December 2022 News Perspective Online

Office of Enrollment Management: Six Splendid Years of Service

Grace to you and peace from God…and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that has been given you in Christ Jesus, for in every way you have been enriched in him, in speech and knowledge of every kind—just as the testimony of Christ has been strengthened among you—so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3-7).

It is with great sentiment and affection that I write to inform you of my resignation from my position as Associate Dean of Enrollment Management. Clearly, serving Perkins has been the pinnacle of 48 years of professional service. My joy in this position was made complete by the hundreds of students I’ve met and the call stories they shared. Reading students’ essays, filled with pure, heartfelt yearning to serve God, and following their diverse journeys and ministries, brought meaning to every hour of my job.  To meet them in-person, along with their spouses, fiancées, best friends, mentors, and parents, was an even greater joy.  To witness their gifts and graces in worship at Perkins or in various ministry locations made my work even more meaningful. We have had applicants who were biologists, lawyers, doctors, dentists, IT personnel, politicians, educators, nurses, veterans, community organizers and experienced pastors when they sought out Perkins. We have a rich community of students and Perkins will continue to attract and extend hospitality and grace to all seeking graduate theological preparation for ministry.

Perkins served me as a seminary student, in my ministries after graduation and ordination, and in my years as an administrator at Perkins. Perkins has served countless others and will continue to do so. Here are just a few characteristics that set us apart among theological schools. These are the reasons students shared about what brought them to Perkins:

  1. Perkins bridges the academy to the church and the church to the academy
  2. Perkins honors one’s call from God
  3. Perkins embraces difference, whatever it may be, and values the traditions, person, perspective and voice
  4. Perkins recognizes that this is “your time” and that there is “no one like you”
  5. Perkins does not treat you like a number in the recruitment/admission process
  6. Perkins moves swiftly in the recruitment/admission process because we know how important it is for you to have a decision about admission and scholarship award

Indeed, the Perkins vision and values were the core that kept me persevering after the death of my beloved husband, Ken. I still turn to them regularly. Many of you are aware that Ken and I owned a home in Austin and leased a condo in Dallas. Without Ken, it has been difficult for me to take care of the condo in Dallas and travel intermittently to maintain the home in Austin.  That led to my decision to resign.

I could not be more pleased that Andy Keck, Chief of Staff, will serve as interim beginning January 3, 2023, while a successor is chosen. Christina Rhodes will continue to serve as Financial Aid and Financial Literacy Coordinator. Stephen Bagby, Director, Admissions Operations, will take the lead with virtual events, individual visits, and Inside Perkins events. Emilie Williams is our new Ministry Discernment Associate and handles recruiting on the road, and Caleb Palmer will continue to recruit, take the lead in communications from OEM, assist with virtual events and serve as liaison between the Office of Enrollment Management and Public Affairs. Prospective student referrals can be forwarded to Caleb (

Thank you for many kindnesses and cooperation in the work we have accomplished together. I will never forget how much you and the Perkins community mean to me—in good times and in the bad that we have all experienced together. I am especially grateful to my team and Dean Hill for support beyond measure.

Lastly, at a recent small dinner party with a handful of faculty and staff, we sat around the dinner table and posed the question, “What has been your best job?” Perkins was the unanimous answer. Personally, I have had many great jobs. Perkins is the winner, hands down. Truly, it never felt like a job to me. Thanks be to God.

He will strengthen you to the end, so that you may be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful; by him you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. (1 Corinthians 1: 8-9).

Very sincerely,

The Rev. Margot Perez-Greene, PhD

P.S. I have just read yet another essay from an applicant whose story has brought me to tears…yes God is still calling wonderful people who have hearts for ministry, amazing lives and leadership potential.