Internet of Things Devices & Data Visualization Provide Insight into Indoor Air Quality

An image of the portable device used to measure carbon dioxide in classrooms on campus.Multiple campus groups and Office of Information Technology (OIT) teams have collaborated on a multi-disciplinary initiative to better understand indoor air quality on The Hilltop.

After continued discussions in the Faculty Senate regarding classroom air quality and the spread of COVID-19, Physics department faculty member Dr. Thomas E. Coan approached OIT staff to work together on a method to capture environmental data within classrooms and visualize said data to make inferences on possible pathogen spread, power consumption, air quality, and their possible effects on student attention and success. Continue reading Internet of Things Devices & Data Visualization Provide Insight into Indoor Air Quality

SMU Libraries Launch Love Data Week

Love Data Week heartSMU Libraries has teamed up with the Center for Research Computing, the Data Science Institute, and the Office of Information Technology’s Research Services Team for “Love Data Week.” This series of workshops beginning on February 14th is targeted to those with a burgeoning interest in the data sciences to the seasoned researchers. Topics include:

  • Introduction to using SMU’s high-performance computing systems
  • Embarking on machine learning
  • Digging into data mining

Love Data Week content isn’t limited to one week. Data workshops are available through the spring with other support and services meant to help anyone along in their research and scholarly journey. Learn more about the research services workshops available this spring. Continue reading SMU Libraries Launch Love Data Week

OIT Research Services Launch Workshops for Spring 2022

Data ScienceIn collaboration with the Center for Research Computing, SMU Libraries, and the Data Science Institute, the Office of Information Technology’s Research Services Team will be offering several workshops this spring. Whether it is an introduction to using the University’s high-performance computing systems, embarking on machine learning, or digging into data mining, these workshops will help you on your journey. Continue reading OIT Research Services Launch Workshops for Spring 2022

Mining Dracula with Data Science

Dracula 1st ed cover reproductionIf you’ve ever woken up from that nightmare where you’re giving a presentation but you’ve never read the book, then you’ll know just how stressful that can be, unless of course, you’re Tyler Diehl. Tyler, a junior Finance/Statistics double major, stood in front of a graduate class last month and presented his analysis of Bram Stoker’s Dracula without ever turning a single page. He coolly explained persistent themes throughout the book, styles of writing by the various characters, and even identified the saddest sentence in the whole novel. How did he do that you might ask, well Tyler had a secret weapon: data science. Continue reading Mining Dracula with Data Science

Dive into Data Science with LinkedIn Learning!

LinkedIn LearningThe modern world revolves around the creation and management of data. Making inferences from the vast amounts of data produced on a daily basis can certainly be a challenge. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to make it easier to wrangle data into digestible and actionable visualizations. LinkedIn Learning offers a plethora of learning paths and courses to help hone your skills in data processing and visualization. Here are a few examples! Continue reading Dive into Data Science with LinkedIn Learning!