A Message from Magellan Health: It’s the Final Week of Take Mental Health To Heart!
It’s been a month of caring, sharing and honoring our service men and women. The Take Mental Health To Heart campaign is coming to a close and this week’s topic, Life After Service, welcomes our service men and women home with information on transitioning back home or to civilian life, refocusing on personal relationships and dealing with post-traumatic stress.
Please take a moment to go to our website, TakeMentalHealthToHeart.com, or if you have already visited our site, thank you and be sure to come back again this week!
While you’re on the site, TakeMentalHealthToHeart.com you may do the following:
- Take a confidential online screening for post-traumatic stress or depression, or encourage a friend or loved one to do so.
- Read stories on the digital message wall and post your own story or words of encouragement to service members, veterans and military families.
- Send an e-greeting card to offerthanks and encouragement. If you don’t personally know someone in the military, you have the option of sending a card to Magellan and we’ll share your kind words with the National Military Family Association and its members. For each e-card sent, Magellan and Horizon Healthcare Services, Inc. will each donate $1 (up to a combined $50,000) to the National Military Family Association.
- Share our special Memorial Day-themed card with friends and family to help support the National Military Family Association.
- Watch videos from the campaign on the website or on our campaign YouTube channel, www.YouTube.com/user/TakeMH2Heart.
 We offer our heartfelt thanks for your support of this month-long campaign honoring our brave service men and women and their families. Â
This Memorial Day, we hope you’ll remember the sacrifices our nation’s heroes and their families have made for our country, in addition to helping fight the stigma of mental illness that prevents so many people from getting the help they need.