2023 SMU HR Staff Compensation Study

January 30, 2023

SMU Staff Compensation Study

SMU will soon launch a compensation study that will include a review of most all benefit-eligible staff job descriptions and other related information to ensure the positions are titled and compensated appropriately. The University conducts these periodic reviews to ensure staff positions are classified correctly and that compensation is comparable and competitive to other similar positions in the job market.

How will the study be conducted?

The analysis will compare staff job responsibilities and salary to our national higher education peer and aspirant institutions as well as other top employers in the DFW region.

Who is conducting the study and when will it be completed?

SMU’s Human Resources Department (SMU HR) will lead the study and will be assisted by Segal, a national employee benefits and compensation consultancy. The staff compensation study will begin on March 1 and wrap up by October 1.

What do managers and supervisors need to do to prepare for the compensation study?

Managers and supervisors will soon receive the current job descriptions of positions within their departments that are currently on file in SMU HR.

For the compensation study to be effective, departments must ensure that all position descriptions are accurate and reflect the current responsibilities and requirements for each position. Managers will have until February 28 to update any job descriptions and submit them to SMU HR.

It is also important to note that any adjustments to staff compensation beyond the current merit FY 2024 budget process should not occur during the compensation study review period (January 30 through October 1). This is to ensure that the compensation analysis captures the most accurate information for benchmarking purposes.

Where can I learn more about the study?

For more information about the staff compensation study, including FAQs and how Managers and Supervisors can update their job descriptions, please visit this dedicated website.

Thank you for all you do to help make SMU a special place to live, learn and work.

Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Compensation Study


About Mary Stall

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