Guidance for Third Parties Sending Email Using an SMU Address

Checked Email iconSMU now requires authorization for campus partners who wish to send emails impersonating an domain. This requirement helps us prevent malicious senders from spoofing SMU addresses while attempting to send phishing emails or malware to our campus or outside entities.

Due to recent changes, some senders may be encountering delivery issues that did not occur previously. It is likely that previously unauthorized senders’ messages are now being Continue reading Guidance for Third Parties Sending Email Using an SMU Address

Your New Spam Filter: What to Expect

No SPAM or phishing emailEarlier this summer we told you about our upcoming switch to a new spam filter for SMU email accounts. Well, the time is here to make the switch! As we move to the new Microsoft Defender-based filtering platform in the coming weeks, here’s a summary of how to report spam and view your Junk E-Mail folders. Continue reading Your New Spam Filter: What to Expect