SMU Abroad

The Benefits of Studying Abroad

kaleb-leeThis past semester, I studied abroad in Sydney, Australia at the University of Sydney. This was my third abroad experience and I could not have had a more enjoyable time. I lived in Newtown, Sydney right off of campus and was taking classes on Australian culture. I learned how to surf on Bondi Beach, ate tons of kangaroos and spent many afternoons by the Sydney Opera House. While living in Sydney, I traveled to Melbourne, Thailand, the Whitsundays, Singapore, Cambodia, and Indonesia. I joined a competitive lifting team and competed in an Australian fitness competition called “F45”.

I left Australia in May to travel to South America for an internship with an MBB consulting firm in Bogota, Colombia. I stayed in Colombia over three months before returning to Dallas in late August. These past few months were absolutely incredible and I encourage every student to go abroad, not just once… but as many times as possible. Living outside of America is the one of the greatest learning opportunities an SMU partake in and I definitely consider my experiences in Oxford, Cambridge, Paris, Sydney and Bogota to be the highlight of my college career.

-Kaleb Lee

Campus Life General

Tips For College as I Graduate

austin-whittle-3Now that fall break just ended and my friends are getting emails about spring enrollment, the reality of my early graduation is sinking in. Two months from now my chapter at SMU will end and a new one will begin. Looking back on my time, I’ve come up with some tips for those about to embark on their own collegiate journeys.

Be shamelessly yourself.
Coming into college, I was not true to myself. I wore what I thought others expected me to wear, studied subjects people told me would lead to high-paying jobs and created an identity for myself that was anything but me. I’m not entirely sure at what point it clicked, but I no longer feared being different with the amazing friends I made at SMU. I changed my majors, and the university resoundingly supported me in further discovering my sense of self.

Surround yourself with people who challenge you.
Going to school with people from all different backgrounds is one of the most humbling experiences. Be vulnerable to the diverse ideas people will pose in the classroom, and it will benefit you the truest form of education. SMU is full of some of the most ambitious people I have encountered to date, and they have helped reshape my perceptions of what is possible.

austin-whittle-2Ask questions.
I realized the times that yielded the most valuable learning experiences thus far were times that I dared to ask questions. Many come into college with the fear of raising hands, but now is the most important time to question “why?”

Study abroad.
One of the most formative experiences I’ve had in the past three and a half years was studying abroad. Immersing myself in a new culture taught me as much about my own culture as it did about the new. It also led to my dream of working in London after graduation.

Eat as many tacos as you can.
This one speaks for itself. The majority of my remaining time will be well-spent in line at Velvet Taco.

Keep these in mind and the opportunities at SMU will be endless!

-Austin Whittle

Life Around Dallas Student Organizations

Serving the Dallas Community

10-16-carlyle-riedSMU has over 180 different student organizations to get involved in, which became perfectly clear when I attended SMU’s student involvement fair, “Night at the Club” my freshman year. During that fateful night, I signed my name on probably 20 different organizations that I was interested in. However, although I would like to, I don’t have infinite time, so I took my four years to get involved in a few organizations. One of my favorite experiences at SMU is getting involved in various service organizations. Although I’ve been able to get involved in service through the classroom and in other organizations, I’ve also been involved in exclusively service organizations. Particularly, I am a member of SMU’s largest service organization, Mustang Heroes, which hosts over 20 different weekly, bi-weekly and monthly trips around the Dallas community and have gotten very involved in my sorority’s philanthropy.

This year, I have the pleasure to be the Extended Service Committee Chair for Mustang Heroes. My co-chair, Brandon, and I plan monthly Saturday trips to different organizations around the Dallas area. Although this is only once per month, we have over 40 different members, which means that we get to see how awesome the Mustangs are at giving back. This semester, we are going on trips to serve at The Special Olympics, CitySquare, a Dallas food pantry, and Mosaic Family Services, an organization that helps to serve immigrants, refugees, at-risk youths, and those at risk of HIV or AIDS. In addition, the Executive Board goes on monthly trips to bond with one another, and our organization holds monthly awareness meetings. Awareness meetings host a speaker from a nonprofit organization around the Dallas area to come help students learn how they can help change an important social or health issue.

I am also Fundraising Director for my sorority’s philanthropy. Our philanthropy is Service for Sight, which benefits the blind and visually impaired. This year, I had the pleasure to lead a group of my sorority sisters to get donations for our various philanthropy events and helped lead a letter campaign. Although this has been a rewarding experience, the best part of my entire sorority experience isn’t just fundraising; it’s actually volunteering. Every month, I’ve been attending Friday night Bingo, where we bond with the blind and visually impaired in the Dallas area and play some Bingo. Additionally, I’ve been able to help out with schooling events for the blind and visually impaired children in the Dallas community.

No matter what issue you are interested in, SMU has a plethora of service organizations for you to get involved in. Many student organizations that don’t have to do with service add a service element inside of them; whether that be a donation drive, donating profits from events or planning bonding trips to volunteer. So when you come to SMU, it’s very easy to Pony Up and do some good!

-Carlyle Reid

Athletics Campus Life Student Organizations

Intramural Sports

jack-studentI love playing Intramural sports. Every season, I’m always involved in one event or another. Intramurals are a great way to get involved at college as well as creating a great environment for teamwork, cooperation, and motivation. For the past four years, I have been involved with an intramural team at any given point in time during the school year. Ranging from flag football, to indoor soccer, to beach volleyball and softball, I have played them all, some more competitively than others. In flag football, nothing is left to chance; from making playbooks, to snap counts, to defensive schemes, we have everything covered. Compared to softball where it is much more of a bonding experience with the guys than it is a competition we need to win. The best part about intramurals is the ability to play with and compete against friends. Not only will you become closer with those friends you’ve played with but also you will guarantee eternal bragging rights for the ones you beat. This will be my fourth year competing in intramurals, and I have yet to win a single championship. Although I have many successful seasons, resulting in second and third place finishes; I have yet to win the infamous Intramural Championship t-shirt. Hopefully, that will change soon, as I am beginning to run out of time. However, if I do not win, I will still have the memories of playing with friends that I won’t soon forget. See you on the field.

-Jack Student

Academics Uncategorized

Undergraduate Research at SMU

10-16-yassi-sahbaWhenever people ask me why I chose SMU, my answer is pretty simple. I wanted a school with a strong electrical engineering program, the ability to study abroad for a semester and still graduate on time, and the opportunity to participate in undergraduate research. I’m excited to say that after this fall semester, I will have checked all three of those boxes at SMU.

As a part of the University Honors Program, I had the opportunity to submit a proposal for a Richter Fellowship last year. SMU is one of only 12 schools offering Richter Fellowships, so this was an amazing opportunity. I received funding to investigate rural electrification, a subject I am extremely passionate about. For the last half of October, I will be traveling with my mentor and a graduate student to conduct our individual research projects in Bolivia. I will be determining the impact of several rural electrification projects the Bolivian government has recently implemented and identifying further opportunities to bring clean, reliable power to rural communities.

In preparing for the trip I have learned a lot about alternative energy and grid infrastructure, which was the main goal of my project, but I have also become aware of the nuances of conducting research in another country. Thankfully, I have had the support of my faculty advisor, Engineers without Borders at SMU, and the Lyle School of Engineering, all of whom I can definitely say has prepared me to work with people, and not just numbers, as an engineer.

I’m very excited to realize my goal of conducting research during my time at SMU, and I am one step closer to getting a paper published. This experience, and studying abroad, might have not been possible had I not come to SMU. I’m truly thankful everyday that I go to such an amazing school filled with so many great opportunities. Pony Up!

-Yassi Sahba

Life Around Dallas

From a Tour Guide on Campus to a Tourist in a Carriage

10-16-taylor-nickens-1This semester, as a senior, I had the privilege of spending Family Weekend with my mom and sisters! Despite the distance from Philadelphia, they flew over 1,400 miles to enjoy my final SMU Family Weekend with me. After class on Friday I introduced them to the football traditions on the boulevard, and SMU’s mascot, Peruna, on the football field. My younger sister fell in love with SMU’s spirit and Peruna’s spunk!

10-16-taylor-nickens-3After giving my family a tour of SMU, as I would to aspiring students, we enjoyed some lunch and a stroll in the beautiful city of downtown Dallas. We visited the historic JFK memorial and walked through Dealey Plaza next to the JFK museum. En route to the aquarium was the moment I became a tourist rather than a tour guide. While waiting at a red light we realized a beautiful black horse pulling a Cinderella carriage stood to our left. Within minutes, my family and I were touring downtown Dallas by the majestic Bella and her handler.

I enjoyed learning the history of the modernized and continuously growing city of Dallas, Texas. To any families looking to explore the wonders of downtown Dallas that surround the SMU community, I highly recommend a horse and carriage ride. It’s such a treat to still find new and interesting things to do in Dallas after spending the past three years here. The many diverse communities surrounding SMU give its students endless options. As a whole, my senior Family weekend was a huge success, and I found a new activity to add to my recommendation list!

-Taylor Nickens.

Life Around Dallas

Texas’s Taco Obsession

Dallas’s history with Tex-Mex cuisine dates back almost 100 years. The nation’s oldest chain of Mexican restaurants, El Fenix, was founded here in 1916 and began serving a unique Mexican-American culinary experience in 1918. Since then, our city’s love affair with Tex-Mex and tacos in particular has only grown. The tortilla-wrapped dish can be purchased everywhere from food trucks to bistro-style restaurants and SMU is situated in a prime location in Dallas to explore all of the choices. Below are some of my favorite spots!

  • Torchy’s Tacos – Located right across North Central Expressway on SMU Boulevard, Torchy’s Tacos is a staple in the taco community. Start your meal with an order of the Green Chile Queso (comes with a delicious dollop of guac!) and choose 2-3 tacos to round out your meal. The “Trashy Trailer Park” is a huge crowd-pleaser and the featured Tacos of the Month are usually worth a try. If you have any room at the end of your meal, the Lil Nookies (deep-friend chocolate chip cookie balls topped with powdered sugar) are a heavenly way to wrap up your experience.


  • El Come Taco – This family-owned taqueria is less than 3 miles from campus and offers a strong selection of authentic street-style tacos. The cozy establishment is the perfect place to relax after a long day and enjoy some of the freshest tacos Dallas has to offer! You can’t go wrong with the Tacos de Pescado (Fish Tacos) or Tacos Al Pastor accompanied by Valentina hot sauce (pictured below).



  • Chile Pepper Grill – Every Tuesday and Thursday of the school year, food trucks set up on campus at the Flagpole and one of the best is Chile Pepper Grill. The Fort Worth-based food truck serves up delicious street-style tacos and torta sandwiches that make for a flavorful and filling lunch. The Suadero (Mexican Brisket) and Hawaiian tacos are unique choices that never get tired.


-Jessica Mitchell

Campus Life Life Around Dallas Uncategorized

My Favorite Apps to Stay Healthy on Campus

10-16-caroline-gurleyEating, sleeping, and procrastinating. These are a few of the biggest challenges once you come to college. All of the sudden, you have more time on your hands than you’ve ever had before. What do you do with it? After you are finished studying, joining as many extracurricular activities as possible, and hanging out with your best friends, it’s time to eat, sleep, and, of course, procrastinate.

Eating in college is the best. It’s so great, actually, that you may even do too much of it. The unlimited fro-yo machine at the dining hall will quickly start calling your name three times a day before you know it. Like everything in college, it’s all about balance. I have found a few new apps that have made eating treats and staying healthy at the same time a little bit easier. The first app is Google Calendar. Open up the app, click the “+” icon, select goal, and input it in with a date and time you want to achieve it by! There are not only goals premade for exercising, but also building a skill, spending time with friends and family, setting aside “me time”, and organizing your life! Another app is called Fooducate. You can scan any food with a barcode and it will display the nutritional information on your phone. If you’re interested, it can also log what you eat and how much you exercise. Another helpful app is called Microsoft HealthVault. This app stores health data from the apps on your devices and makes accessing the information super easy in case you need to visit the health center.

Another fun part of college is sleeping. The key to successful sleeping is at least trying to get the same amount of sleep each night. One app that will help you wake up after a great nights rest is called Sleep Cycle. Sleep Cycle is an app that analyzes your sleep and wakes you during your lightest phase of sleep. FitBit also tracks how well you sleep. That is another great way to set sleeping goals for yourself.

The never-ending struggle of college is procrastination. Why write your paper that is due for a month when Gilmore Girls and Game of Thrones is calling your name? Well, to be successful in college of course! If you spend too much time on social media apps on your phone, give the app called Rescue Time a try. This app limits the amount of time you can spend on certain apps. Self-control is also a great tool to stay focused. Download self-control and create a list of websites that you need to take a break from. You customize the amount of time that the websites will be blocked, so you can watch that episode of Orange is the New Black right after you finish your homework!

College really is a fantastic time in your life. You learn as much outside of the classroom as you do within it. These tools and resources may just make the learning curve of setting your own boundaries a little bit easier!

-Caroline Gurley

Campus Life Residence Life and Student Housing

The Fourth Lasso

10-16-jacqui-jacoby-1Before school starts every semester, a program called “Mustang Corral” takes place. This program consists of programming on campus, an excursion in Dallas (touring Dallas Cowboy’s Stadium, taking a Dallas Trolley Tour, doing community service at Bonton Farms, and more), and an overnight program at an off-campus campsite. Every year, I’ve grown to appreciate Mustang Corral more and more. The bonds that are made between first-years are invaluable, of course, but the memories I’ve made as a Mustang Corral Guide are some that I will cherish forever.

As a senior, all Corral guides that participated in Corral for at least 3 summers get to give a “senior speech” at a special ceremony that concludes the camp portion of Mustang Corral. This year, I was incredibly nervous to get up and speak in front of almost 2000 students, faculty, and staff members. It took forever for me to figure out just the right advice to give, but I landed on advising the first-years to create an SMU bucket list.

Some sample items for their bucket lists were to jump in all 11 fountains we have on campus before graduation and to meet former President of the United States and frequent SMU visitor, George W. Bush. Being at SMU has afforded me many exciting opportunities like these and more.

Standing backstage, the few senior Corral guides and I were feeling nostalgic, nervous, excited, and bound together by the spirit of SMU. We nervously chattered about what we were going to talk about, joking about the craziness surrounding the fact that we were actually seniors, about to spend our last year on campus.10-16-jacqui-jacoby-2

When we all got on stage, I looked around and felt overwhelmed with joy and appreciation for SMU.

I was surrounded by some of SMU’s brightest, most involved, and most impactful leaders on campus. I was sharing the stage with people who would go on to be “world changers,” and we were all able to make a lasting impact on the class of 2020 with our speeches.

At SMU, I’ve found that although opportunities for greatness are present all over the nation, there seems to be a disproportionate amount at SMU (in a good way). Not only this, but being a mid-size university allowed myself and my classmates onstage at Corral to actually have access to the resources and opportunities, and to be able to talk about them to incoming first-years, prospective students, professors, friends, family members, and future employers.

Although we were all emotional after the speeches, we looked at each other knowing that this wasn’t the end of our collegiate journey, but the beginning of our lives that were now filled with connections, networks, and opportunities that only SMU could have ever given us.

-Jacqui Jacoby

Campus Life Uncategorized

A New Library

13029468_10153378129221431_3788246637705949977_oAs you look around SMU’s campus, you will see many new buildings and walkways that not only add to the beauty of SMU, but also enhance the student experience. Two new additions that stick out to me are the Crain Family Centennial Promenade and the Dr. Bob Smith Health Center. The promenade is a brick-lined walkway that connects the southern end of campus to the Hughes-Trigg Student Center. The new Health Center provides comprehensive health care to SMU’s students and also serves as an education space for health related programs. However, one recent addition to campus is one that you wouldn’t notice from the outside.

The renovation of Fondren Library, which opened in 1940, has noticeably improved the aesthetics of the library and at the same time, has enhanced the overall social and academic experience at SMU. The renovation includes a new Centennial Reading Room, a redesigned Learning Commons, a new Starbucks Café, and a Collaborative Computing Area.

During the past 3 years I’ve been at SMU, Fondren was a place wherepeople exclusively went to study for exams or write papers. After this new renovation, it has not only fulfilled its role as a study space, but has now become a hub of social activity. It has been great to sit in the new café area and see my friends and meet new people. If you haven’t checked out the new Fondren, I definitely recommend it!

-Jun-Ho Koh

Campus Life General

Training for a Dallas Marathon – Staying Active at SMU

courteney-damoreI’ve always prioritized living a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Whether its playing lacrosse in the Spring or training at the gym in the off-season, I love to sweat it out and keep my body active. This summer however, I decided to switch my routine up and begin training for the BMW Dallas Marathon.

In July, I mapped out my 5-month plan to success. I started off slow. My plan was to run 3 miles every other day for 2 weeks, then merge onto my official training program with three, 4 mile sessions throughout the week and one long run on Saturdays. My first week of training happened to be my sorority’s 5K run, which was a great way to push myself with friends and start off my program to a great start. To put additional motivation on myself, I also joined the Dallas chapter of Team-in-Training. Team-in-Training is an organization that raises money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. They manage all race registration through their website, and even provide a team of regional coaches to run with and keep you on track to success. By December 11, race date, I have set a goal to raise $1,200.

What is also great about my training is I’ve had the opportunity to take advantage of all the trails and neighborhoods in Dallas. My favorite trail to run is the Katy Trail which begins right of campus and leads all the way downtown. On the weekends, I usually opt for a more scenic route and run the trails along the Trinity River and White Rock Lake. Growing up near the ocean, I find the lakes and rivers around Dallas the perfect substitute! Even though Dallas has a myriad of running options, the great thing about training on campus is when I have limited time, I can head over to the SMU gym. Open 6am to midnight each night, no matter my workout schedule, Dedman Rec Center will be open to accommodate my training requirements.

Today, I am in week 8 of training feel better than ever! I begin my days with the routine morning miles, then head off to class feeling awake and energized. I am stronger, more alert, and overall happier than I ever have been, even with my previous workout routine. I’ve grown to love running and am excited to finally achieve my both my personal fitness and fundraising goals this upcoming December.

-Courteney Damore

General Spirit and Traditions

SMU Family Weekend 2016

10-16-evan-giacomini-1 This past weekend, SMU had their yearly Family Weekend, which included a game against our cross-town rival, TCU. My parents flew in from California around 2:00 pm on Friday, and I got a chance to meet up with them shortly afterwards. After exchanging hugs and hellos, I got my parents settled in at their hotel and we made it out to the Boulevard. Boulevard’s are SMU’s version of tailgating; our entire boulevard is covered in white tents where people serve food to stopperbys. As a senior, most of my friends know my parents well, and got a chance to say hello to them. At tents, we ate of tacos, listened to loud country and rock music, and had fun. Even my fourteen year old sister was having a great time, even though she hardly knew a single person there. There are two first years at SMU that are from my hometown and it was really nice for us all to meet up on the boulevard and have our parents visit with one another. The Los Alamitos crew (where I am from) then left for Ford Stadium to cheer on the Mustangs. After the game, we left the stadium to go grab a bite at Torchy’s tacos down the street (hands down my favorite place to eat around campus).

The next day, my family and cousin from Fort Worth met up at my fraternity house for a paired open house event. Our chapter just got the opportunity to move into a new house on campus, so I was excited to show them the upgrade we’d received. One of our alumni owns a BBQ restaurant here in the DFW area and he was kind enough to cater the event for us, and the meal was fantastic. Shortly afterwards, the six of us headed to the Dallas Arboretum, a place that I had heard was really cool, but hadn’t explored during my first three years as a student.

The Dallas Arboretum continuously changes their scenery based upon seasons or holidays, and they just added a pumpkin patch for fall. The gardens host over 90,000 pumpkins and gourds, in every size, shape, and color you could imagine. I was amazed and interested in all the different kinds of pumpkins that exist; I even spent a solid half hour trying to memorize the different names of all the unique or abnormal types. The gardens were beautiful, and we spent at least two hours exploring all the different trails, probably walking close to three or four miles. My favorite view included an overlook into Whiterock Lake, with downtown Dallas sitting on the horizon.10-16-evan-giacomini-2

After exhausting my sister and seeing a good majority of the grounds, my parents headed back to the hotel to change and quickly shower so we could head to dinner shortly afterwards. My dad always tries to take me out to dinner at least once when he comes to town and this time, we went to a restaurant I’d never heard of, but certainly plan to go back to. We ate at a place called the Dallas Fish Market, which is a small, nice seafood restaurant right in the heart of downtown Dallas. The place was unbelievably good, and I was so confused why I’d never heard of it before.

Afterwards, we had a fraternity catered reception at a place off campus. My mom finally met my best friend’s mom, even though I’ve known him since I was a first year student and had spent four or five weekends at his house in Austin. Not surprisingly, my mom and his became best friends in a single night talking together. The reception ran from around 8:00-11:00 pm and then we headed home for th10-16-evan-giacomini-3e night.

The next morning, my dad dropped off my sister and mom at DFW and met me at the Rustic, a live concert venue in Uptown. We decided to go because I had several friends that were going to perform live there that day. We got a chance to see SMU’s Belle Tones, our female a cappella group, and Southern Gentlemen, the male a cappella group. After they put on two amazing performances, we got to see two of my best friends Nikki and Chance perform together at their first gig since forming a band. All three performances were absolutely fantastic, and were made even better because I knew someone on stage during all three. Lastly, Blue Apollo, another SMU band played and the concert was over. My dad had to head out, so I decided to go to the Greek Food Festival at the Greek Orthodox church slightly north of campus with some of the people in Belle Tones, and other friends that had also attended their performance. I got to have probably the best gyro I’ve ever eaten and saw some traditional Greek dancing.

All in all, this was one of the more jam-packed weekends I’ve had at SMU and truly shows what living in a city like Dallas can offer a person on a single weekend. I loved seeing my parents and watching them connect with my friends and their parents. It certainly was the best family weekend I’ve had here at school!

– Evan Giacomini

Academics SMU Abroad

Abroad in Copenhagen

10-16-nikki-carenzaHello prospective Mustangs! I can’t believe I’m writing my first blog as a senior here at SMU – The time has flown by way too quickly and I’m so sad I’ll be leaving the Hilltop in just a few short months. I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you all about my wonderful experience studying abroad this past semester (Spring 2016) in Copenhagen, Denmark. As everyone who goes abroad says, this experience completely shaped me as an SMU student event though I was thousands of miles away from Dallas.

During my time in Copenhagen, I had the opportunity to take classes that completed my Environmental Studies major: Sustainable Development in Northern Europe, Renewable Energy Systems, and Business Strategies in Green Industries. I would honestly say this experience was unbelievable because every day in class involved something new and exciting whether we were going to climb a wind turbine or visiting a wastewater treatment facility. My semester was jam packed with weekend trips to Scotland, Germany, Greece, and more, which made the time I was away fly by.

For me, the best part of my abroad experience was being exposed to so many new cultures and types of people. I traveled all across Europe and some of my favorite memories are just wandering the streets of cities soaking in the unique vibes of each one. Whether it was eating baked feta overlooking the Aegean Sea in Santorini or drinking sangria on the beach in Barcelona, each place I went is so vivid in my mind and will forever be filled with unforgettable experiences.

All in all, I wouldn’t change one part of my abroad experience whatsoever from meeting all new friends in Copenhagen to even getting lost repeatedly on the metro system of Berlin. I will say that I did miss my friends and being on campus at SMU (my Einstein bagels withdrawal was very real) so I’m thrilled to be back for my last semester and celebrating with long walks on the Katy trail, Thursday nights at Homebar, and of course fall Boulevard season!

-Nikki Carenza


A Growing University

10-16-jack-murphyI like to say that while SMU’s main mascot is the Mustang, our unofficial mascot is the crane. No, not the long necked birds, but tall construction equipment. At your time at SMU, you might see your fair share of cranes, bulldozers, excavators, and the red and blue fences that try to mask the work behind them. Mid semester, you may find that your usual route to class is now under construction, challenging you to get creative and find a new path.
The crane is a symbol of our university. It represents SMU’s constant improvement with multiple projects completed ever year. After my four undergraduate years with SMU, we opened the Mustang Band Hall, expanded our Simmons School of Education with another building facility, adopted the residential commons system, built 5 new residential buildings, built a center to house our new $6.5 million supercomputer, renovated Moody Coliseum to be a state of the art facility for our championship basketball and volleyball teams, upgraded Fondren Library, built a 12-court state-of-the-art tennis complex, a two story dining hall, a brand new health center and the George W. Bush presidential library bringing tons of visitors scholars to campus every year.
As SMU continues to change, so will the students. This school will continue break milestones, set records, top rankings, and amaze you. I challenge you when looking for your future university to look for cranes and fences. Find a university that strives to improve itself because a school that is always growing will see its students grow as well. Use SMU and its resources to construct a better you. I have and I hope you will too!
-Jack Murphy

Athletics Spirit and Traditions

Mustangs Take to the Road

austin-brown-picOne wonderful aspect of going to school in Dallas is that Dallas is relatively close to other major cities. For example, Ft. Worth is 45 mins away, Austin is 2.5 hours away, and Houston is still only a 4 hour drive away. Regardless if one would consider Waco a major city, it is only 1.5 hours away making it was a no-brainer to travel to the SMU-Baylor game to support coach Chad Morris and the football team.
The Mustangs looked good in their first game of the season against University of North Texas, but Baylor would prove to be a tough test for the undefeated Mustangs. Without going into too much detail, the Mustangs, despite their youth, played well and showed flashes of their potential. While they unfortunately came up short in the second half, I was still proud of their determination and excited about their future.
The team wasn’t the only group Mustangs to venture down to Waco. There was a strong group of current students and alumni who were there to support the team. The SMU Mustang Club hosted a large tent for tailgating before the game, which was well attended, and then the fans and the band made their presence known in the stadium. I ended up getting a seat in the Baylor section since I knew the SMU section would be in the sun, but even though I was on the opposite side of the field I could still clearly hear the SMU fans chanting “S-M-U!!!” after each big play. Baylor fans took notice and tried to drown out our fans with their own chants, but I was still able to hear the Mustang spirit. Even though getting to watch the Mustangs down in Waco was a lot of fun, nothing beats Boulevarding at SMU and watching the Mustangs at home in Ford Stadium. Pony Up!

-Austin Brown