SMU Training Requirements via Everfi and Associated Training “Refresh” Schedule

SMU utilizes Everfi to provide specific web-based training required by SMU policy, state/federal law, or other regulations. Some training assignments are required of all employees and others may be based on the employee’s role with the University.  HR, OIT and Risk Management utilize content within the LawRoom system to manage training requirements.

Refresh timelines are determined by SMU policy, state or federal law, best practices, or when new information is introduced requiring an update in knowledge.

Assignments for benefits-eligible employees and adjunct faculty:

Training required for this employee population includes the following tutorials.  After each course name, the “refresh” time frame is listed.

Course Name                                                                Refresh Schedule

Checkpoint Data Security and Privacy                           One time only

Harassment and Discrimination Prevention                Every three years

SMU Program for the Protection of Minors:                Every two years
Recognize and Report Child Abuse

Assignments for temporary employees hired by SMU

Temporary employees hired by SMU will be assigned the following tutorials.   Notification will be sent to the employee’s SMU email account for initial assignment and any refresh requirements.

Course Name                                                            Refresh Schedule

Checkpoint Data Security and Privacy                       One time only

Program for the Protection of Minors:                       Every two years
Recognize and Report Child Abuse

Assignments for temporary employees hired via SMU’s staffing partner, Kelly Services

Temporary employees, hired via Kelly Services, may be assigned any of the above training based on their work duties. Notification of training assignment will be sent to the employee’s SMU email account, if created, or to the employee provided email address when no SMU email account is assigned.  Kelly employees should contact their on-site representative for questions regarding training requirements.

Assignments for all employee groups based on work responsibilities

All employees, (regular and temporary, hired via SMU or Kelly Services) may be assigned  role specific Everfi tutorials based on their work duties with the university.

Course Name                                                            Refresh Schedule

FERPA                                                                              Every three years

Questions regarding training assignments should be directed to HR at

Employee training not administered via Everfi

Other job specific training may be requested outside of the Lawroom learning management system.  The employee will be notified directly by the requesting group and notified again when refresh training is required.  Examples include Engaged Driving, Golf Cart Driving, Lab Safety and Facilitities specific topics which are assigned and managed by Risk Management.  Questions about ORM training assignments should be directed to


  • Questions regarding single sign-on should be directed to the OIT Help Desk at
  • Questions regarding access to Everfi’s Foundry training platform should be directed to

About Mary Stall

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