now, Canvas is a cloud-based course management system which offers a modern interface designed to better support the increased teaching and learning demands of higher education in functions such as blended learning, “flipping classrooms,” and providing a more robust overall foundation for current and future online education and distance learning activities. Continue reading Canvas at SMU: A New Era of Course Management

How to set up a TA in my.SMU

I wanted to make sure that those who are responsible for managing class scheduling in my.SMU know how to set up a TA, or Teaching Assistant, in the Instructor/Advisor table and add them to class sections. In previous years, TA information could be added to learning management systems (Blackboard/Canvas) directly. This is no longer the case. If a TA needs to be attached to a class section, they must first be added to the section in my.SMU. Continue reading How to set up a TA in my.SMU