Free Yoga For Stress Reduction

Are you stressed out? Are you willing to try something new that may improve your stress level and overall wellbeing?

Southern Methodist University is recruiting women ages 25-45 to participate in a study examining effects of hot yoga on stress and psychological wellbeing. You may be eligible to participate if you do not currently practice yoga or exercise regularly.

What will you get out of this treatment study?

  • You will receive a free psychological evaluation.
  • You may be eligible to receive a 2-month membership to a local hot yoga studio.
  • You will help contribute to the scientific understanding of the benefits of yoga and physical activity on physiological and psychological stress responses.
  • You may experience an increase in physical and mental wellness as a result of practicing yoga.

If you think you might be interested in taking part in this treatment study, take the screening survey below or contact the SMU Yoga for Stress & Wellness Study by emailing or calling 214-768-4877. You are also welcome to visit the website.  Choose “Yoga for Stress” from the “Services” drop-down menu.

Take the screening survey for the Yoga for Stress & Wellness Study at SMU:

Screening Survey


About Lorea Seidel

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