May 2023 News Perspective Online Top Story

Letter from the Dean

The mission of Perkins is “to equip persons for faithful leadership and Christian ministry in a changing church and society; to educate those seeking a deeper understanding of the Christian faith; and to strengthen the church, academy and world through service, scholarship and advocacy.”

Perkins is serious about the broad welcome implied in our mission covering a multitude of vocational and service opportunities enabled by our theological education. Further, we embrace the opportunity to learn from the wide swath of thoughts, beliefs, and experiences of those who are part of our community. The richness of who we are is our commitment to welcoming all.

Though the word “Methodist” is an integral part of Southern Methodist University’s name, more than 25 distinct denominations are represented in this year’s student population, including Baptist, Episcopal, Catholic, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Anglican, African Methodist Episcopal, Disciples of Christ, Christian Methodist Episcopal and Buddhist. The Methodist ethos at Perkins creates an inviting ecumenical spirit.

Similarly, our faculty are not all United Methodist by formation or by affiliation. The rich diversity of Christian thoughts and traditions and the ecumenical movement and engagement with interreligious bodies by The United Methodist Church is evident in our faculty, staff and students, which run the gamut of the theological spectrum. Despite theological differences, you will find that we have more in common than one might think. Our students learn not what to think but rather how to think and how to form their understanding of the Christian faith.

At Perkins, diversity, equity, and inclusivity are underlying tenets to who we are and what we offer – to the Church, to the academy and to the world. The Baptist House of Studies, the Black/African Church Studies Program and Perkins’ Hispanic ministry initiative – CASA (Centro de Acompañamiento, Solidaridad y Adiestramiento) – are a few important examples of the many ways we work to educate and engage diverse student populations.

Moments after washing the feet of his disciples, Jesus proclaimed: “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples…” (John 13:34-35, NRSV).

Our commitment to upholding these sacred words guides our actions as a school, where differences are celebrated and serve as pathways to active discipleship.

May 2023 News Perspective Online

Codex Sassoon

Thousands of people flocked to Bridwell Library for three days in April to view the Codex Sassoon, one of the most important and influential works of global religious and cultural history.

More than one thousand years old, the codex is the earliest and most complete Hebrew Bible. Carbon-dating indicates it was created in the 10th century, but the book spent most of its existence out of the public eye. After its home synagogue in Syria was sacked by medieval invaders, the codex vanished from public view for six centuries, until 1929, when it was acquired for £350 by David Sassoon, a major collector of Hebraica.

Some 3,500 people visited the exhibit during its three-day run, April 18-20. Viewers of the exhibit were also invited to attend Codex Fest – a series of lectures, music and other events and activities on the Perkins campus organized by Bridwell staff and others. The Codex Sassoon could become the most expensive historical document when it is auctioned in New York in May.

The exhibit garnered much media attention. Click the links to view stories from Spectrum News, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the Dallas Morning News, Axios, NBC-DFW, and the Texas Jewish Post.

Sharon Liberman Mintz, curator with Sotheby’s and an expert on the Codex, is one of the very few people permitted to touch the book. Handling it with clean, bare hands is the safest way to handle it. Gloves and other materials are more acidic and cause more damage over time.
Former First Lady Laura Bush (right) was among the 3,500 people who came to Bridwell Library to view the Codex Sassoon. In the photo, she’s viewing the Gutenberg Bible (circa 1454-1455) with Arvid Nelsen (center), Bridwell’s Curator of Rare Books & Manuscripts, and Bridwell Director Anthony Elia (top left).
Alexander, son of Michelle Ried, Bridwell Library’s Operations and Programs Manager, came to see the Codex Sassoon on April 20, his 12th birthday.


May 2023 News Perspective Online

Perkins Summit for Faith and Learning

Another successful Perkins Summit for Faith and Learning is in the books. This year’s event took place March 24-25, with 77 registrants from five states and seven United Methodist Annual Conferences in attendance.

Formerly Perkins School for the Laity, the annual program features a wide range of theological mini-courses for an expanded audience of laypersons, clergy, and community leaders. “It’s that perfect space between Sunday School and Seminary,” said Bart Patton, director of the Office of External Programs.

Courses on the Bible, theology and spirituality were taught by Perkins faculty, staff and special guests, with a guest lecture, “Christian Community in a Fragmented Age,” presented by Dr. Myles Werntz, Associate Professor of Theology and Baptist House Director at Abilene Christian University Graduate School of Theology. Werntz’s lecture offered some practical implications from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Life Together relative to society’s current season of digital connections.

In feedback surveys, participants were asked what strategies they will take away from the event to apply in their lives and ministries. The course helped one attendee to “continue broadening my knowledge of human sexuality and the church’s response.” Another listed learning to “apply different types of Christian nonviolence to individual situations.” Others appreciated learning about contemplative prayer, and, as one attendee wrote, “Remembering that I am a human being not a human doing.”

Dr. Yvette Richards (above) and Shelley Lee (below), two long-serving United Methodist laypersons from Missouri and Arkansas, were honored as the 2023 recipients of the Woodrow B. Seals Laity Award during the concluding worship service.

May 2023 News Perspective Online

Scholarship Luncheon

The Public Life Personal Faith Bolin Family Perkins Scholarship Luncheon, held in March, was a record-breaker this year. With 25 sponsored tables, the event netted more funds for scholarships than any previous luncheon. Dr. Michael Hinojosa, former superintendent of Dallas Independent School District, was the featured speaker. Proceeds from this year’s program will support Perkins CASA Program (Centro de Acompañamiento, Solidaridad y Adiestramiento), a scholarship for the Hispanic Ministry Initiative.

Dr. Michael Hinojosa, former superintendent of Dallas Independent School District, was the featured speaker.
Left to right: SMU President R. Gerald Turner, Bishop McKee, Perkins Dean ad interim, Dr. Hinojosa, and Jane and Pat Bolin.
Craig Hill, retired Dean of Perkins and Professor of New Testament, and his wife Robin.

May 2023 News Perspective Online

Student Spotlight: Tongula Steddum

For years, Tongula Steddum sensed a calling from God, but she ran from it.  That changed one Friday in August 2020.

“I woke up that morning and thought, ‘Today’s the day you stop running,’” she said. “I decided I needed to go over to Perkins and check it out.”

Tongula Steddum with her son Colby.

Steddum headed to campus that morning. She lives in Highland Park, within walking distance, but asked her husband, Chris, to drive her so that she couldn’t turn back.

This was in the middle of the pandemic, and the campus was eerily empty. She had no appointment and didn’t know where to go, so she opened Facebook on her phone. At the top of her feed was a post from Perkins, saying that three spots were still open for the fall semester, which started in three weeks, and that potential students should contact Stephen Bagby in the Office of Enrollment Management.

Steddum found Bagby in his office. She told him, “I’m answering a call and I need you to hear me out. And he did.” Bagby outlined available degree programs. Things fell into place. Now, Steddum is a second-year student pursuing an M.Div. and considering ordination in The United Methodist Church.

Tongula Steddum with her son Colby.

Graduate school became the next season of Steddum’s life, after she had devoted the previous few years to being a stay-at-home mom and volunteering at her son Colby’s school. Before that, she enjoyed a successful corporate career in logistics planning and supply-chain management, working for UPS and Shell Oil, and tried out for a spot on the U.S. Olympic team.

“My time with UPS made a global sponsorship for my Olympic training possible,” she said. “It was my Executive Leadership Team at UPS that encouraged me to continue my track career.  They inspired me to try out for the 2000 and 2004 U.S. Olympic teams, an opportunity I am still grateful for to this day. It opened so many doors for me.”

A Texas native, Steddum is a graduate of Missouri Southern State University, where she was a standout track athlete, an eight-time All-American and the university’s first women’s national champion after earning back-to-back titles in the triple jump in 1994 and 1995.

Tongula Steddum at the awards ceremony for her induction into the 2020 Hall of Fame for the Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association (MIAA) with her husband Chris and son Colby.

This year, 2022-2023, Steddum is the Fellow for Racial Justice, one of four interns participating in the Mark Craig Leadership Network (MCLN) Fellows program at Highland Park United Methodist Church. The program develops clergy leaders and equips them to lead in the church, helping them develop preaching skills and learn the ins and outs of pastoral care, church administration and worship logistics.

However, Steddum still isn’t quite comfortable with the idea of becoming a preacher. But that may be changing.

“People are very comfortable bringing their burdens to me,” she said. “I want to be a good steward and shape the conversations in a way that not only do they get some healing, but it leads them to Christ, too. That is my gift. I’m good at that.”

One possibility she’s considering: starting an ID Ministry. She saw the need after spending almost two years helping her uncle obtain a birth certificate. Because he was born at home in Oklahoma before 1950 –- before birth certificates were required –- no birth certificate was ever issued for him. Her uncle worked all his life (he was a school custodian before he retired), but the lack of a birth certificate never posed a problem until the time came to renew his driver’s license at age 70. New security laws enacted after September 11th added documentation requirements to obtain a driver’s license. No provision was made for people who didn’t have birth certificates. Without one, her uncle was turned away at the door of the license bureau.

Steddum resolved to help him … and hit obstacle after obstacle. Her uncle had no marriage or military records, because he’d never married or served in the military. Steddum made more than 30 phone calls and mailed some 20 registered letters. She tracked down officials in the small town where her uncle was born. Meanwhile, her uncle was forced to drive with an expired driver’s license.

“He could’ve been picked up and sent to jail because he didn’t have a driver’s license,” she said.  “I realized that somebody without a birth certificate is in trouble. You need an ID to get an ID.  That was the frustrating realization in all of this.  To deny him renewal of a license he has possessed for 55 years, because he could not present a birth certificate that never existed posed a problem.”

Steddum finally obtained the birth certificate for her uncle after two years of effort.

“I keep wondering, what would’ve happened if he hadn’t had someone like me to help him?” she said.

Now she thinks the ordeal could lead to a future ministry. Steddum is inspired by the ID Ministry at Foundry United Methodist Church in Washington, D.C., which assists low-income and unhoused residents obtain birth certificates, replacement Social Security cards and other needed documentation to obtain jobs, housing or services.

While she’s still discerning her call, she thinks something similar is in her future.

“I don’t see myself behind a pulpit every Sunday,” she said. “My gift is with the people. My passion is being Christ’s hands and his feet.  I really need to be close to people in their suffering.”

May 2023 News Perspective Online

Faculty News: May 2023

Habito Elected as ATS Officer

Ruben L. F. Habito has been elected vice president and president-elect of the American Theological Society. Habito was elected vice president at the 2023 meeting, and, following ATS tradition, begins a one-year term as president-elect in April 2024. He will then become President in 2025, a position that was also held in the past by Perkins faculty members Albert Outler (elected in 1959) and Charles Wood (2012) and by SMU professor Charles Curran (1989).

Habito is Professor of World Religions and Spirituality. Founded in 1912, the American Theological Society is the oldest theological society in North America. The Society meets at least once each year; meetings have taken place in recent years at Princeton Theological Seminary. Membership is limited to 100 active members.

New Book from Jack Levison

Jack Levison’s new book, Seven Secrets of the Spirit-Filled Life: Daily Renewal, Purpose and Joy When You Partner with the Holy Spirit, releases May 9 from Baker Publishing Group. According to Baker’s promotional page, the book is “packed with biblical insights, practical strategies, focused prayers, Scripture meditations and rich reflections,” with each chapter promising to help readers “break out of the familiar, experience your own personal Pentecost, cultivate healthy habits that strengthen the Spirit-filled life and connect with the heart of the Spirit.” Read more about the book here.  Copies may be purchased at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other major book retailers. Levison holds the W.J.A. Power Chair of Old Testament Interpretation and Biblical Hebrew at Perkins.

Q&A with Hal Recinos

For National Poetry Month in April, UM News highlighted Hal Recinos in a Q&A, “Poetry helps seminary professor ‘stay awake in the gospel’ ” by Sam Hodges and Vernon Jordan. The Rev. Harold “Hal” J. Recinos is professor of church and society at Perkins and is a Renaissance man — an ordained United Methodist clergyman, scholar, activist and martial arts expert who has published 17 volumes of poetry, often drawing on his experiences growing up in a New York City barrio. The interview concludes with a Recinos poem, “The Veil,” that Jordan chose from several shared by the Hispanic Theological Initiative’s Open Plaza online platform. Read the story here.

May 2023 News Perspective Online

Alumni Updates: May 2023

Innovation Award for Rev. Michael Gienger

The Rev. Michael Gienger (M.Div. ’17) was a recipient of a Tom Locke Innovation Leader award at a meeting of Texas Methodist Foundation board in April.

“Michael’s incredible ministry and the unfolding story of Central United Methodist church were beautifully highlighted in an amazing video presentation,” said Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey in a Facebook post.

Gienger is an ordained elder in the Texas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church and has been serving as co-pastor of Central United Methodist Church in Galveston, Texas, since 2014. Central is a “hybrid church plant/revitalization that is making space for hopeful skeptics and the spiritually homeless through a generous orthodoxy and focus on justice ministries,” according to the Texas conference website. During his tenure, Central has transformed from a dying congregation to a thriving community. In addition to re-planting the church itself, Michael has been able to establish smaller “new faith communities” within the larger Central structure, including the Couch Surfers — a weekly surfing group.

Fred Smith Named Regional Director

Longtime theological educator and public theologian Rev. Dr. Fred D. Smith Jr. (M.Div. ’84) has been named as Fletcher Seminary’s Houston Regional Director. Under his leadership, Fletcher Seminary will develop innovative partnerships in the Houston metro region. He will also serve as the local face of Fletcher Seminary to churches and prospective students.

“Dr. Smith’s stature and caliber as a pastor, educator, and theologian will prove invaluable for Fletcher Seminary as we build new and creative partnerships in Houston and beyond,” said Fletcher President Dr. Don Williford. “Dr. Smith’s experience in education and work around health and faith will also expose Fletcher students to the kind of real-life training that is at the core of our approach to theological education.”

Smith has more than 30 years of training and experience as an educator, strategist, facilitator, and innovator in public theology, especially in the field of faith and health. Previously, he helped launch and establish the Center for Leadership in Public Theology at Houston Graduate School of Theology. As Faith and Health Consultant and Senior Scholar for Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare System, he participated in the development of the Memphis Model.

Smith retired as Professor of Urban Ministry and Associate Director of the Practice of Ministry and Mission at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C., where he developed and taught masters and doctoral level courses in Urban Ministry, Faith and Health, Black Church Studies, Practical Theology and Children and Poverty. He is also a retired United Methodist elder from the Western Pennsylvania Conference, where he was pastor of Fellowship United Methodist Church. Read the press release announcement here.

Obituary: Anthony Clay Cecil Jr.

Dr. Anthony Clay Cecil Jr. (Th.M. ’67) passed away on February 27 in Longview, Texas, after a brief illness. Services took place March 25, at First United Methodist Church in Nacogdoches, Texas.

Cecil earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Southwestern University, a divinity degree from Perkins, and a Ph.D. from Yale University. He was a third-generation Methodist minister. In 2009, he retired after serving 37 years as an ordained minister of The United Methodist Church and a member of the Texas Annual Conference. His appointments included churches in Houston, Keltys, Beaumont, Baytown, Centerville and Texarkana.

Memorials may be made to First United Methodist Church, 201 E. Hospital St., Nacogdoches, TX 75961. Read his obituary here.

Obituary: The Rev. Thomas Neufer Emswiler

The Rev. Thomas Neufer Emswiler, 81, (Th.M. ’66) died February 21 at Carle Foundation Hospital in Urbana, Ill., surrounded by family. After earning a B.A. from Emporia State University, he graduated from Perkins. He also received an M.A. in a joint program between Northwestern and the Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary, then began serving at a United Methodist Church in Lawrence, Kan.

Along with his wife, Sharon Neufer, he served as minister at Trinity UMC and Haskell Indian Institute in Lawrence, First UMC in Wichita, First UMC in Rock Island, Wesley UMC in Urbana and at Wesley Foundation campus ministries at ISU and UIUC. Tom also served at Rochester UMC in Rochester. The couple retired on the same day in 2003. Tom wrote many books and also co-wrote books on inclusivity in worship with Sharon. He was a lifelong lover of classical music and loved playing the piano.

A memorial service and celebration will take place at a later date. Read his obituary here.

Obituary: James McLean

James Albert “Jimbo” McLean earned a B.A. in Education at University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 1950 and a Master of Theology at Perkins in 1953. After serving in several appointments in the Louisiana Conference of The United Methodist Church, he entered graduate school, earning a Master of Fine Arts degree from Tulane University in 1961. McLean joined the art faculty of LaGrange College (Georgia) in 1963 and was named chairperson of the department his second year. In 1966, he joined the faculty of the Georgia State University School of Art and Design, where he served as printmaking instructor until his retirement in 1994. His works are featured in the collections of several major museums including the High Museum, the Brooklyn Museum, the Mint Museum and the Seattle Museum. He also illustrated more than 14 books, in collaboration with Richard Lederer. He was a member of the Dunwoody United Methodist Church’s Performing Arts program, appearing in such plays as Midsummer Night’s Dream, You Can’t Take It With You and others. Read his obituary here.

Obituary: The Rev. Pablo Mayorga-Nestler

The Rev. Pablo Alfredo Mayorga-Nestler (M.Div. ’86) met his wife Diana Thomas at Perkins. After ordination in 1987, Pablo’s first call was to St. Matthews Lutheran Church in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, to begin a new Hispanic ministry. His next call was to Zion Hungarian Lutheran Church, also in Bethlehem. This was followed by a call, at age 73, to Abiding Savior Lutheran Church in Florida. Retirement did not sit well with Mayorga-Nestler, who began yet another career as a chaplain for Vitas Hospice. Finally accepting retirement at age 81, he moved to Round Rock, Texas, to be near family. There, he taught ESL and led Bible studies at Hearthstone and Trinity Care Centers for several years. Read his obituary here.

Obituary: The Rev. Barbara West

The Rev. Barbara Field West, 86, (Th.M. ’72) died February 26 at the Seabury Retirement community in Bloomfield, Conn. She attended Colby College in Waterville, Maine, graduating in 1958 as a Phi Beta Kappa and Summa Cum Laude as a Biology major. After working in the Harvard School of Public Health in the search for a polio vaccine, she relocated to Dallas in 1966 and graduated from Perkins in 1972. She was ordained as a deacon of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas in 1975, one of the first women to do so. She worked as a Chaplain at Parkland Hospital and served the Episcopal parish of St. Johns in Dallas. Her family returned to Connecticut in 1977, where she served the congregation of St. Mary’s in Manchester. In 1980 she was ordained to the priesthood at St. James Episcopal Church, Glastonbury, Conn., again one of the first women to do so. She ministered to the parish of St. James for several years. She ended her career by serving with the Greater Hartford Regional Ministry, composed of four church congregations in central Connecticut. A memorial service was held at St. James Church in Glastonbury on March 4. Donations in her memory may be made to the Seabury Charitable Foundation of Bloomfield CT, 200 Seabury Drive, Bloomfield, CT 06002, or online at Read her obituary here.