Join Wellpower’s Amazing Challenge 2013 – 14! Registration Begins August 12, 2013

AmazingchallengePosterheadersmallWellpower is embarking on the Amazing Challenge for this year’s wellness program! Focus on exercise and fitness, nutrition, stress reduction, healthy weight attainment or maintenance, and you can earn rewards such as a vacation day, free meal tickets, free parking, or a gift certificate to Wellpower is available to benefit-eligible staff and faculty at SMU. Download the document below for step-by-step instructions with screen shots to guide you through registration and logging your challenge activities once the challenge begins on September 1, 2013.

Wellpower Registration Instructions

What’s New?
Wellpower has partnered with Baylor Health Care System to bring our participants:

  • Streamlined programming – sign up once for the Amazing Challenge which runs September 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014
  • Wellpower Facebook page where participants can support one another and stay informed about the Amazing Challenge
  • Baylor Health Coach once again available for confidential wellness coaching.
  • Personal Challenges to meet your individual needs; up to two per reward period.
  • Bonus Points for completing SMU-related activities such as performances, exhibits, athletic events, lectures, and classes.
  • Two reward periods so that participants can earn rewards more quickly.
  • Earn the Gold or Silver level and choose from a menu of rewards.
  • Fun ways to win additional prizes throughout each reward period – watch the Facebook page for details.

Program Requirements
You may earn the Silver level by:

  1. Providing biometric screening data by either completing an on-campus health screening or faxing your lab results from a visit to their physician to our screening partner;
  2. Earning 2 additional Wellpower badges during the reward period.

You may earn the Gold level by: Wellpower Gold Medal

  1. Providing biometric screening data as described above;
  2. Earning 3 additional Wellpower badges during the reward period.

Participants who complete the biometric screening data in the fall reward period will also meet the screening requirement for the spring reward period. On-campus screenings will be available in October/November and again in late spring.

Earning Badges
You may earn a badge during the reward period for the following:

Orientation SessionsHealthyU and Baylor Logo
Wellpower will offer orientation sessions during the lunch hour to help members learn how to get the most out of the new program. Wellpower will post a recorded orientation video the first week of September for those who can’t attend a scheduled session.

For program details, check out the Wellpower Program Overview or sign up for a Wellpower Orientation.

Stay Informed:

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 IconFacebookTinyStay up-to-date on the Amazing Challenge by following SMU Wellpower on

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About Lorea Seidel

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