Email Security

Safe Links Add Enhanced Security to Your Email

Checked Email iconLast week, OIT enabled Safe Links to emails inbound to campus. This security features has been in use for some time in Microsoft Teams. We’ve now extended the service to protect  SMU email accounts, adding an additional layer of security to inspect embedded URLs in emails for possible phishing/malware sites in real-time.

Safe Links checks links in emails both as they arrive in your inbox and when you click on a link. This way, if a website becomes compromised after you receive an email but before you visit it, you gain an extra level of safety. You might have noticed this new feature by the appearance of some URLs within your emails. While the link will appear as intended in the message body, the underlying URL will be rewritten for security. Clicking these links will still lead to the intended site if the site has been evaluated as safe.  If the site is not safe or suspicious, a warning will appear.

screenshot showing the hyperlink appear with Safe Links
Fig. 1: How hyperlinks now appear in an Outlook for Windows email with Safe Links.
screenshot showing the hyperlink appear with Safe Links
Fig. 2: How hyperlinks now appear in emails with Safe Link using other email clients.

Even with Safe Links, the URL displayed within the body of the email remains untouched; only the hyperlink is changed to protect the reader from accidentally clicking on a malicious link. If you click on a link for a website that might not be safe, the page will be blocked from loading, and you will receive a warning that “This website is classified as malicious.”

Safe link warning that this website might be malicious.
Fig. 3: A malicious website was prevented from accessing Safe Link.

If you believe a legitimate link is being blocked, please submit a Help Request to the IT Help Desk at with a copy of the link.

For more information about Safe Links, please visit

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Published by

Ian Aberle

Ian Aberle is an Adobe Creative Educator and the Senior IT Communications Specialist & Trainer for the Office of Information Technology (OIT). For over 25 years, he has helped the SMU community use technology and implement digital and web media through multiple roles with the Digital Commons, SMU STAR Program, and now OIT. Ian enjoys photography and road trips with his family in his free time.