Box to end support for older tools with TLS 1.0

BoxAs Box works to improve their user experience, that sometimes means removing older functionality to make room for new features. In order to maintain the highest security standards, promote the safety of our data, and align with industry-wide best practices, Box will disable the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0 across all Box services on June 25, 2018. After this date, TLS 1.1 or higher (TLS 1.1+) must be used. This means if you are using an older web browser, Box application, or 3rd party applications that do not support TLS 1.1+, you will not be able to access Box. Continue reading Box to end support for older tools with TLS 1.0

Windows Tip: Set Your Favorite Folders to Sync to Box

BoxBox is a great way to save, share, and collaborate on your files. There are all kinds of uses for this cloud storage platform, and our very own Chad Madding with our Client Systems team has a great method for syncing your commonly used folders (like My Documents, My Pictures, etc) to your Box account automatically. This trick uses Box’s “Box Sync” software, and can allow you to access your office computer’s files anywhere using Box. Continue reading Windows Tip: Set Your Favorite Folders to Sync to Box

T-Drive, U-Drive, and V-Drive take a Spring Break

U DriveStarting at 7 a.m. on March 11, 2018, the hardware and firmware for the T-Drive, U-Drive, and V-Drive along with Physics users home directories will be updated. During this update, the network drives will be unavailable. Also, Apps.SMU will be offline during the update. Continue reading T-Drive, U-Drive, and V-Drive take a Spring Break

Become a Box Power User with Keyboard Shortcuts

Box@SMU Tips & TricksBox has lots of great features, like sharing, Box Notes, and Desktop Syncing, but did you know you could also use keyboard shortcuts with Box? Try using these keyboard shortcuts to improve your productivity while using Box@SMU. Find out “how to be a power user” with these keyboard shortcuts after the jump. Continue reading Become a Box Power User with Keyboard Shortcuts