Revitalize Your Exercise Routine With Wellpower’s Activate Your Life Physical Challenge!

Challenge Runs October 17 – November 14, 2011

In this challenge, you can walk, bike, lift weights…whatever exercise suits you best! You will earn 1 point for every 10 minutes of activity at a level considered moderate or better for you. 

You can earn 10 or 15 body credits depending on the number of points you accumulate. Beginner exercisers need to accumulate 40 points and experienced exercisers need 60 points.

Moderate physical activity includes activities such as brisk walking, walking the golf course, gardening, slow cycling, dancing, doubles tennis, or hard work around the house. Any activity that makes you work as hard as brisk walking and lasts at least 10 minutes is counted.(Example: 10 minutes of gardening equals 1 point, 30 minutes of walking equals 3 points)

Vigorous physical activity includes activities like jogging, running, fast cycling, aerobics classes, swimming laps, singles tennis, and racquetball. Any activity that makes you work as hard as jogging and lasts at least 10 minutes is counted. These activities increase your heart rate, make you sweat and make you feel out of breath. (Example: 20 minutes of jogging equals 2 points)

Visit our Wellpower website for more details about the challenge!

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About Lourdes Bravo

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