Canvas Plus: February 2024 Edition

Canvas +: Updates & new features in SMU's Instructional TechnologiesIn our Canvas Plus Monthly, we discuss the new features and enhancements available in the Canvas LMS and any updates to academic technology and software integrated with our Canvas instance. All updates are made available within Canvas by the 3rd weekend of the month. Continue reading Canvas Plus: February 2024 Edition

Canvas Plus: November 2023 Edition

Canvas Plus Logo

In this edition of the Canvas Plus Monthly, we discuss the new anonymous grading with quizzes, how to duplicate Item banks, and the improved efficiency with those Item banks; plus, we look at the new Readings & Resources to organize your course materials and encourage student engagement. All Canvas updates will be available in Canvas by the 3rd weekend of the month.  Continue reading Canvas Plus: November 2023 Edition

Canvas Plus: August 2023 Edition

In our new Canvas Plus Monthly, we will cover the new features and enhancements available in Canvas and any updates to academic technology/software that are integrated into the Canvas LMS. All Canvas updates will be available in Canvas by the 3rd weekend of the month.

Enhanced Gradebook Filters in Canvas Courses

The Enhanced Gradebook feature option is implemented for all institutions. This updates the Gradebook view and allows the creation of custom filter presets for all institutions. This update provides instructors with a more efficient and intuitive way to organize and sort their gradebooks. Continue reading Canvas Plus: August 2023 Edition

Canvas Corner:
May 2023 Edition

Canvas LMSEvery month in Canvas Corner, we discuss the new features and enhancements available in the Canvas LMS. This month, we look at new features and changes to the the Rich Content Editor, SpeedGrader, and Canvas integrations, including Panopto and PlayPosit. All updates will be available in Canvas the 3rd weekend of the month.  Continue reading Canvas Corner:
May 2023 Edition