Locker.SMU Migration Update

The initial stage of migrating the documents from Locker Org space to the new Organization space on Box is complete. Over the next few days, several OIT staff will configure the various folders in Box and begin assigning permissions to mimic the structure on Locker as closely as possible. As permissions are granted to each folder, an automated notice is sent. Unfortunately, we are unable to suppress those automated notices! The next few days, you may receive several emails from Box indicating that you’ve been added to a collaborated folder. You can simply ignore these messages for now. When you sign in to your box account, you will begin seeing each of these folders in your home directory. In addition, the content that was previously stored on Locker will begin appearing in the appropriate Departmental folders. The process for creating the shared folders and moving the various files into those folders will take about one week.

Thank you for your patience during this migration.

For more details on Box, visit

If you have any problems or concerns, please contact the IT Help Desk at 214-768-HELP (4357).

SharePoint Online Update

SharePoint OnlineThe upgrade from Inside.SMU to SharePoint Online continues. OIT recently transitioned their site to the cloud effortlessly. Site migration will happen at departmental levels with the Central University Library team sites and SMU Library sites over the weekend of June 24th. After the library site migration, other departments will be scheduled with tentative dates in June and early July. A representative from OIT will contact site owners prior to the migration. You can watch a preview of the new SharePoint Online after the break. Continue reading SharePoint Online Update

Inside.SMU moving to SharePoint Online

App_Icon_Sharepoint_90x86[1]OIT is  happy to announce that Inside.SMU, our on-campus collaboration tool, is moving from an onsite Microsoft SharePoint server to a Microsoft-hosted SharePoint in the Cloud service. This upgrades our SharePoint software to the latest version automatically. On top of that, we also will have greater storage and backup capabilities. Most existing sites within Inside.SMU can be moved over to the new system with ease. We are working with primary stakeholders to design a roadmap for a final switchover sometime before the end of Q2.

Even though the functionality of SharePoint remains the same, some features have been renamed and moved around. The new version will also have a look-and-feel that is reminiscent of Office 365 and Office 2016. In preparation for the conversion to the cloud service, OIT will be offering a webinar for current users interested in learning more about how the new system will function and the new features. The webinar will take place on February 26 at 2PM. Visit our upcoming workshops page to register.