News From SMU’s EAP Regarding AARP, Social Security, and H&R Block

Already an AARP member?
If you are already an AARP member you can still take advantage of the complimentary membership and extend your membership one full year!

Simply sign up through the Magellan member website at  Click the AARP button on the welcome page, and continue to the AARP registration page. Once the application is processed, AARP will apply the complimentary membership for an additional year, and a new membership card will be mailed.

Free Webinar from AARP – Social Security and Taxes
Thursday February 28, 2013, at 7:00pm EST

Most people don’t pay Federal taxes on Social Security benefits, but for those who do – it can get complicated. During this free, one-hour webinar, you’ll learn how to calculate income, determine whether benefits will be taxed, and much more. Register now.

AARP Informational Article:
9 Secrets of Caregiving – Advice from caregivers who’ve been there, done that…

46 more days until April 15! Get Your H&R Block Online Tax Discount Today!
Just as March 1 arrives and we all wake up from winter hibernation, we are all quickly reminded that taxes are due on April 15. Did you know that Magellan has teamed up with H&R Block to offer a discount for online tax services?  You can easily sign up through the H&R Block at Home™ online filing program and receive a 25%-off discount on any of the online filing programs through H&R Block at Home™.  Simply log on to and sign into your account; then click the H&R Block button on the welcome page.

About Mary Stall

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