Spring Data Science Workshops Are Open to All

OIT's Data Science iconThe Spring 2024 O’Donnell Data Science and Research Computing Institute (ODSRCI) and OIT Research and Data Science Services (RDSS) workshop series provides a hands-on experience that will guide those of the SMU campus community in the basics of using SMU’s supercomputing resources to take advantage of AI workflows, learn the fundamentals of deep learning, start programming in Python, and more. The topics cover information useful for users to quickly begin to use the advanced compute capabilities provided by SMU’s High-Performance Computing (HPC) clusters, the NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD and M3.

Those interested need to register for the workshops in advance via Continue reading Spring Data Science Workshops Are Open to All

SMU SuperPod Gets Visit from Oregon State University

OIT SuperPOD and AI ServicesOn Wednesday, March 22, 2023, a team from Oregon State University visited SMU to learn more about our high-performance computing environment, the NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD, and research support services. Oregon State recently announced the launch of a $200 million research and education center. Since their facility will not open its doors until 2025, they wanted to talk to other universities about setting up successful research services, a NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD, and support staff. SMU’s expertise will help OSU meet its timeline to establish its new world-class center with a focus on Artificial Intelligence. Continue reading SMU SuperPod Gets Visit from Oregon State University

SMU Gallops into Supercomputing 2022!

Dignitaries from SMU and NVIDIA standing in front of the NVIDIA DGX SuperPodFrom November 13 to 17, 2022, Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center in Downtown Dallas was home to Supercomputing 2022 (SC22), where leading minds and vendors in high-performance computing came together to share knowledge and celebrate recent innovations. SMU made its presence known at the annual event with an engaging exhibit area as well as exclusive tours of the University Data Center! Continue reading SMU Gallops into Supercomputing 2022!

A New Era of Research Computing: The NVIDIA DGX SuperPod

Over the past year, the Office of Information Technology (OIT) has worked tirelessly to obtain, install, and configure one of the most powerful computing platforms in the United States geared specifically towards artificial intelligence research. Today, we introduce you to the NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD™ at SMU: Continue reading A New Era of Research Computing: The NVIDIA DGX SuperPod