Graduate Students Internships Masters in Advertising Program Professional Development TAI Students

Read about an Executive Internship from our TAI Second Year MA Student, David Drown

In the final semester of the Temerlin Advertising Institute’s MA in Advertising program, students work in an executive internship with a Dallas agency. Read David’s story below!

David Drown – Slingshot










Right now I’m working over at Slingshot as a copywriting intern — or as they call it, a Slingtern. My days have been pretty busy lately, but in that good “I enjoy the challenge” kind of way. I’ve been able to hop around a lot and try my hand at writing for many different accounts. Some of the accounts that I work more frequently on include Texas Tourism, Taco Bueno, American Home Shield, and Lexol Leather Cleaner. I even recently got the chance to work on location and hand model for a few upcoming Lexol spots. It’s been a great place to work so far, and the people are very in tune with one another — it’s like a big, comfortable family where you’re taught to never take yourself too seriously. I look forward to each day because I know there’s a good chance I’ll learn something entirely new about the advertising business or even myself.

Check back soon for  updates from other students and their MA in Advertising Executive Internships!

Graduate Students Internships Masters in Advertising Program

See What our Second Year MA in Advertising Students are Doing in their Executive Internships with Dallas Agencies

In the final semester of the Temerlin Advertising Institute’s MA in Advertising program, students work in an executive internship with a Dallas agency. Read their stories below and see what they are up to!!


Erin Hedrick – The Richards Group


I am currently interning at The Richards Group in the Brand Management department on The Home Depot account. As a Brand Management intern, I collaborate with other Brand Managers, Planners, Creatives and Project Managers to complete television, radio, digital, and branding projects from start to finish. I am also responsible for creating and presenting a weekly competitive summary presentation to alert top management of any changes in competitors’ advertising strategies, as well as conducting competitive store audits with analysis for The Home Depot. TRG is a fast-paced, but truly fun, working environment, and I am learning more and more each day about how to work and communicate effectively as a team. I am very grateful for the opportunity to work on such an exciting account here at TRG, and I am looking forward to seeing these projects I’ve been working on come to life!


Check back soon for  updates from other students and their
MA in Advertising Executive Internships!

Graduate Students Internships TAI Students

TAI MA in Advertising Student Spotlight

TAI Grad Student - JingxueJingxue, better known as “Snow,” is a first year MA in Advertising student from mainland China. She is currently in her second semester of the program taking courses in Social Responsibility and Entrepreneurship, Quant/Qualitative Research in Advertising and Research Metrics. She has just secured a part-time position as a Graphic Designer with SMU’s Lyle School of Engineering. It is a paid position where she will be gaining real world experience and skills as well as building her resume.

Snow’s duties include creating graphic design concepts for marketing instruments and publications, creating layouts and design concepts for dedicated websites, designing presentations for new product marketing, collaborating with photographers and writers covering engineering summits, researching educational marketing strategies and much more.

Stay tuned for more updates on our program when we highlight our second year MA in Advertising students undertaking their Executive Internships with agencies in Dallas. 

Masters in Advertising Program Professional Development

MA Students attend AAF Dallas Showcase and Luncheon

Second year MA in Advertising students, Erin, Morgan, Rachel, Kirk and David, spent their lunch on Tuesday with AAF Dallas for their annual Emerging Technologies Showcase and Luncheon. The keynote speaker was Steve Deitz, President and Creative Director of 900lbs of Creative. He discussed what his company has been doing in experiential marketing. Through a collage of great examples, Steve was able to show how a stronger connection between technology, people and brands can occur using experience based marketing. A nice time was had by all and it was a great chance for faculty members to also catch up with previous students of the TAI program who are now industry professionals. 


Masters in Advertising Program SMU Creative

SMU Advertising Students are “Happy” in (and out of) class!


SMU’s Spring 2014 Intro to Creativity class comes together to create a Happy Video inspired by Pharrell Williams.

The Temerlin Advertising Institute class explores creativity and the creative thinker’s role in shaping the culture in advertising. The class is part of the new minor and major in advertising as well as part of the minor in graphic design.

An advanced course on Creative Problem Solving is also offered as part of the M.A. program at the Institute.

Thanks to Zoë Filutowski!

Masters in Advertising Program Social Responsibility

TAI Graduate Students Dish Up Proposals for SMU Dining Services

As a final project for the Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship (ADV 6372) class, two teams of Temerlin Advertising Institute graduate students—ADmire and 22/23, under the supervision of Assistant Professor Sidharth Muralidharan—created advertising campaign proposals with a social responsibility focus for SMU Dining Services. The primary emphases was to create awareness of the various services offered by SMU Dining Services among freshmen and sophomores, and also to create opportunities to meaningfully impact the lives of students in other ways than just nutrition.

The presentations were judged by several SMU Dining Services representatives, including Julie Wiksten (Associate VP of Campus Services), Jennifer Chang (Marketing Manager of SMU Dining), and Lauren Hickman (Registered Dietitian). Wiksten was very impressed and pleased with both proposals saying “What an honor to see and hear our best and brightest! The presentations were so creative.”

Members of ADmire present their campaign to SMU Dining Services.
Members of ADmire present their campaign to SMU Dining Services.

ADmire focused on how SMU Dining can enable connections with students by working with student body organizations and raise funds (via dining locations) that support college events. Keeping millennials in mind, the highlight of 22/23’s campaign strategy was their ‘SMU Scoop’ mobile app and how this tool can be used to not only spark a sense of togetherness but also help students connect with on-campus activities.

Members of 22/23 present their 'SMU Scoop' app idea.
Members of 22/23 present their ‘SMU Scoop’ app idea.

Dr. Sid commented on the presentations, noting “I am really proud of both teams as they came out with unique social responsibility ideas on a shoe-string budget. Combining the ideas from both proposals can open up even more opportunities for the SMU Dining Services brand.”

Social responsibility is a cornerstone of the Temerlin Advertising Institute’s Masters in Advertising program. ADV 6372: Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship is just one of several courses with a focus on social responsibility that students in the Institute’s MA in Advertising program are required to take. These courses, and the experiences gained through working with real clients, equip graduates to become leaders in the advertising industry by helping them recognize their responsibility to their brands, their consumers, their industry and their society.

Masters in Advertising students with Dr. Sid Muralidharan, Assistant Professor.
Masters in Advertising students with Dr. Sid Muralidharan, Assistant Professor.


Internships Masters in Advertising Program

Read about TAI’s Second Year MA Students and their Executive Internships

Two of our MA in Advertising students at the Temerlin Advertising Institute are excited to share their experiences at their executive internships with a Dallas advertising agency with you. Enjoy!

Jessica MillerJessica Miller – SMU Athletics

I am working for SMU Athletics as a marketing intern. I am currently completing a brand audit to assess the current state of the football and basketball programs and identify opportunities and areas for improvement. Later this spring, I will be conducting surveys and focus groups to explore current perceptions of ticket holders and members of the community. I am looking forward to assisting in the development of an integrated marketing plan to increase game day attendance and improve the overall fan experience. I am also working on a Master’s thesis that explores how consumers experience nostalgia on Instagram.

Kristin - Mary Kay

Kristin Schnaus – Mary Kay Cosmetics

I am interning at the global headquarters of Mary Kay Cosmetics on the Global Corporate Integrated Brand Marketing Team in brand management. My responsibilities include: adoption analysis, quarterly coordination for the Look Book & Social Media, managing the global five year Product Launch Calendar, competitive monitoring & reporting, maintaining the Global Shade Line-Up for each of the markets, and campaign tracking. I love working at Mary Kay! I am so grateful to be part of such an amazing team and every day I am learning something new.

We are proud of all of our second year MA students and wish them the best of luck with the remainder of their internships! To learn more about the Graduate Program at the Temerlin Advertising Institute, click here.