Network Maintenance and Scheduled Service Outage for August 3rd

NetworkingOIT will perform critical maintenance in the University Data Center on Saturday, August 3, 2024, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Sunday, August 4, 2024. During the maintenance window, access to all servers and services will be intermittent. In order to minimize the impact on the campus, the work is scheduled during a low-usage period. Continue reading Network Maintenance and Scheduled Service Outage for August 3rd

A New Experience for the SMU_Guest Wireless Network

bans of red radiate out from the words 'SMU Wireless'SMU_Guest has been our primary guest wireless network for many years, providing fast, reliable WiFi service to visitors as well as some basic devices like smart speakers. On July 3, 2024 (with July 10 as a backup date), the SMU_Guest network will receive an update that will improve service and change the look-and-feel of the landing page. Let’s go over what to expect. Continue reading A New Experience for the SMU_Guest Wireless Network

Network Maintenance and Scheduled Service Outage for Summer 2024

NetworkingOIT will perform the annual maintenance required for the networking infrastructure in the University Data Center. During the maintenance window, access to all servers and services will be intermittent. In order to minimize the impact on the campus, the work is scheduled during a low-usage period on Friday, June 21, 2024, from 9 p.m. to Saturday, June 22, 2024, at 2 a.m. Continue reading Network Maintenance and Scheduled Service Outage for Summer 2024

OIT and Earth Sciences Department Test Distributed Acoustic Sensing on SMU Campus Dark Fibers

With Special Reporting from Chris Hayward, Department of Earth Sciences

 In the past several months, SMU’s Earth Sciences Department and SMU’s Office of Information Technology (OIT) networking have collaborated to test a new fiber optic interrogator that can measure tiny strains, the result of seismic noise from traffic, along with up to 100km of fiber optic cable. This technique is called Distributed Acoustic Sensing (or DAS). The first round of testing, which started just before the beginning of the Fall 2023 semester, viewed changes in the seismic noise as a result of students returning to campus and of the seismic noise generated as a result of the semester’s first football game. Continue reading OIT and Earth Sciences Department Test Distributed Acoustic Sensing on SMU Campus Dark Fibers

Data Center Firewall Update to Impact Campus Services in January

OIT's Firewall iconTTo start off the new year, the OIT Infrastructure Team will be working on the third and final phase of the 100G Firewall Project. This phase includes replacing the Data Center firewalls on campus. Unfortunately, this maintenance will include a network outage impacting all IT services housed in the Data Center, as the firewalls are the primary gateway for network traffic within the Data Center, and when offline, will cause services in the Data Center to be unreachable.

Continue reading Data Center Firewall Update to Impact Campus Services in January